 Übersetzung für 'antecubital' von Englisch nach Deutsch
antecubital fossa [Fossa cubitalis]
Ellenbeuge {f}
antecubital fossa [Fossa cubitalis]
Ellenbogengrube {f}
antecubital fossa [Fossa cubitalis]
Ellenbogenbeuge {f}
antecubital vein [Vena cephalica]
Antekubitalvene {f}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • High contrast flow rate of 4ml/sec through 18G branula at antecubital fossa is recommended to achieve optimal quality images.
  • Statistically, the antecubital fossa is the least tender region for peripheral intravenous access, although it provides a greater risk for venous thrombosis.
  • In most cases the graft is taken from the antecubital fossa (the crease of skin at the elbow joint) or the inner side of the upper arm.
  • The radial artery arises from the bifurcation of the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa.
  • Less pain is experienced when infused at a slower rate in a large vein (antecubital fossa).

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