W {n} [Buchstabe] | dub [sl.] [letter W] |
ling.print w {n} [Buchstabe] | w [letter] |
ling.print W {n} [Buchstabe] | W [letter] |
mil. W wie Whiskey [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | W for Whiskey [NATO phonetic alphabet] |
W wie Wilhelm | W as in William [esp. Am.] |
W wie Wilhelm | W for William |
phys. W-Boson {n} | W boson |
ling. W-Frage {f} [auch: w-Frage] | wh-question |
med. W-Pouch {m} [nach Nichols] | w-pouch [after Nichols] |
ling. W-Wort {n} [Fragewort] | wh-word |
filmF W. – Ein missverstandenes Leben | W. [Oliver Stone] |
filmF W.E. | W.E. [Madonna] |
math. W*-Algebra {f} [von-Neumann-Algebra] | W*-algebra |
geogr. Waadt {f} <VD> | Vaud <VD> [canton of Switzerland] |
Waadtländer {m} | [male citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland] |
Waadtländer / waadtländisch [den Schweizer Kanton Waadt betreffend] | Vaud / Vaudois [pertaining to the Swiss canton of Vaud] |
geogr. Waadtländer Alpen {pl} | Alps of Vaud |
ethn.geogr. Waadtländerin {f} | [female citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland] |
geogr. waadtländisch [das Waadtland, die Waadtländer betreffend] | of Vaud [postpos.] |
geogr. Waadtland {n} <VD> | Vaud <VD> [canton of Switzerland] |
waafen [fränk.] [plaudern, schwatzen] | to babble |
Waage {f} | a pair of balances |
Waage {f} | balance [weighing device] |
Waage {f} | pair of scales |
Waage {f} | scale [Am.] [balance] |
Waage {f} | scales {pl} [balance; treated as sg.] |
Waage {f} | weighing scale |
esot. Waage {f} [Person, die im Sternzeichen geboren ist] | Libran |
transp. Waage {f} [Wiegestation für Lastwagen usw.] | weigh station |
astron.esot. Waage {f} <♎> [Sternzeichen, Sternbild] | Libra <♎> |
astron.esot. Waage {f} <♎> [Sternzeichen, Sternbild] | The Scales <♎> [Libra] |
Waage {f} der Gerechtigkeit | scales of justice |
hist. Waageamt {n} | weighmaster's office |
Waagebalken {m} | balance beam |
Waagebalken {m} | beam |
Waagebalken {m} [Balken der Waage] | arm of the balance [measuring instrument] |
Waagebalken {m} [Balken einer Waage] | arm of a balance [measuring instrument] |
mus. Waagebalken {m} [Klaviatur] | balance rail |
constr. Waagebalkenbrücke {f} | bascule bridge with counter balance beam |
mus. Waagebalkenstift {m} [Klaviaturtaste] | balance (rail) pin |
tech. Waagen-Kalibrierung {f} [auch: Waagenkalibrierung] | scales calibration |
tech. Waagenbrücke {f} | weighbridge |
Waageraum {m} [bes. im Rennsport] | weighing room |
waagerecht | horizontal |
waagerecht | horizontally |
waagerecht | level [horizontal] |
waagerecht [im Kreuzworträtsel] | across |
audio waagerecht schwingende Schallfelder {pl} | grazing sound fields |
Waagerechtbohr- und -fräswerk {n} | horizontal boring and milling machine |
Waagerechte {f} | horizontal line |
Waagerechte {f} [Lage] | horizontal position |
waagerechte ebene Wand {f} | horizontal plane wall |
biol.zool. waagerechte Pupille {f} | horizontal pupil |
biol.zool. waagerechte schlitzförmige Pupille {f} | horizontal slit pupil |
waagerechter | more horizontal |
waagerechteste | most horizontal |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | fishbone cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis, syn.: C. horizontalis var. wilsonii] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | prostrate cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis, syn.: C. horizontalis var. wilsonii] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | rock cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | rock-spray [Cotoneaster horizontalis] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | rockspray cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | wall cotoneaster [Cotoneaster horizontalis] |
bot.T Waagerechtwachsende Zwergmispel {f} | wallspray [Cotoneaster horizontalis] |
hist.jobs Waagmacher {m} | balance maker |
waagrecht | across |
waagrecht | horizontal |
waagrecht | horizontally |
waagrecht | level [horizontal] |
herald. waagrecht schwimmend | naiant [postpos.] |
archi. waagrechte Leiste {f} [des Fensterkreuzes] | transom [of a window frame] |
biol.zool. waagrechte Pupille {f} | horizontal pupil |
gastr. waagrechter Grillspieß {m} | horizontal rotisserie [spit] |
bot.T Waagrechter Venusnabel {m} | horizontal navelwort [Umbilicus horizontalis] |
bot.T Waagrechter Venusnabel {m} | narrow navelwort [Umbilicus horizontalis] |
tech. Waagrechtstoßmaschine {f} | horizontal shaper |
tech. Waagschale {f} | balance pan |
Waagschale {f} | pan [of scales] |
Waagschale {f} | scale |
Waagschale {f} | scale pan |
Waagschale {f} | weighing dish |
Waagschale {f} | weighing pan |
Waagschale {f} [auch fig.] | balance tray |
pharm. Waagschale {f} für Pulverwaage | powder scale pan |
Waagschalen {pl} | scales [of a balance] |
geogr. Waal {f} | Waal River |
Waal {m} [Bewässerungsgraben in Tirol] | irrigation channel |
med. Waaler-Rose-Test {m} | Waaler-Rose test [spv.] |
orn.T Waaliataube {f} | Bruce's green pigeon [Treron waalia] |
orn.T Waaliataube {f} | yellow-bellied green pigeon [Treron waalia] |
orn.T Waalie {f} | Bruce's green pigeon [Treron waalia] |
orn.T Waalie-Taube {f} | Bruce's green pigeon [Treron waalia] |
orn.T Waalietaube {f} | Bruce's green pigeon [Treron waalia] |
med. Waardenburg-Syndrom {n} <WS> | Waardenburg / Waardenburg's syndrome <WS> |
wabbelig | wobbly |
wabbelig [ugs.] | blubbery |
wabbelig [ugs.] [Bauch, Hintern etc.] | flabby |
Wabbeligkeit {f} | flabbiness |
wabbeln | to wobble |
Wabbelspeck {m} [ugs.] | blubber [sl.] |
wabblig | wobbly |