| med. intravenous {adj} | intravenös <i. v.> 88 | |
| med. intravenously {adv} | intravenös <i. v.> 29 | |
| mil. fit for active service {adj} [postpos.] | kriegsverwendungsfähig <k.v.> | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | umgekehrt <v. v.> | |
| in the morning {adv} <a.m.> | vormittags <vorm., vm., v.> | |
| commonly called {adv} | vulgo <v/o> [gemeinhin genannt] | |
Substantive |
| electr.unit volt <V> | Volt {n} <V> 565 | |
| bibl.relig. verse <v.> | Vers {m} <V.> 85 | |
| lit. line <l.> | Vers {m} <V.> 30 | |
| chem. vanadium <V> | Vanadium {n} <V> 18 | |
| ling.print v [letter] | v {n} [Buchstabe] 11 | |
| games Hierophant <V> [also: hierophant] [Pope] [Tarot card] | Hierophant {m} <V> [Papst] [Tarotkarte] 7 | |
| biochem. valine <Val, V> [C5H11NO2] | Valin {n} <Val, V> 7 | |
| constr. Portland fly ash cement <PFAC> | Portlandflugaschezement {m} <CEM II/A-V> | |
| ungeprüft anat.biol. tarsometatarsal joints [Articulationes tarsometatarsales, Articulationes tarsometatarseae] | Tarsometatarsalgelenke {pl} <TMT I-V> | |
| anat.VetMed. trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus] | |
| med.mil. (field) dressing station | Truppenverbandsplatz {m} <Tr.V.Pl.> | |
| ling.print V [letter] | V {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| chem. vanadium <V> | Vanadin {n} <V> [veraltet] [Vanadium] | |
| psych. distancing effect | Verfremdungseffekt {m} <V-Effekt> | |
| (POW) interrogation officer | Vernehmungsoffizier {m} <V.O.> | |
| mil. destructive fire | Vernichtungsfeuer {n} <V.F.> | |
| mil. annihilating fire | Vernichtungsfeuer {n} <V.F.> | |
| Internet video blogging <vlogging, vidblogging, vlog> | Videoblog {m} <Vlog, V-log> | |
| med.optics visual acuity <VA> | Visus {m} <V> [Sehschärfe] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| comm.fin. at sight {adv} | a vista <a v.> | |
| comm.fin. ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v> | ad valorem <a. v.> | |
| acc.comm. under reserve | Eingang vorbehalten <E. v.> | |
| comm.fin. subject to collection | Eingang vorbehalten <E. v.> | |
| per pro {prep} <p.p.> | in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> | |
| by proxy {adv} <p.p.> | in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> | |
| on behalf of {prep} <pp., p.p., pp> [before signature] | in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.> [vor Unterschrift] | |
| per pro {prep} <p.p.> | in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.> | |
| per procura <ppa.> | in Vollmacht <i. V., I. V.> | |
| in preparation {adv} <in prep.> | in Vorbereitung <i. V.> | |
| sports after extra time <AET> [football] | nach Verlängerung <n.V.> | |
| V-shaped {adj} | v-förmig | |
| V-shaped {adj} | V-förmig [auch v-förmig] | |
| vee-shaped {adj} | V-förmig [auch: v-förmig] | |
| aviat. dihedral {adj} | V-förmig [auch: v-förmig] [Tragflächen] | |
| med. suspected [borreliosis, heart failure etc.] | Verdacht auf <V. a.> | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | vice versa <v. v.> | |
| on duty {adj} [pred.] | vom Dienst <v. D., vD> [nachgestellt] | |
| in charge {adj} [pred.] | vom Dienst <v. D., vD> [nachgestellt] | |
| per thousand | vom Tausend <v.T.> | |
| from above {adv} | von oben <v. o.> | |
| from below {adj} [postpos.] | von unten <v. u.> | |
| above all {adv} | vor allem <v. a.> | |
| primarily {adv} | vor allem <v. a.> | |
| above all else {adv} | vor allem <v. a.> | |
| before Christ {adv} <BC> | vor Christus <v. Chr.> | |
| of last year | vorigen Jahres <v.J.> | |
| of last month | vorigen Monats <v.M.> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| chem. antimony(V) fluoride [SbF5] | Antimon(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| mineral. ardennite-(V) [Mn4 [Al4(AlMg)] [Si5V]O22(OH) 6] | Ardennit-(V) {m} | |
