| honorary {adj} <hon.> | ehrenhalber [nachgestellt] <e. h., eh.> 35 | |
| unit exa- {prefix} <E> [10 ^ 18] | Exa- <E> 21 | |
| spec. honoris causa <h.c.> | ehrenhalber <e. h., eh.> | |
Substantive |
| rail express | Eilzug {m} <E-Zug> 31 | |
| libr.publ. Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica] | Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica] | |
| ling.mus.print e [letter, musical note] | e {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| ling.mus.print E [letter, musical note] | E {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| electr. I/O [PLC] | E/A {pl} [SPS] [Eingänge/Ausgänge] | |
| EUpharm. submission number | Eingangsnummer {f} <ENR, E.-Nr.> | |
| mus. E sharp <E♯> | Eis {n} <E♯> [Ton] | |
| materialtech.unit Young's modulus <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> | |
| materialtech.unit tensile modulus <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> | |
| materialtech.unit modulus of elasticity <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> | |
| materialtech.unit tensile moduli [symbol: E] | Elastizitätsmoduln {pl} <E-Moduln> [Formelzeichen: E] | |
| transp. electric truck | Elektrolastkraftwagen {m} <Elektro-LKW, Elektro-Lkw; E-LKW, E-Lkw> | |
| naut. electric engine room | Elektromaschinenraum {m} <E-Maschinenraum> | |
| electr.ecol. electric mobility <e-mobility> | Elektromobilität {f} <E-Mobilität> | |
| phys. electron neutrino <e neutrino> | Elektronneutrino {n} <e-Neutrino> | |
| educ.electr. electrical engineering <EE> | Elektrotechnik {f} <ET, E-Technik> | |
| bibl. Elohist <E> | Elohist {m} <E> | |
| tech. cable carrier | Energiekette {f} <E-Kette> | |
| earth rays <E-rays> | Erdstrahlen {pl} <E-Strahlen> | |
| mus. E flat <E♭> | Es {n} <E♭> [Ton] | |
| euro box | Europakiste {f} <E-Kiste> | |
| geol.phys.unit eotvos <E> [Eotvos unit] | Eötvös {n} <E> | |
| biol.med. glutamic acid <Glu, E> [C5H9NO4] | Glutamat {n} <Glu, E> [Glutaminsäure] | |
| chem.FoodInd. glutamic acid <Glu, E> [E-620] [C5H9NO4] | Glutaminsäure {f} <Glu, E> | |
| audio sound energy density <E, w> | Schallenergiedichte {f} <E, w> | |
| materialtech.unit tensile modulus <E> | Zugmodul {m} <E> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Internet Send an e-mail. | E-maile! | |
| acc.comm. under reserve | Eingang vorbehalten <E. v.> | |
| comm.fin. subject to collection | Eingang vorbehalten <E. v.> | |
| Your Magnificence [address for an abbot] | Euer Ehrwürden <E.Ew.> [Anrede für einen Abt] | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | ex officio <e.o.> | |
| i.e. [id est] | i. e. [lat. id est, veraltend: d. h., das heißt] | |
| journ.publ. in press {adv} | im Erscheinen <i. E.> | |
| acad.publ. forthcoming {adj} | im Erscheinen <i. E.> | |
| in my assessment {adv} | meines Erachtens <m. E.> | |
| in my view {adv} <IMV> | meines Erachtens <m. E.> | |
| in my opinion {adv} <IMO> | meines Erachtens <m. E.> | |
| to my way of thinking {adv} | meines Erachtens <m. E.> | |
| to my mind {adv} [idiom] | meines Erachtens <m. E.> [Redewendung] | |
| in our view {adv} | unseres Erachtens <u. E.> | |
| for example {adv} <e.g.> | zum Exempel [veraltend] <z. E.> | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| Internet to e-mail sb. | jdm. e-mailen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| mus. electric upright bass <EUB> | (E-)Standbass {m} | |
| biochem. apolipoprotein E <ApoE> | Apolipoprotein E {n} <ApoE> | |
| med.unit Bethesda unit <BU> [measure of blood coagulation inhibitor activity] | Bethesda-Einheit {f} <BE, B.E.> | |
