o [als Anrufung vor einem Namen] [geh.] | O [as an address, preceding a name] [literary] |
ling.print o {n} [Buchstabe] | o [letter] |
ling.print O {n} [Buchstabe] | O [letter] |
filmF O – Vertrauen, Verführung, Verrat | O [Tim Blake Nelson] |
mus.relig.F O Bethlehem, du kleine Stadt | O Little Town of Bethlehem |
lit.quote O du, Geliebte meiner siebenundzwanzig Sinne, ich liebe dir! [Kurt Schwitters, An Anna Blume, 1920] | Oh thou, beloved of my twenty-seven senses, I love thine! [trans. Kurt Schwitters] |
mus.F O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe [J. S. Bach, BWV 34] | O eternal fire, o source of love |
mus.F O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort [J. S. Bach, BWV 20] | O eternity, thou thunderous word |
mus.F O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort [J. S. Bach, BWV 60] | O eternity, you word of thunder |
lit.F O Gottogott! | Oh, God! [Avery Corman] |
O Graus! [hum.] | Oh horror! [hum.] |
O Graus! [hum.] | Oh the horror! [hum.] |
mus.relig.F O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden | O Sacred Head, Now Wounded |
mus.relig.F O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden | O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded |
mus.F O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad [J. S. Bach, BWV 165] | O bath of Holy Spirit and of water [also: O Holy Ghost and water bath] |
bibl.quote O ihr Kleingläubigen! [Mt 6,30; Luther 1912] | O ye of little faith! [Mt 6:30; KJV] |
mus.F O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht [J. S. Bach, BWV 118] | O Jesus Christ, light of my life |
mus.F O preist den Herrn mit einem Mund / Rühmt Gott, den Herrn, mit einer Stimm' [Anthem von Georg Friedrich Händel] | O praise the Lord with one consent [anthem by George Frideric Handel, HWV 254] |
mus.F O Tannenbaum [Weihnachtslied] | O Christmas tree [Christmas carol] |
mus.F O Tannenbaum [Weihnachtslied] | Oh Christmas tree [Christmas carol] |
filmF O Vater, armer Vater, Mutter hängt dich in den Schrank, und ich bin ganz krank | Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad [Richard Quine] |
idiommil. O wie Oscar [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | O for Oscar [NATO phonetic alphabet] |
idiom O wie Otto | O as in Oboe [Am.] |
idiom O wie Otto | O for Oliver [Br.] |
lit.F O Wildnis | Ah, Wilderness! [Eugene O'Neill] |
mus.relig. O-Antiphonen {pl} | O antiphons [also: great O's] |
transp. O-Bahn {f} | guided busway |
med. O-Bein {n} | bowleg [Genu varum] |
med. O-Bein {n} | out-knee [Genu varum] |
med. O-Bein-Fehlstellung {f} | varus malalignment |
O-Beine {pl} | bandy legs |
O-Beine {pl} | bowlegs |
O-Beine haben | to have bow legs |
O-Beine haben | to toe out |
o-beinig [auch: O-Beinig] | bandy-legged |
o-beinig [auch: O-beinig] | bow-legged |
o-beinig [auch: O-beinig] | bowlegged |
o-beinig [auch: O-beinig] | devalgate [obs.] [bow-legged] |
o-beinig [auch: O-Beinig] | varus |
med. O-Beinigkeit {f} | bow-leggedness [Genu varum] |
automot.transp. O-Bus {m} | trolley-bus |
automot.transp. O-Bus {m} | trolleybus |
chem.pharm. o-Cumarsäure {f} | 2-hydroxycinnamic acid [C9H8O3] [also: ortho-coumaric acid] |
chem.pharm. o-Cumarsäure {f} | o-coumaric acid [C9H8O3] |
