ling.mus.print g {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | g [letter, musical note] |
ling.mus.print G {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | G [letter, musical note] |
idiom G wie / für Gustav | G as in George [Am.] |
idiommil. G wie Golf [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | G for Golf [NATO phonetic alphabet] |
idiom G wie Gustav | G for George |
pol. G-7-Staat {m} | G7 state |
pol. G-8-Staat {m} | G8 state [country] |
med.QM G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP] | German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria> |
med. G-DRG-System {n} [Fallpauschalen-System, Deutschland] | German diagnosis-related groups {pl} <G-DRGs> |
mus. G-Dur {n} <G> | G major <G> |
travel G-Klassifizierung {f} [deutsche Klassifizierung für Gästehäuser, Gasthöfe und Pensionen] | G-classification [guesthouses, inns, boarding houses] |
G-Kräfte {pl} <g-Kräfte> | G-forces |
G-Man {m} | g-man [Am.] [sl.] [short for Government Man] |
mus. g-Moll {n} <g, Gm> | G minor <g, Gm> |
biochem. G-Protein {n} | G protein |
biochem. G-Protein-gekoppelte Proteinkinasen {pl} <GRK> | G-protein coupled receptor kinases <GRKs> |
biochem. G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren {pl} <GPCR> | G protein-coupled receptors <GPCRs> |
biochem. G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptor {m} <GPCR> | G protein-coupled receptor <GPCR> |
biochem. G-Proteine {pl} | G proteins |
anat. G-Punkt {m} | Gräfenberg spot |
anat. G-Punkt {m} [Gräfenberg-Punkt] | G-spot |
med. G-Punkt-Amplifikation {f} | G-spot amplification |
mus. G-Saite {f} | G string |
mus. G-Saite {f} | G-string |
mus. G-Schlüssel {m} | G clef |
tech. G-Sensor {m} [ugs.] [Beschleunigungssensor] | accelerometer |
cloth. G-String {m} {f} | G-string |
cloth. G-String {m} {f} | gee-string |
cloth. G-String ouvert {m} | crotchless G-string |
cloth. G-String-Bikini {m} | G-string bikini |
cloth. G-String-Tanga {m} | G-string thong |
cloth. G-String-Unterteil {m} {n} [Bikini] | G-string bottom |
anat.biol. G-Zelle {f} | G cell |
G-Zone {f} | Gräfenberg spot |
mil. G. I. {m} [ugs.] [(einfacher) amerikanischer Soldat] [auch: GI] | GI [esp. a soldier in the US army] |
lawmil.pol. G.I. Bill {f} [auch {m}, {n}] [auch GI-Bill] [US-Gesetz, das Kriegsveteranen u. a. ein Universitätsstudium ermöglichte] | G.I. Bill (of Rights) [USA] [coll.] [Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944] |
filmF G.I. Joe – Geheimauftrag Cobra | G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra [Stephen Sommers] |
filmF G.I. Joe: Die Abrechnung | G.I. Joe: Retaliation [Jon Chu] |
entom.T G'schwer {n} [österr.] [Maulwurfsgrille] | European mole cricket [Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa] |
G'schwerl {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Gesindel] | mob [pej.] |
cloth. G'wand {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Klamotten, Kleidung] | togs [coll.] |
econ.pol. G20 {pl} [Staaten] | Group of Twenty {sg} <G-20, G20> |
econ.pol. G20-Staaten {pl} | Group of Twenty states |
pol. G7-Staat {m} [Rsv.] | G7 state |
filmF G8 auf Wolke Sieben | The Girl in the Café [David Yates] |
pol. G8-Gipfeltreffen {n} | G8 summit |
pol. G8-Länder {pl} | G8 countries |
pol. G8-Sherpa {m} [Beamter, der als Regierungschefsvertreter ein G8-Gipfeltreffen vorbereitet] | (G8) sherpa |
pol. G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.] | G8 country |
pol. G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.] | G8 member (country) |
pol. G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.] | G8 state [country] | GaAs-Wafer {m} [Wafer aus Galliumarsenid] | gallium arsenide wafer <GaAs wafer> |
biol. GABAerg | GABAergic |
pharm. Gabapentin {n} <GBP> | gabapentin <GPT> |
textil. Gabardine {m} [selten {f}] | gabardine |
textil. Gabardine {m} [selten {f}] | gaberdine |
orn.T Gabarhabicht {m} | gabar goshawk [Micronisus gabar] |
biochem. Gabazin {n} | gabazine [C15H18BrN3O3; C15H17N3O3 · HBr] |
geol. Gabbro {m} | gabbro |
geogr. Gabbro Hills {pl} | Gabbro Hills |
geol. gabbroid | gabbroitic |
geol. gabbroisch | gabbroic |
mineral. Gabbronit {m} [veraltet] [Nephelin] | gabbronite [(Na,K)AlSiO4] |
geol. Gabbronorit {m} | gabbronorite |
pharm. Gabe {f} | dispensation |
pharm. Gabe {f} | dose |
relig. Gabe {f} | offering |
Gabe {f} [Begabung] | endowment [natural talent] |
Gabe {f} [Begabung] | talent |
Gabe {f} [geh.] [Geschenk] | gift |
Gabe {f} [geh.] [Schenkung] | donation |
Gabe {f} [geh.] [Geschenk] | present [gift] |
Gabe {f} [Gunst, Gnade, Segen] | boon |
Gabe {f} [Talent] | knack [talent] |
med.pharm. Gabe {f} [Verabreichung] | administration [of drugs] |
Gabe {f} der Natur | bounty of nature |
Gabe {f} Gottes | gift from above |
Gabe {f} Gottes | gift of the gods |
Gabe {f} sich zu konzentrieren | concentrativeness |
telecom. Gabel {f} | cradle [of a telephone] |
Gabel {f} | fork |
telecom. Gabel {f} | hook [telephone cradle] |
agr. Gabel {f} | pitchfork |
telecom. Gabel {f} | rest |
tech. Gabel {f} | yoke |
games Gabel {f} [Bridge] | tenace [bridge] |
mus. Gabel {f} [Crescendo- oder Diminuendo-Zeichen] | hairpin [crescendo or diminuendo sign] |
Gabel {f} [Gabeldeichsel] | shafts {pl} [on a sulky or similar] |
Gabel {f} [z. B. eines Astes] | fork [e.g., of a branch] |
entom.T Gabel-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart] | dainty bluet [Coenagrion scitulum] |
entom.T Gabel-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart] | dainty damselfly [Coenagrion scitulum] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | common fringe-rush / fringerush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | forked fimbry [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | forked fringerush / fringe-rush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | lesser fimbristylis [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | slender fringerush / fringe-rush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | tall fringe-rush / fringerush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f} | two-leaf fimbristylis [Fimbristylis dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Leimkraut {n} | forked catchfly [Silene dichotoma] |
bot.T Gabel-Leimkraut / Gabelleimkraut {n} | dichotoma silene [Silene dichotoma] |