 Übersetzung für 'His' von Deutsch nach Englisch
B sharp <B#>
His {n}
histidine <His, H> [C6H9N3O2]
Histidin {n} <His, H>
hospital information system <HIS>
Krankenhausinformationssystem {n} <KIS, HIS>
bundle of His [Fasciculus atrioventricularis]
His-Bündel {n}
B sharp major
His-Dur {n}
B sharp minor
his-Moll {n}
6 Übersetzungen
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  • his [determiner] = sein
  • his [possessive] = seiner
  • his [possessive] = sein [poetisch / veraltet]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Deutsch
  • Der Pianist Willie The Lion Smith erwähnt McClennon in seinen Erinnerungen: „"Our clarinetist, George McClennon, could spin like a top on his stomach, or on his backside, while playing his instrument"“.
  • | Contayning his treacherous Plots a- | gainst his brother "Clarence" : The pitifull | murder of his innocent Nephewes : his | tyranous vsurpation : with the | whole course of his detested life, | and most deserued death.
  • Should the President be absent, his Deputy takes his place.
  • Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male.
  • Stephanie Stein Crease nannte die Klangresultate von Evans innovativ: "„his unusual choice of instruments and couplings, his scambling of tempos and themes, and his elongated phrasing – are obscured by the album’s blithe spirit and breezy swing“".

  • Winston Churchill bemerkte: "„A gentleman buys his hats at Locks, his shoes at Lobbs, his shirts at Harvey and Hudson, his suits at Huntsman and his cheese at Paxton and Whitfield“".
  • Ein Beispiel für Angloromani ist der Satz "The mush was jalling down the drom with his gry" (dt. ‚The man was walking down the road with his horse‘).
  • Sein Hauptwerk Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty and his Expectations erschien 1749.
  • Seine Söhne waren der Internist Wilhelm His (der Jüngere) und der Rechtshistoriker Rudolf His. Sein Neffe war der Mediziner und Physiologe Friedrich Miescher.
  • Einige wurden auf seinem eigenen Label El Saturn, neben vielen anderen, unter dem Namen "Sun Ra and his Arkestra" und zahlreichen Varianten ("Sun Ra and his Solar Arkestra", "Sun Ra and his Myth Science Arkestra" etc.) veröffentlicht.

  • Ursprünglich kam im Lied die Textzeile “his sister Shirley” vor, wurde aber um eine Verbindung zu dem Lied "Polythene Pam" herzustellen in “his sister Pam” geändert.
  • „Giles MacDonogh has repeatedly shown himself to be in the front rank of British scholars of German history.
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