O-Dichtring {m} | O-ring seal |
cloth. O-Form {f} [auch: Egg-Shape] | egg shape |
biochem. O-glycosidische Bindung {f} | O-glycosidic bond |
biochem. O-glykosidische Bindung {f} | O-glycosidic bond |
anat. O-Hüfte {f} | coxa valga |
cloth. O-Linie {f} [auch: Egg-Shape] | egg shape |
sports O-Linie {f} <OL> [Offensive Line] [American Football] | offensive line <O-line, OL> [American Football] |
biochem. O-Mannosylierung {f} | O-mannosylation |
chem. o-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD> [1,2-Diaminobenzol] | o-phenylenediamine <OPD> [1,2-diaminobenzene] |
O-Ring {m} | O-ring |
tech. O-Ring {m} | toric joint [O-ring] |
tech. O-Ring-Greifer {m} | O-ring gripper |
electr. O-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung] | O-ring circuit |
gastr. O-Saft {m} [ugs.] | OJ [Am.] [coll.] [orange juice] |
cloth. O-Silhouette {f} [O-Linie, O-Form] | O silhouette [egg-shape] |
journ.RadioTV O-Ton {m} auf Band [Originalton] | sound on tape <SOT> |
O-Ton: [zur Einleitung eines zentralen wörtlichen Zitats] | Money quote: [coll.] [Am.] |
o. k. | all right |
o. k. | grand [Irish] |
O. K. | grand [Irish] |
o. k. | O.K. |
O. K. | O.K. |
o. k. | OK |
O. K. | OK |
O. K. | okay |
o. k. | okay |
idiom O. k. / O. K., dann eben auf die harte Tour. | Ok. We do it the hard way. |
RadioTVF O.C., California | The O.C. |
geogr. O'Hara-Gletscher {m} | O'Hara Glacier |
geogr. O'Kane Canyon {m} | O'Kane Canyon |
geogr. O'Kane-Gletscher {m} | O'Kane Glacier |
geogr. O'Leary Peak {m} | O'Leary Peak |
gastr.idiom O'zapft is! [bayer.] | It's tapped! |
biol.med. O2-Aufnahme {f} [kurz für: Sauerstoffaufnahme] | O2 consumption [short for: oxygen consumption] |
med.MedTech. O2-Nasensonde {f} [Nasensonde zur Sauerstoffversorgung] | nasal O2 tube |
zool. Oachkatzlschwoaf {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] | squirrel tail |
zool. Oachkatzlschwoaf {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Dialekt] [Eichhörnchenschweif] | tail of a squirrel |
orn.T Oahu-Amakihikleidervogel {m} | Oahu amakihi [Hemignathus flavus, syn.: Chlorodrepanis virens, Viridonia virens] |
orn.T Oahu-Langbeineule {f} [ausgestorben] | O'ahu stilt-owl [Grallistrix orion] [extinct] |
orn.T Oahu-Moa-Nalo {m} [ausgestorben] | Oʻahu moa-nalo [Thambetochen xanion] [extinct] |
orn.T Oahuastläufer {m} | Oahu creeper [Paroreomyza maculata] |
bot.T Oakes Nachtkerze {f} | (Oakes') evening-primrose / evening primrose [Oenothera oakesiana, syn.: O. ammophila, O. litorea, O. syrticola] |
bot.T Oakes Nachtkerze {f} | Oakes's evening-primrose / evening primrose [Oenothera oakesiana, syn.: O. ammophila, O. litorea, O. syrticola] |
hist.weapons Oakeshott-Klassifikation {f} | Oakeshott typology |
geogr. Oakley-Gletscher {m} | Oakley Glacier |
Oasch {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [vulg.] [Arsch] | ass [Am.] [vulg.] |
Oase {f} | oasis |
Oase {f} [fig.] | haven |
Oase {f} der Ruhe | oasis of calm |
Oase {f} der Ruhe | oasis of tranquility |
Oase {f} der Ruhe | oasis of tranquillity |
Oase {f} der Stille | haven of tranquility |
geogr. Oase {f} Siwa | Siwa Oasis |
Oasen {pl} | oases |
entom.T Oasen-Pechlibelle {f} | oasis bluetail [Ischnura fountaineae] |
Oasenbewohner {m} | oasis dweller |