| right {adv} <r.> | rechts <r.> 852 | |
| unit ronna- {prefix} <R> [10 ^ 27] | Ronna- <R> | |
| unit ronto- {prefix} <r> [10 ^ -27] | Ronto- <r> | |
Substantive |
| econ.tech. return <R> | Rücknahme {f} <R> 20 | |
| biochem. arginine <Arg, R> [C6H14N4O2] | Arginin {n} <Arg, R> 13 | |
| unit roentgen <R> | Röntgen {n} <R> 13 | |
| curr. real <BRL, R$> [Brazilian currency] | Real {m} <BRL, R$> [brasilianische Währung] 5 | |
| aviat. restricted area <ED-R> | Flugbeschränkungsgebiet {n} <ED-R> | |
| biochem. leptin receptor <LEPR, LEP-R> | Leptinrezeptor {m} <LEPR, LEP-R> | |
| med. net reproductive rate <R> [epidemiology] | Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie] | |
| med. case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case] | Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie] | |
| ling. R [letter] | R {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print r [letter] | r {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| relig. Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | |
| reproduction number <R> | Reproduktionszahl {f} <R> | |
| phys.tech. residual resistance ratio <RRR> | Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.> | |
| phys.tech. residual resistivity ratio <RRR> | Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.> | |
| retardation factor <R> | Retardationsfaktor {m} <R> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| chem. (substance) amount ratio <R, r, mol/mol> | Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol> | |
| chem. amount-of-substance ratio <R, r, mol/mol> | Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| jobs retired {adj} <ret. / retd.> | im Ruhestand <i. R.> [nachgestellt] | |
| retired {adj} <ret., retd.> | in Ruhe <i. R.> [nachgestellt] [im Ruhestand] | |
| relig. Roman Catholic {adj} <RC> | römisch-katholisch <rk., r.-k., röm.-kath.> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| phys. general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R> | allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R> | |
| curr. Brazilian real <BRL, R$> | Brasilianischer Real {m} <BRL, R$> | |
| comp. CD-R [Compact Disc Recordable] | CD-R {f} [beschreibbare Compact Disc] | |
| ling. the Rs / R's | die R {pl} | |
| electr. DVD-R | DVD-R {f} | |
| biol. fibronectin receptor <FN-R, FnR> | Fibronektin-Rezeptor {m} <FN-R, FnR> [auch: Fibronektinrezeptor] | |
| phonet. rolled R | gerolltes R {n} | |
| phonet. flapped R [ɾ] | geschlagenes R {n} | |
| unit degree Rankine <°R, °Ra> | Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| unit degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R> | Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R> | |
| phys. ideal gas constant <R> | ideale Gaskonstante {f} <R> | |
| ling.phonet. consonantal R | konsonantisches R {n} | |
| phys. molar gas constant <R> | molare Gaskonstante {f} [allgemeine Gaskonstante] <R> | |
| ling. rhotacism [speech disorder] | R-Fehler {m} | |
| telecom. reverse long-distance call | R-Ferngespräch {n} | |
| telecom. reverse charge call | R-Gespräch {n} | |
| telecom. reversed-charge call | R-Gespräch {n} | |
| telecom. collect call [Am.] | R-Gespräch {n} | |
| telecom. transferred charge call [Br.] | R-Gespräch {n} | |
| constr. R-mesh [reinforcing sheet with rectangular mesh openings] | R-Matte {f} [Betonstahlmatte mit rechteckigen Maschenweiten] | |
| math. R-module [algebra] | R-Modul {m} [Algebra] | |
| astron.phys. r-process [rapid neutron-capture process] | r-Prozess {m} | |
| chem.ecol.EU R-phrase [risk phrase] | R-Satz {m} [Risikosatz] | |
| biol.ecol. r-selection | r-Selektion {f} | |
| biol.ecol. r-strategist | r-Stratege {m} | |
| biol.ecol. r-strategy | r-Strategie {f} | |
| R number | R-Wert {m} | |
| med. R wave | R-Zacke {f} | |
| phonet. rolling R | rollendes R {n} | |
| med. S.T.A.R. prosthesis [Scandinavian total ankle replacement] | S.T.A.R.-Prothese {f} | |
| phys. universal gas constant <R> | universelle Gaskonstante {f} <R> | |
| gastr. [yeast extract, yeast spread] | Vitam-R® {n} | |
| ling.phonet. vocalic R | vokalisches R {n} | |
| ling.phonet. rolled r | Zungen-r {n} | |
| ling.phonet. rolled r | Zungen-R {n} | |
| phonet. rolled R | Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| phonet. apical R | Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| phonet. uvular R | Zäpfchen-R {n} | |
| phonet. guttural R | Zäpfchen-R {n} | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| normally {adv} | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| as a rule {adv} | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| ordinarily {adv} | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| usually {adv} <usu.> | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| as a general rule {adv} | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| generally {adv} [normally] | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| nine times out of ten {adv} [idiom] | in der Regel <i. d. R.> | |
| idiom R for Robert | R wie Richard | |
| idiom R as in Roger [esp. Am.] | R wie Richard | |
| idiom R for Romeo [Br.] | R wie Romeo [Fliegeralphabet] | |
| idiommil. R for Romeo [NATO phonetic alphabet] | R wie Romeo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| law de jure {adv} | von Rechts wegen <v. R. w.> | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| ling. to burr [to speak with a trilled or rolled R] | das R rollen | |
| ling. [to pronounce or mispronounce a rhotic consonant as a guttural consonant] | das R schnarren [in Fremdsprachen, die kein Zäpfchen-R kennen] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra> | 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| chem. amino-R salt | Amino-R-Salz {n} | |
| acad.relig. [Lutheran theologian before ordination] | Candidatus (reverendi) Ministerii {m} <cand. (rev.) min., c.r.m.> [veraltend] | |
| biochem. cannabinoid receptor type 1 <CNR1, CB1, CANN6, CB-R, CB1A, CB1K5, CB1R, CNR> | Cannabinoid-Rezeptor 1 {m} <CNR1, CB1, CNR, CB-R, CB1A, CANN6, CB1K5> | |
| comp. CD-R drive | CD-R-Laufwerk {n} | |
| educ. energy and natural resources <ENR, E&NR> | Energie und Rohstoffe <E&R> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung] | |
| econ. research and development <R&D> | Forschung und Entwicklung <F+E, FuE, F&E, FE, R&D> | |
| phonet. trilled R / r | gerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| phonet. trilling R / r | gerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| phonet. alveolar trill [coll.] [rolling R, rolled R] | gerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n} [stimmhafter alveolarer Vibrant] | |
| econ.QM GOST-R conformity mark | GOST-R-Konformitätszeichen {n} | |
| mus. favorite R&B recording [Am.] | Lieblings-R&B-Aufnahme {f} | |
| engin.tech. gauge repeatability and reproducibility <GR&R> | Messwiederholbarkeit {f} und Reproduzierbarkeit <GR&R> | |
| math. right-truncatable prime | R-trunkierbare Primzahl {f} | |
| phys. Rayleigh-Taylor instability <RTI, RT instability, R-T instability> | Rayleigh-Taylor-Instabilität {f} <RTI, RT-Instabilität, R-T-Instabilität> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| tech. process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID> | Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild> | |
| ling. burr [trilling of the letter R] | Rollen {n} des R | |
| med. Russian spring-summer (tick-borne) encephalitis | russische Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis {f} <R-FSME> | |
| unit revolutions per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, rev/min> | Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet] | |
| tech.unit rotations per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1> [coll.] [revolutions per minute] | Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet] | |
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