| chem. arsenic(V) chloride [AsCl5] | Arsen(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. arsenic(V) fluoride [AsF5] | Arsen(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. arsenic(V) oxide [As2O5] | Arsen(V)-oxid {n} | |
| chem. arsenic(V) sulfide [Am.] [As2S5] | Arsen(V)-sulfid {n} | |
| chem. bismuth(V) fluoride [BiF5] | Bismut(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. bromic(V) acid [HBrO3] | Brom(V)-säure {f} | |
| chem. chromium(V) fluoride [CrF5] | Chrom(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| DIN V [pre-issue of DIN standards] | DIN V {f} [DIN-Vornorm] | |
| law registered society | eingetragener Verein {m} <e. V.> | |
| law registered association | eingetragener Verein {m} <e. V.> | |
| biol. labile factor [factor V] | Faktor V {m} | |
| anat.VetMed. cranial nerve V <CN V, CNV> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | fünfter Hirnnerv {m} <V. Hirnnerv> | |
| chem. gold(V) fluoride [AuF5, Au2F10] | Gold(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. perauric fluoride [AuF5, Au2F10] | Gold(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| med. intravenous infusion <i.v. inf., IV infusion> | intravenöse Infusion {f} <i.v.-inf, IV-Infusion> | |
| med. intravenous injection <IV injection, i.v. injection> | intravenöse Injektion {f} <i.v.-Injektion> | |
| med. intravenous injections <IV injections, i.v. injections> | intravenöse Injektionen {pl} <i.v.-Injektionen> | |
| med. intravenous line <iv line, IV line> | intravenöser Zugang {m} <i. v. Zugang, IV-Zugang> | |
| chem. iridium(V) fluoride [IrF5] | Iridium(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. molybdenum(V) chloride [MoCl5, Mo2Cl10] | Molybdän(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. molybdenum(V) fluoride [MoF5] | Molybdän(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. neptunium(V) fluoride [NpF5] | Neptunium(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) bromide [NbBr5] | Niob(V)-bromid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) chloride [NbCl5] | Niob(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) ethoxide [C10H25NbO5] | Niob(V)-ethoxid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) fluoride [NbF5] | Niob(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) iodide [NbI5, Nb2I10] | Niob(V)-iodid {n} | |
| chem. niobium(V) oxide [Nb2O5] | Niob(V)-oxid {n} | |
| chem. osmium(V) chloride [OsCl5] | Osmium(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| FoodInd. patent blue V [E-131] | Patentblau V {n} | |
| chem. phosphorus(V) bromide [PBr5] | Phosphor(V)-bromid {n} | |
| chem. phosphorous pentasulfide [Am.] [P4S10] | Phosphor(V)-sulfid {n} | |
| chem. platinum(V) fluoride [PtF5, F5Pt] | Platin(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. protactinium(V) bromide [PaBr5] | Protactinium(V)-bromid {n} | |
| chem. protactinium(V) chloride [PaCl5] | Protactinium(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. protactinium(V) fluoride [PaF5] | Protactinium(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. protactinium(V) oxide [Pa2O5] | Protactinium(V)-oxid {n} | |
| chem. rhenium(V) chloride [ReCl5] | Rhenium(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. ruthenium(V) fluoride [RuF5] | Ruthenium(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. tantalum(V) bromide [TaBr5, Ta2Br10] | Tantal(V)-bromid {n} | |
| chem. tantalum(V) chloride [TaCl5] | Tantal(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| chem. tantalum(V) fluoride [TaF5] | Tantal(V)-fluorid {n} | |
| chem. uranium(V) chloride [UCl5] | Uran(V)-chlorid {n} | |
| cloth. V-neck | V-Ausschnitt {m} [z. B. am Pullover] | |
| tech. V-brake | V-Bremse {f} | |
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