| pol. Juche ideology | Chuch'e-Ideologie {f} | |
| fin. online banking | E-Banking {n} | |
| mus. electric bass | E-Bass {m} | |
| bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle] | E-Bike {n} [kurz für: Elektrofahrrad] | |
| bike e-bike cyclist | E-Bikefahrer {m} | |
| bike e-bike cyclist [female] | E-Bikefahrerin {f} | |
| electr. ebook [spv.] [short for: electronic book] | E-Book {n} [kurz für: Electronic Book] | |
| comp.lit.publ. e-book [short for: electronic book] | E-Book {n} [kurz für: Electronic Book] | |
| automot.transp. electric bus | E-Bus {m} | |
| e-business | E-Business {n} | |
| electronic business | E-Business {n} | |
| insur. public health insurance card | e-card {f} [österr.] | |
| mus. electric cello | E-Cello {n} [elektrisches Cello] | |
| econ.InternetQM e-commerce | E-Commerce {m} | |
| chem.pharm. E-cup [coll.] [Eppendorf tube] | E-Cup {m} [ugs.] [Eppendorf-Tube, Mikroreaktionsgefäß] | |
| econ. E-Day | E-Day {m} [Euro-Umstellungsdatum] | |
| Internetpol. e-democracy | E-Demokratie {f} | |
| mus. E major <E> | E-Dur {n} <E> | |
| bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle] | E-Fahrrad {n} [kurz für: elektrisches Fahrrad, Elektrofahrrad] | |
| e-fuel | E-Fuel {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Elektro-Kraftstoff] | |
| tech. electrofuel | E-Fuel {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Elektro-Kraftstoff] | |
| mus. electric violin | E-Geige {f} | |
| curr.econ.fin. e-money [short for: electronic money] | E-Geld {n} [kurz für: elektronisches Geld] | |
| mus. electric guitar | E-Gitarre {f} | |
| admin.comp.Internet e-government | E-Government {n} [Electronic Government, Abwicklung der staatlichen Verwaltung mit elektronischen Mitteln] | |
| med. tumbling E [ophthalmological chart] | E-Haken {m} [Sehzeichen in Form eines großen lateinischen E] | |
| tech. flux-shielded arc welding | E-Handschweißen {n} | |
| tech. shielded metal arc welding <SMAW> | E-Handschweißen {n} | |
| tech. manual metal arc welding <MMA welding> | E-Handschweißen {n} | |
| chem. E-isomer | E-Isomer {n} | |
| dent. circumferential clasp | E-Klammer {f} | |
| ling. second conjugation [Latin] | e-Konjugation {f} [Latein] | |
| mus. electric upright bass <EUB> | E-Kontrabass {m} | |
| Internetmarket. E-course | E-Kurs {m} | |
| level staff | E-Latte {f} | |
| levelling rod [Br.] | E-Latte {f} | |
| comp.educ. e-learning | E-Learning {n} | |
| e-learning | E-Lernen {n} | |
| rail electric loco [locomotive] | E-Lok {f} [elektrische Lokomotive] | |
| rail electric locomotives | E-Loks {pl} | |
| Internet e-mail message | E-Mail {f} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] | |
| Internet e-mail [electronic mail] | E-Mail {f} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] | |
| Internet email [short for electronic mail] | E-Mail {f} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] | |
| Internet emails | E-Mails {pl} | |
| Internet e-mails | E-Mails {pl} | |
| materialtech. elastic modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| materialtech.unit E-modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| materialtech.unit Young's modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| materialtech.unit modulus of elasticity <E> [less commonly: Y] | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] [Materialkennwert aus der Werkstofftechnik] | |
| mus. E minor <e, Em> | e-Moll {n} <e, Em> | |
| bike electric mountainbike [coll.] <eMTB> | E-Mountainbike {n} <E-MTB> | |
| mus. serious music | E-Musik {f} | |
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