| and {conj} <&> | und <u., &> 32767 | |
Substantive |
| chem. uranium <U> | Uran {n} <U> 114 | |
| filmmus.theatre premiere [first performance, showing ever] | Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> 93 | |
| lawling. cases | Kasus {pl} [langes »u«] 31 | |
| math.stat. union <U> | Vereinigungsmenge {f} <U> [auch: Vereinigung] 18 | |
| hist.mil. [a code word for "cantonment", used in correspondence to mask a deployment location in German armed forces] | Ortsunterkunft {f} <O. U.> [Tarnbezeichnung im Schriftverkehr zur Verschleierung des Unterbringungsortes] | |
| rail underground [Br.] | U {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [bes. Wien] | |
| ling.print u [letter] | u {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print U [letter] | U {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| phys. Umklapp process <U-process, u-process> | Umklappprozess {m} <U-Prozess> | |
| yarn over needle <yov> [knitting] | Umschlag {m} <U> [Stricken] | |
| biochem. uracil <U, Ura> [C4H4N2O2] | Uracil {n} <U, Ura> | |
| film first release | Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> | |
| filmmus.theatre world premiere | Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> | |
| filmmus.theatre first performance [ever] | Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> | |
| med. urinary status | Urinstatus {m} <U-Status> | |
| constr. thermal transmittance (value) <U-value> | Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient {m} <U-Wert> | |
| constr. thermal transmittance <U-value> [e.g. glazing frame] | Wärmedämmwert {m} <U-Wert> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| see below | siehe unten <s. u.> | |
| U-shaped {adj} | U-förmig [auch: u-förmig] | |
| et al. | und andere <u. a.> [z. B. Personen] | |
| and others | und anderes <u. a.> | |
| and others | und andre <u. a.> [selten] [und andere] | |
| and such (like) | und dergleichen <u. dgl.> | |
| and the like | und ähnlich <u. ä.> | |
| and the like | und Ähnliches <u. Ä.> | |
| and suchlike | und Ähnliches <u. Ä.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | unserer Zeitrechnung <u. Z.> | |
| Common / Christian Era <CE> [substitute for <AD>] | unserer Zeitrechnung <u. Z.> [hier zur Bezeichnung eines Datums im Gen.] | |
| in our view {adv} | unseres Erachtens <u. E.> | |
| among others {adv} | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| among other things {adv} | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| inter alia {adv} <i. a.> | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| including [inter alia] | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| amongst other things [esp. Br.] | unter anderem <u. a.> | |
| perhaps {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> | |
| possibly {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> | |
| if need be {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> | |
| potentially {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> | |
| in some cases {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> | |
| arguably {adv} [possibly, potentially] | unter Umständen <u. U.> [vielleicht, möglicherweise] | |
| conditions permitting {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> [wenn es die Umstände zulassen, gestatten] | |
| from below {adj} [postpos.] | von unten <v. u.> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit atomic mass unit <AMU, amu> [dated] [unified atomic mass unit] | atomare Masseneinheit {f} <u, amu [veraltet]> [auch: atomare Massenkonstante] | |
| chem.phys.unit unified atomic mass unit <u> | atomare Masseneinheit {f} <u, amu [veraltet]> [auch: atomare Massenkonstante] | |
| EU protected designation of origin <PDO> | geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung {f} <g. U.> | |
| cloth. scoop neck | U-Ausschnitt {m} | |
| rail metro | U-Bahn {f} | |
| rail underground [Br.] | U-Bahn {f} | |
| rail subway [Am.] [Scot.] | U-Bahn {f} | |
| jobsrail underground train driver | U-Bahnfahrer {m} | |
| jobsrail tube train driver [in London] | U-Bahnfahrer {m} | |
| rail underground station | U-Bahnhof {m} | |
| rail tube station [London] | U-Bahnhof {m} | |
| rail subway station [Am., Glasgow] | U-Bahnhof {m} | |
| traffic underground train tunnel [Br.] [tunnel for trains on the underground system] | U-Bahnschacht {m} | |
| traffictransp.TrVocab. tube stop [Br.] | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail metro station | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail subway stop [Am.] | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail underground station [Br.] | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail tube station [in London] | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail subway station [Am., Glasgow] | U-Bahnstation {f} | |
| rail subway connection [Am.] | U-Bahnverbindung {f} | |
| rail subway service | U-Bahnverkehr {m} | |
| traffic subway car [Am.] | U-Bahnwaggon {m} | |
| rail metro train | U-Bahnzug {m} | |
| rail underground train | U-Bahnzug {m} | |
| rail subway train [Am.] | U-Bahnzug {m} | |
| rail tube train [in London] | U-Bahnzug {m} | |
| tech. U-bend [in pipe] | U-Bogen {m} | |
| constr. u-pile | U-Bohle {f} | |
| mil.naut. submarine | U-Boot {n} | |
| mil.naut. submarine boat | U-Boot {n} | |
| naut. sub [coll.] [submarine] | U-Boot {n} | |
| hist. U-boat [German submarine] | U-Boot {n} | |
| [somebody acting or voting covertly for the opposition] | U-Boot {n} [fig.] [ugs.] | |
| libr. fake entry [in an encyclopedia] | U-Boot {n} [fingierter Lexikonartikel] | |
| mil. submarine crew | U-Bootbesatzung {f} | |
| decoy ship | U-Bootfalle {f} | |
| mil. subchaser [coll.] | U-Bootjäger {m} | |
| mil.naut. submarine chaser | U-Bootjäger {m} | |
| mil.naut. submariner | U-Bootmann {m} [auch U-Boot-Mann] | |
| hist.mil.naut. submarine museum | U-Bootmuseum {n} | |
| hist.mil.naut. U-boat force | U-Bootwaffe {f} | |
| tech. U-brake | U-Bremse {f} | |
| ungeprüft u form | U-Form | |
| law pretrial detention | U-Haft {f} [kurz für: Untersuchungshaft] | |
| law detention pending trial | U-Haft {f} [Untersuchungshaft] | |
| law detention awaiting trial | U-Haft {f} [Untersuchungshaft] | |
| law pre-trial detention [Am.] | U-Haft {f} [Untersuchungshaft] | |
| law remand prisoner | U-Häftling {m} | |
| law pretrial detainee | U-Häftling {m} | |
| tech. clevis | U-Klammer {f} | |
| U-cylinder engine | U-Motor {m} | |
| dual piston engine | U-Motor {m} | |
| twin-piston engine | U-Motor {m} | |
| double-cylinder engine | U-Motor {m} | |
| double-barrelled engine | U-Motor {m} | |
| mus. [abbreviation for so-called "Unterhaltungsmusik" in Germany] | U-Musik {f} [kurz für: sogenannte "Unterhaltungsmusik" in Deutschland] | |
| tech. U-profile | U-Profil {n} | |
Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (nur Englisch/Deutsch).
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