| comm. at {prep} [indicating price] | à 65 | |
| unit atto- {prefix} <a> [10 ^ -18] | Atto- <a> 28 | |
| med.MedTech. anteroposterior {adj} <AP, a.p.> [from front to back] | anteroposterior <AP, a.p.> 18 | |
| a | a [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen] 12 | |
| med.MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front] | posteroanterior <PA, p.a.> 11 | |
| audioelectr. A-weighted {adj} | A-gewichtet [Rauschabstand] 10 | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.> | präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.> 9 | |
| per {prep} | à | |
| an | a [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen] | |
| a- {prefix} [not ..., un-] [e.g. achromatic, ahistorical, apolitical, atypical] | a- [un-] [z. B. achromatisch, ahistorisch, apolitisch, atypisch] | |
| A-weighted {adj} | A-bewertet | |
| audioelectr. aweighted / AWeighted {adj} [A-weighted] | A-gewichtet [Rauschabstand] | |
| electr. A-type encoded {adj} | A-kodiert | |
| mus. coll'arco {adv} <c.a.> | coll'arco <c.a.> | |
| sb. learnt A from B [esp. Br.] | jd. entnahm AAkk. BDat. [auch: jd. entnahm BDat. AAkk.] | |
| materialQM soft-annealed {adj} <+A> | weichgeglüht <+A> | |
Verben |
| to match A with B [adjust] | AAkk. BDat. anpassen | |
Substantive |
| unit year <a, y, yr> | Jahr {n} <a, y> 4032 | |
| electr.unit ampere <A> | Ampere {n} <A> 637 | |
| automot. A-pillar | A-Säule {f} 117 | |
| electr.unit amp <A> [short for: ampere] | Ampere {n} <A> 105 | |
| drugssports A sample [doping] | A-Probe {f} 26 | |
| mus. A major <A> | A-Dur {n} <A> 22 | |
| comm. grade A | Güteklasse A {f} 22 | |
| mus. A flat <A♭> | As {n} <A♭> 16 | |
| A-lister [coll.] | A-Promi {m} [ugs.] 12 | |
| biochem. adenine <A, Ade> [C5H5N5] | Adenin {n} <A, Ade> 12 | |
| chem. adenosine <A, Ado> [C10H13N5O4] | Adenosin {n} <A, Ado> 12 | |
| admin.jobs [civil servant with an academic degree] | A-Beamter {m} [österr.] 11 | |
| acad. Master [female person with a Master's degree] | Magistra {f} <Mag.a> <Mag.> [österr.] 11 | |
| ling. A language | A-Sprache {f} [Muttersprache des Übersetzers] 10 | |
| mus. A sharp <A♯> | Ais {n} <A♯> 10 | |
| biochem. alanine <Ala, A> [C3H7NO2] | Alanin {n} <Ala, A> 9 | |
| unit are <a> [100 m²] | Are {f} <a> [schweiz.] [100 m²] 9 | |
| mus. A string | A-Saite {f} 7 | |
| unit are <a> [100 m²] | Ar {n} [auch {m}, österr. nur {n}] <a> [100 m²] 6 | |
| archaeo.ling. Linear A | Linear A {f} [auch {n}] 6 | |
| geol. A-horizon | A-Horizont {m} 5 | |
| ling.mus.print a [letter, musical note] | a {n} [Buchstabe, musikal. Ton] | |
| ling.mus.print A [letter, musical note] | A {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| hist.mil. A-A line [Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line] | A-A-Linie {f} [oder: AA-Linie] [Astrachan-Archangelsk-Linie] | |
| stocks A share | A-Aktie {f} | |
| sports (national) A team [A-team] | A-Auswahl {f} | |
| biol. A-band [dark staining of a sarcomere] | A-Band {n} [der Bereich zwischen zwei I-Bändern] | |
| biol. A-band [anisotropic band] | A-Bande {f} [anisotrope Bande] | |
| class-A operation | A-Betrieb {m} | |
| audio A-weighting | A-Bewertung {f} [auch entsprechend: B-Bewertung, C-Bewertung, D-Bewertung] | |
| A-scan | A-Bild {n} | |
| materialMedTech. A-image [ultrasound] | A-Bild {n} [Ultraschall] | |
| A-scan display | A-Bildanzeige {f} | |
| A-scan presentation | A-Bildanzeige {f} | |
| biol. A chromosomes | A-Chromosomen {pl} | |
| anat.biol. A-fibers [Am.] | A-Fasern {pl} [auch: A-Nervenfasern] | |
