| by {prep} <x> [measuring, e.g. 8 by 6 m] | mal <x> [Maße, z. B. 8 mal 6 m] 142 | |
| umpteen {adj} [coll.] | x [ugs.] 22 | |
Substantive |
| mus. double sharp <x> | Doppelkreuz {n} <x> | |
| anat.biol. pneumogastric nerve <CN X, CNX> [Nervus vagus] [tenth cranial nerve] | Vagusnerv {m} <X> [zehnter Hirnnerv] | |
| ling. X [letter; unknown name or quantity, etc.] | X {n} [Buchstabe; unbekannter Name, unbekannte Größe usw.] | |
| ling.print x [letter] | x {n} [Buchstabe] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| electr.engin.math. x squared [exponentiation] | x Quadrat | |
| valgus {adj} | X-beinig | |
| valgus {adj} | x-beinig | |
| knock-kneed {adj} | x-beinig | |
| baker-legged {adj} | x-beinig | |
| any old {adj} [coll.] | x-beliebig [ugs.] | |
| the first that comes along {adj} | x-beliebig [ugs.] | |
| umpteen times {adj} [coll.] | x-fach [ugs.] | |
| X-shaped {adj} | x-förmig [auch: X-förmig] | |
| dozens of times {adv} | x-mal [ugs.] | |
| umpteen times {adv} [coll.] | x-mal [ugs.] | |
| hundreds of times {adv} [coll.] | x-mal [ugs.] | |
| a gazillion times {adv} [Am.] [coll.] | x-mal [ugs.] | |
| x-place {adj} [number, identifier, etc.] | x-stellig [Seriennummer, Passwort usw.] | |
| nth {adj} [attr.] [coll.] | x-te [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| mus. double sharp symbol <x> | Doppelkreuz-Zeichen {n} <x> | |
| sports X United [e.g. Frankfurt United] | Eintracht {f} X [z. B. Eintracht Frankfurt] | |
| hist.sociol. Generation X <Gen X> | Generation {f} X <Gen X> | |
| med. histiocytosis X | Histiozytose X {f} [Langerhans-Zell-Histiozytose] | |
| specific humidity <s, q, x> | spezifische Luftfeuchtigkeit {f} <s, q, x> | |
| mil. H-hour | Stunde {f} X | |
| mil. D-Day | Tag X {m} | |
| med. trisomy X | Trisomie X {f} | |
| med. XXX syndrome | Trisomie X {f} | |
| math. x-axis | x-Achse {f} | |
| math. axis of abscissas | x-Achse {f} | |
| math. abscissa [x-axis] | x-Achse {f} | |
| math. x-intercept | x-Achsenabschnitt {m} | |
| med. in-knee [Genu valgum] | X-Bein {n} | |
| med. knock-knee [Genu valgum] | X-Bein {n} | |
| med. knock knees | X-Beine {pl} | |
| phys. X boson <X> | X-Boson {n} <X> | |
| biol. X chromosome | X-Chromosom {n} | |
| MedTech. X-unit <xu> | X-Einheit {f} <XE> | |
| anat. coxa vara | X-Hüfte {f} | |
| print x-height [corpus size of a typeface] | x-Höhe {f} [Mittellänge einer Schrift] | |
| biol. X-inactivation | X-Inaktivierung {f} | |
| math. abscissa | x-Koordinate {f} | |
| math. x-coordinate | x-Koordinate {f} | |
| tech. X-ring | X-Ring {m} | |
| MedTech.phys. X-rays | X-Strahlen {pl} | |
| mus. X-brace | X-Strebe {f} [Gitarre] | |
| mus. tuplet | X-tole {f} [Notengruppierung] | |
| anat.biol. vagus nerve <CN X, CNX> [Nervus vagus] | zehnter Hirnnerv {m} <X. Hirnnerv> [Vagus] | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| publ. published by X {adj} [postpos.] | bei X erschienen | |
| electr. Install jumper X. | Brücke X stecken. | |
| math. f of x <f(x)> | f von x <f(x)> | |
| any old sth. | jedes x-beliebige etw. | |
| math. where X = ... {adv} | wobei X = ... | |
| X is Y's heir. | X beerbt Y. | |
| law X v Y [e.g. Miller versus Miller] | X gegen Y <X ./. Y> | |
| law X vs Y [e.g. Miller versus Miller] | X gegen Y <X ./. Y> | |
| law X vs. Y [e.g. Miller versus Miller] | X gegen Y <X ./. Y> | |
| math. x to the power of n | x hoch n | |
| electr.engin.math. x to the n [exponentiation] | x hoch n [Potenz] | |
| electr.engin.math. x to the nth [Exponentiation] | x hoch n [Potenz] | |
| math. Let X equal 6. | X sei 6. | |
| idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xanthippe | |
| idiom X as in X-ray [esp. Am.] | X wie Xanthippe | |
| idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xaver [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| biol. X-linked dominant {adj} | X-chromosomal-dominant | |
| biol. X-linked recessive {adj} | X-chromosomal-rezessiv | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| to hash and rehash sth. [coll.] | etw.Akk. x-mal durchkauen [ugs.] | |
| to toe in | X-Beine haben | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| med. XXX syndrome | 3-X-Syndrom {n} | |
| biol.med. triple X syndrome | 3-X-Syndrom {n} | |
| biol. active X chromosome | aktives X-Chromosom {n} | |
| med. fragile X syndrome <FXS> | Fragiles-X-Syndrom {n} <FXS> | |
| biol. inactive X chromosome | inaktives X-Chromosom {n} | |
| idiom any Tom, Dick, or Harry [coll.] | jeder x-Beliebige {m} [ugs.] | |
| agr. potato virus X <PVX> | Kartoffel-X-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] | |
| biochem. pregnane X receptor <PXR> | Pregnan-X-Rezeptor {m} <PXR> | |
| biol.med. triple X syndrome | Triple-X-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. XXX syndrome | Triplo-X-Syndrom {n} | |
| biol. triple X syndrome | Triplo-X-Syndrom {n} | |
| ling. X-bar theory | X-Bar-Theorie {f} [auch: X-bar-Theorie] | |
| med. valgus malalignment | X-Bein-Fehlstellung {f} | |
| biol.med. X-linked inheritance | X-chromosomale Vererbung {f} | |
| tandem disk harrow [Am.] | X-förmige Scheibenegge {f} | |
| tandem disc harrow [Br.] | X-förmige Scheibenegge {f} | |
| comm. x-stage order process | x-stufiger Bestellprozess {m} | |
| gastr. x-piece flatware place setting | x-teilige Besteckgarnitur {f} | |
| gastr. x-piece place setting | x-teiliges Besteck {n} [Garnitur] | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| math. at X {adv} | an der Stelle X | |
| math. f-prime of x <f'(x)> | f-Strich von x <f'(x)> | |
| often abbreviated as X | oft als X abgekürzt | |
| You are within walking distance of / to / from X. | Sie erreichen X fußläufig. | |
| X is within walking distance. | X erreichen Sie fußläufig. | |
| math. x belongs to A | x ist Element von A | |
| math. x is a member of A | x ist Element von A | |
| idiom Sth. is X's claim to fame. | X ist für etw. berühmt. | |
| math. Let X equal 6. | X sei gleich 6. | |
| idiommil. X for X-Ray [NATO phonetic alphabet] | X wie X-Ray [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| idiom Y, (this is) X, over. [X (e.g. coast guard) is calling Y] | Y von X, kommen! [Funksprechverkehr] | |
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