 Translation for 'Той е добре.' from Bulgarian to English
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He is doing well.Той е добре.
Partial Matches
Is he a student?Той студент ли е?
he {pron}той
Speak of the devil (and the devil shows up)! [proverb] [hum.]
За вълка говорим, а той в кошарата!
all right {adv}добре
well {adv}добре
well done {adj}
добре опечен
Well done!Добре свършено!
very well {adv}много добре
well dressedдобре облечен
I am OK.Добре съм.
to hit it off with sb. {verb}разбирам се добре с нкг.
it's [it is]то е
ain't [Am.] [coll.] {verb}не е
What's the point?Какъв е смисълът?
Such is life!Такъв е животът!
What time is it?Колко е часът?
It's not fair!Не е честно!
sb./sth. is[нк/нщ] е
Who is there?Кой е там?
What's the catch?Каква е уловката?
21 translations
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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