 Übersetzung für 'vadose' von Englisch nach Deutsch
vadose {adj}
vadose zone [unsaturated zone]
Aerationszone {f} [ungesättigte Bodenzone]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'vadose' von Englisch nach Deutsch

vadose {adj}

vadose zone [unsaturated zone]
Aerationszone {f} [ungesättigte Bodenzone]geol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The primary coupling between groundwater and hydrological inputs is the unsaturated zone or vadose zone.
  • Vadose passages develop where the water has a free surface (i.e., in the vadose zone), and are varieties of entrenched, canyon-like channels as found with surface rivers.
  • Some workers restrict their definition of the capillary fringe only to the tension-saturated base portion and exclude it wholly from the vadose zone.
  • One of the main complications which arises in studying the vadose zone, is the fact that the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is a function of the water content of the material.
  • The vadose zone, also termed the unsaturated zone, is the part of Earth between the land surface and the top of the phreatic zone, the position at which the groundwater (the water in the soil's pores) is at atmospheric pressure ("vadose" is from the Latin word for "shallow").

  • Many cave passages are formed by a combination of phreatic followed by vadose action.
  • It is a subaerial gorge, some 15 to 20 metres deep, to which a series of vadose caves drain, a reversal of the usual pattern of underwater capture in a karst landscape.
  • Over the years water from rainfall and snowmelt have dissolved away the limestone to form a typical vadose solutional cave with fissure passage 2–3 feet wide and tall ceilings.
  • The depth of the dry well allows the water to penetrate soil layers with poor infiltration such as clays into more permeable layers of the vadose zone such as sand.
  • The finite water content vadose zone flux method works with any monotonic water retention curve/unsaturated hydraulic conductivity relations such as Brooks and Corey Clapp and Hornberger and van Genuchten-Mualem.

  • Surface and subsurface stores are linked though the vadose zone using a number of different optional numerical methods.
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