22 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- W*-algebra = W*-Algebra {f} [von-Neumann-Algebra]
- Weyl algebra = Weyl-Algebra {f}
- to be weak in algebra = schwach im Rechnen sein
- canonical commutation relations algebra <CCR algebra> = CCR-Algebra {f}
- canonical anticommutation relations algebra <CAR algebra> = CAR-Algebra {f}
- approximately finite algebra <AF algebra> = AF-Algebra {f}
- black and white <B&W, b&w, B/W> = schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
- mass percentage <% w/w> = Massenanteil {m} in Prozent
- approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra <AF C*-algebra> = AF-C*-Algebra {f}
- black-and-white <bw, b/w, BW, B/W> = Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W>
- with respect to <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt> = bezüglich [+Gen.]
- algebra = Algebra {f}
- homological algebra = homologische Algebra {f}
- associative algebra = assoziative Algebra {f}
- universal algebra = universelle Algebra {f}
- incidence algebra = Inzidenzalgebra {f}
- Hopf algebra = Hopf-Algebra {f}
- Banach algebra = Banachalgebra {f}
- topological algebra = topologische Algebra {f}
- cardinal algebra = Kardinalalgebra {f}
- vector algebra = Vektorrechnung {f}
- Clifford algebra = Clifford-Algebra {f}
- linear algebra = lineare Algebra {f}
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