Übersetzung für '
Na also' von Deutsch nach Englisch
| There we are. [exclamation of satisfaction] | Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Da haben wir's ja!] | |
| idiom There we go. [expression of satisfaction] | Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!] | |
| idiom You see? [meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction] | Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!] | |
Teiltreffer |
| hist.mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the signal corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Nachrichtentruppen <G.d.Na.Tr., GdNaTr., Ge..d.Na.Tr.> | |
| Well now, ... | Also, ... | |
| and so {adv} {conj} | also | |
| Well, ... | Also ... 813 | |
| Now, ... ? | Also, ... ? 64 | |
| OK then. | Also gut. | |
| Um, well, ... | Äh, also, ... | |
| All right. | Also schön. | |
| therefore {adv} | also [folglich] 1581 | |
| so {adv} {conj} | also [folglich] 1553 | |
| Honestly! [annoyed] | Also wirklich! | |
| Very well. | Also gut. | |
| Why, this being the case, ...? | Warum also ...? | |
| ..., in other words, if ... | ..., wenn also ... | |
| All right, then. | Also gut. | |
| All right. | Also gut. | |
| after all {adv} | also doch | |
| now then | nun also | |
| anyway {adv} | also [jedenfalls] 647 | |
| Until tomorrow, then. | Bis morgen also. | |
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Na also' von Deutsch nach Englisch
- Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Da haben wir's ja!]
- There we are. [exclamation of satisfaction]
- Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!]
- There we go. [expression of satisfaction]idiom
You see? [meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction]idiom
- General {m} der Nachrichtentruppen <G.d.Na.Tr., GdNaTr., Ge..d.Na.Tr.>
- [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the signal corps of German Wehrmacht]hist.mil.
- Also, ...
- Well now, ...
- also
- and so {adv} {conj}
- Also ...
- Well, ...
- Also, ... ?
- Now, ... ?
- Also gut.
- OK then.
Very well.
All right, then.
All right.
- Äh, also, ...
- Um, well, ...
- Also schön.
- All right.
- also [folglich]
- therefore {adv}
so {adv} {conj}
- Also wirklich!
- Honestly! [annoyed]
- Warum also ...?
- Why, this being the case, ...?
- ..., wenn also ...
- ..., in other words, if ...
- also doch
- after all {adv}
- nun also
- now then
- also [jedenfalls]
- anyway {adv}
- Bis morgen also.
- Until tomorrow, then.
Anwendungsbeispiele Deutsch
- Sodele (gebildet aus der Partikel "so" und dem Diminutiv-Suffix "-le") ist ein schwäbisches Wort, das im Hochdeutschen eine Erweiterung zur Interjektion „so“ im Sinne von „Na also, geht doch – nun kommen wir zur Hauptsache ...“ (wobei das „o“ in „so“ offen und kurz ausgesprochen wird) ausdrückt.
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