| biol. thick filament [myosin] | A-Filament {n} | |
| archaeo. (Nubian) A-Group [also: A-group] | A-Gruppe {f} [vorgeschichtliche Kultur in Unternubien] | |
| mus. A clarinet [pitched in key of "A"] | A-Klarinette {f} | |
| chem.hydro. activated carbon treatment | A-Kohlebehandlung {f} | |
| a-hole [vulg.] | A-Loch {n} [ugs.] | |
| pol. [German states governed by the SPD] | A-Länder {pl} [informell, fachspr.] | |
| sports A international [football / soccer] | A-Länderspiel {n} [Fußball] | |
| MedTech. A-mode [amplitude modulation] | A-Mode {m} [Sonographie] | |
| first class (mail) | A-Post {f} [schweiz.] [schnelle Briefzustellung] | |
| A-list celebrity | A-Promi {m} [ugs.] | |
| a-wheel blade | A-Radschaufel {f} | |
| market. A-frame sign | A-Reiter {m} [beidseitig schräg stehende Werbefläche in A-Form] | |
| telecom. blanking signal | A-Signal {n} [Austastsignal] | |
| biochem.biol. A-site [aminoacyl site] | A-Stelle {f} [Aminoacyl-Stelle] | |
| econ. A (class) items [ABC analysis] | A-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse] | |
| biol. alpha cells [also: alpha-cells] <α-cells> [endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans] | A-Zellen {pl} [Zelltyp der Langerhans-Inseln] | |
| A-tent [wedge tent] | A-Zelt {n} [Keilzelt, Wedge-Zelt] | |
| a-hole [vulg.] | A...loch {n} [ugs.] | |
| a-hole [vulg.] | A'loch {n} [ugs.] | |
| market. A/B testing | A/B-Test {m} | |
| cloth.relig. abaya | Aba'a {f} [selten] | |
| fin. payment based on provisional assessment [down payment] | Akonto {f} <a/c> <a c.> [Akontozahlung] | |
| spec. activated coal | Aktivkohle {f} <A-Kohle> | |
| ungeprüft electr. general service lamp | Allgebrauchslampe {f} <A-Lampe> | |
| entom. anal vein <A> | Analader {f} <A> | |
| entom. anal vein <A> | Analvene {f} <A> | |
| hist.pol. circle-A [anarchist symbol] | Anarcho-A {n} [anarchistisches Symbol] | |
| biochem. biochanin A [also: olmelin] [C16H12O5] | Biochanin A {n} [auch: Olmelin] | |
| chem. bisphenol A <BPA> [C15H16O2] | Bisphenol A {n} <BPA> | |
| photo. aperture priority <Av, A> | Blendenvorwahl {f} <Av, A> | |
| FoodInd. cochineal red A [E-124] | Cochenillerot A {n} | |
| chem.FoodInd. Ponceau 4R [E-124] | Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124] | |
| chem.FoodInd. C.I. acid red 18 [E-124] | Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124] | |
| chem.FoodInd. brilliant scarlet 3R / 4R [E-124] | Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124] | |
| chem.FoodInd. new coccine [also: SX purple] [E-124] | Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124] | |
| electr. I/O [PLC] | E/A {pl} [SPS] [Eingänge/Ausgänge] | |
| biochem. glycophorin A <GPA> | Glycophorin A {n} <GPA> | |
| chem.pharm. huperzine A <HupA> [C15H18N2O] | Huperzin A {n} <HupA> | |
| biol. influenzavirus A | Influenzavirus A {n} | |
| biol. influenzavirus A flu | Influenzavirus A {n} | |
| hist.pol. circle-A [anarchist symbol] | Kreis-A {n} [anarchistisches Symbol] | |
| geogr. LA [abbr.: Los Angeles] | L. A. {n} | |
| geogr. L. A. [abbr.: Los Angeles] | L. A. {n} | |
| biochem. oroxylin A [C16H12O5] | Oroxylin A {n} | |
| constr. Portland fly ash cement <PFAC> | Portlandflugaschezement {m} <CEM II/A-V> | |
| constr. Portland blast furnace (slag) cement <PBFC> | Portlandhüttenzement {m} <CEM II/A-S + CEM II/B-S> [früher Eisenportlandzement genannt] | |
| constr. Portland limestone cement <PLC> | Portlandkalksteinzement {m} <CEM II/A-L> | |
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