 Übersetzung für 'Es regnet.' von Deutsch nach Englisch
It is raining.Es regnet.
It's raining.
Es regnet.
3 Wörter: Andere
It's raining cats and dogs! [coll.]
Es regnet Bindfäden! [ugs.]
It is piddling down. [Br.] [vulg.]Es regnet gerade.
It's raining hard.
Es regnet stark.
if it's rainingfalls es regnet
in case it rainsfalls es regnet
in case it should rainfalls es regnet
as long as it goes on rainingsolange es regnet
4 Wörter: Andere
It's pouring rain. Es regnet / gießt Strippen. [Es regnet in Strömen.]
It's raining pretty / really hard.Es regnet ganz anständig.
It's pouring with rain.Es regnet in Strömen.
It's pelting down. [rain]
Es regnet in Strömen.
It's raining cats and dogs.
Es regnet in Strömen.
5+ Wörter: Andere
barring (the possibility of) rainfalls es nicht vielleicht regnet
This country gets very little rain.In diesem Land regnet es sehr wenig.
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. [vulg.] [idiom] Ja, ja - 'nem alten Mann in'n Bart spucken und sagen, es regnet! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(come) rain or shine {adv}ob es regnet oder schneit
[it] rains[es] regnet
E flat minor <E♭ minor>
es-Moll {n} <es, Esm, E♭m>
embryonic stem cells <ES, ES cells>
embryonale Stammzellen {pl} <ES, ES-Zellen>
embryonic stem cell <ES, ES cell>
embryonale Stammzelle {f} <ES, ES-Zelle>
Es {n}
It [Stephen King]
it {pron}es
That sux! [coll.] [spv.]Es nervt!
to make it backes zurückschaffen
There is ...Es gibt ...
There are ...Es sind ...
to manage ites schaffen
'tises ist
Let there exist ...
Es existiere ...
to lead the way [fig.] [to show how to do sth.]es vormachen
Let there exist ...
Es gebe ...
It is hailing.
Es hagelt.
There's a fire!Es brennt!
There is a storm blowing.
Es stürmt.
to mess upes verpatzen
38 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Es regnet.' von Deutsch nach Englisch

Es regnet.
It is raining.

It's raining.meteo.

Es regnet Bindfäden! [ugs.]
It's raining cats and dogs! [coll.]idiommeteo.
Es regnet gerade.
It is piddling down. [Br.] [vulg.]
Es regnet stark.
It's raining hard.meteo.
falls es regnet
if it's raining

in case it rains

in case it should rain
solange es regnet
as long as it goes on raining

Es regnet / gießt Strippen. [Es regnet in Strömen.]
It's pouring rain.
Es regnet ganz anständig.
It's raining pretty / really hard.
Es regnet in Strömen.
It's pouring with rain.

It's pelting down. [rain]meteo.

It's raining cats and dogs.idiommeteo.

falls es nicht vielleicht regnet
barring (the possibility of) rain
In diesem Land regnet es sehr wenig.
This country gets very little rain.
Ja, ja - 'nem alten Mann in'n Bart spucken und sagen, es regnet! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. [vulg.] [idiom]
ob es regnet oder schneit
(come) rain or shine {adv}

[es] regnet
[it] rains
es-Moll {n} <es, Esm, E♭m>
E flat minor <E♭ minor>mus.
embryonale Stammzellen {pl} <ES, ES-Zellen>
embryonic stem cells <ES, ES cells>acad.biotech.med.
embryonale Stammzelle {f} <ES, ES-Zelle>
embryonic stem cell <ES, ES cell>acad.biotech.med.
Es {n}
It [Stephen King]lit.F
it {pron}
Es nervt!
That sux! [coll.] [spv.]
es zurückschaffen
to make it back
Es gibt ...
There is ...
Es sind ...
There are ...
es schaffen
to manage it
es ist
Es existiere ...
Let there exist ...math.
es vormachen
to lead the way [fig.] [to show how to do sth.]
Es gebe ...
Let there exist ...math.
Es hagelt.
It is hailing.meteo.
Es brennt!
There's a fire!
Es stürmt.
There is a storm blowing.meteo.
es verpatzen
to mess up
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