| the [sg. female and plural] | die [weiblicher Artikel; Artikel im Plural] 855 | |
| who {pron} [relative pronoun, female or plural] | 248 die [Relativpronomen, z. B. eine Frau, die ... bzw. Menschen, die ...] | |
| these {pron} | die [Demonstrativpronomen, Plural] [diese] 236 | |
| that {pron} | die 146 | |
| which {pron} | die 68 | |
| this one {pron} [female] | die [Demonstrativpronomen] [diese] | |
Substantive |
| Tuesday <Tue., Tu.> | Dienstag {m} <Di., Die., Dienst.> 4528 | |
| comp.electr. die [semiconductor chip] | Die {m} [einzelner ungehäuster Halbleiter-Chip] 12 | |
| astron. Venus's atmosphere | Venusatmosphäre {f} [meist »die«, selten »eine«] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| all who | alle die | |
| as much as [almost this amount] | an die [fast, beinahe] | |
| circa {prep} <ca.> [a hundred people] | an die [hundert Leute] | |
| the very best | die allerbesten | |
| the vast majority (of sb./sth.) {pron} | die allermeisten (jdn./etw.) | |
| all of whom {pron} | die allesamt | |
| the two of them {pron} | die beiden | |
| yours {pron} | die Deinen {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die deinen {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die deinigen {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die Deinigen {pl} | |
| the only ones {pron} | die einzigen | |
| yours {pron} | die Eueren {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die eueren {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die Euren {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die euren {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die Eurigen {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die eurigen {pl} | |
| the same ... [sharing the same characteristics] | die gleiche ... [vgl. dieselbe] | |
| yours {pron} | die Ihren {pl} | |
| theirs {pron} [e.g. the children are theirs] | die ihren {pl} [z. B. die Kinder von den Eltern] | |
| hers {pron} [e.g. the children are hers, his eyes met hers] | die ihren {pl} [z. B. die Kinder von der Frau] | |
| hers {pron} | die ihrigen {pl} | |
| yours {pron} | die Ihrigen {pl} | |
| theirs {pron} | die ihrigen {pl} | |
| most {adj} {pron} | die meisten | |
| his {pron} | die Seinen {pl} | |
| his {pron} | die seinen {pl} | |
| his {pron} | die Seinigen {pl} | |
| his {pron} | die seinigen {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die Unseren {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die unseren {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die unsren {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die Unsren {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die Unsrigen {pl} | |
| ours {pron} | die unsrigen {pl} | |
| the fewest {adj} | die wenigsten | |
| who {pron} | die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die] | |
| that {pron} | die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die] | |
| which {pron} | die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die] | |
| It is exactly those ... | Gerade die, ... | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| geogr. (the) Algarve | (die) Algarve {f} | |
| law the accused [female] | (die) Angeklagte {f} | |
| (the) Good Book | (die) Bibel {f} | |
| the Chinese {pl} | (die) Chinesen {pl} | |
| (the) Swiss confederates [literally: oath comrades] | (die) Eidgenossen {pl} [die Schweizer] | |
| (the) other [female] | (die) Fremde {f} | |
| (the) others | (die) Fremden {pl} | |
| art contemporary art | (die) Gegenwartskunst {f} | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Genesis <Gen, Gen., Ge., Gn.> | (die) Genesis {f} <1. Mose, 1 Mos., Gen, Gen.> | |
| econ. financial aid for Greece | (die) Griechenlandhilfe {f} [ugs.] [bes. Journalistenjargon] | |
| econ. financial help for Greece | (die) Griechenlandhilfe {f} [ugs.] [bes. Journalistenjargon] | |
| econ. financial support for Greece | (die) Griechenlandhilfe {f} [ugs.] [bes. Journalistenjargon] | |
| hist.relig. (the) Huguenot Wars | (die) Hugenottenkriege {pl} | |
| youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people] | (die) Jungschen {pl} [regional] [ugs.] | |
| geogr. Fürth [Middle Franconia, Germany] | (die) Kleeblattstadt {f} [ugs.] [Fürth] | |
| archi.art (the) Kunstkamera [Russian: Кунсткамера] [Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Saint Petersburg] | (die) Kunstkammer {f} [Museum in Sankt Petersburg] | |
| mankind | (die) Menschheit {f} | |
| humankind | (die) Menschheit {f} | |
| man [humankind] | (die) Menschheit {f} | |
| humanity [humankind] | (die) Menschheit {f} | |
| geogr. An Nafud [also: Al-Nefud, the Nefud (Desert)] [desert in the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula] | (die) Nefud {f} [auch: Nafud] [Wüste im nördlichen Teil der Arabischen Halbinsel] | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Numbers {sg} <Num., Nu., Nm., Nb.> | (die) Numeri {pl} <4. Mose, 4 Mos., Num.> | |
| astron. (the) proto-Earth | (die) Protoerde {f} | |
| hist.pol. (die) Putzgruppe ["Cleaning squad", a group of German streetfighters in the 1970s] | (die) Putzgruppe {f} [Zusammenschluss aus der Frankfurter linksradikalen Szene in den 1970ern] | |
| geogr. (the) City of Squares [nickname for Mannheim, Germany] | (die) Quadratestadt {f} [ugs.] [Mannheim] | |
| myth. (the) Rainbow Serpent [Aus.] | (die) Regenbogenschlange {f} | |
| archi.art Romanesque art | (die) Romanik {f} [als Kunstepoche] | |
| geogr. Styria | (die) Steiermark {f} | |
| hist. (the) Suda [Σοῦδα] | (die) Suda {f} | |
| archaeo.hist. prehistoric men | (die) Urmenschen {pl} | |
| geogr. (the) Visayan islands | (die) Visayas {pl} | |
| the black arts {pl} [black magic] | (die) Zauberkunst {f} [schwarze Magie] | |
| the deceased [plural] | die Abgeschiedenen {pl} [geh.] | |
| the '68 generation {sg} | die Achtundsechziger {pl} <die 68er> | |
| geogr. the Adriatic | die Adria {f} | |
| ethn. the Aeta {pl} [also: the Agta] [ethnic group] | die Aeta {pl} [auch: die Agta] [Volksgruppe] | |
| the greatest [girl, woman] | die Allerschürfste {f} [bes. berlinerisch: die Allerschärfste] | |
| sociol. the poorest of the poor | die Allerärmsten {pl} | |
| hist.mil. the Allies [WW II] | die Alliierten {pl} | |
| geogr. the Alps | die Alpen {pl} | |
| geogr. Austria and Switzerland | die Alpenrepubliken {pl} | |
| the old {pl} | die Alten {pl} | |
| the elderly {pl} | die Alten {pl} | |
| archaeo.hist. the ancients [esp. from ancient Rome and Greece] | die Alten {pl} [aus klassischer Zeit] | |
| the folks [coll.] [the parents] | die Alten {pl} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [die Eltern] | |
| geogr. the Andes | die Anden {pl} | |
| the rest {sg} [usually treated as pl.] | die Anderen {pl} | |
| law the accused {pl} | die Angeklagten {pl} | |
| law the Bar | die Anwaltschaft {f} | |
| the unemployed {pl} | die Arbeitslosen {pl} [insgesamt betrachtet] | |
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