| anat.VetMed. fifth cervical vertebra <5th cervical vertebra, C5 vertebra, C5> [Vertebra cervicalis V] | fünfter Halswirbel {m} <5. Halswirbel, C5, C 5> | |
Teiltreffer |
| fifth [male person] | Fünfter {m} | |
| anat. vertebra of the neck | Halswirbel {m} | |
| anat. cervical vertebra | Halswirbel {m} | |
| anat. cervical vertebrae [Vertebrae cervicales] | Halswirbel {pl} | |
| fifth | fünfter Teil {m} | |
| anat. vertebra dentata [rare] [axis, epistropheus] | zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2> | |
| to lie fifth | an fünfter Stelle liegen | |
| anat. second cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C2> [axis] | zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2> [Axis] | |
| anat. first cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C1> [atlas] | erster Halswirbel {m} <C1> [Atlas] | |
| lit.F Acqua Alta [Donna Leon] | Acqua Alta. Commissario Brunettis fünfter Fall | |
| ecol.pol. Fifth Assessment Report <AR5> of the IPCC [short] [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] | Fünfter Sachstandsbericht {m} des IPCC <AR5> [für Klimaänderungen] | |
| anat.VetMed. fifth lumbar vertebra <5th lumbar vertebra, L5 vertebra, L5> [Vertebra lumbalis V] | fünfter Lendenwirbel {m} <5. Lendenwirbel, L5, L 5> | |
| anat.VetMed. fifth thoracic vertebra <5th thoracic vertebra, T5 vertebra, T5> [Vertebra thoracica V] | fünfter Brustwirbel {m} <5. Brustwirbel, Th5, Th 5> | |
| anat.biol. fifth sacral vertebra <5th sacral vertebra, S5 vertebra, S5> [Vertebra sacralis V] | fünfter Sakralwirbel {m} <5. Sakralwirbel, S5, S 5> | |
| anat.VetMed. fourth cervical vertebra <4th cervical vertebra, C4 vertebra, C4> [Vertebra cervicalis IV] | vierter Halswirbel {m} <4. Halswirbel, C4, C 4> | |
| anat.VetMed. sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI] | sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6> | |
| anat.VetMed. third cervical vertebra <3rd cervical vertebra, C3 vertebra, C3> [Vertebra cervicalis III] | dritter Halswirbel {m} <3. Halswirbel, C3, C 3> | |
| anat.VetMed. seventh cervical vertebra <7th cervical vertebra, C7 vertebra, C7> [Vertebra cervicalis VII, Vertebra prominens] | siebter / siebenter Halswirbel {m} <7. Halswirbel, C7, C 7, HWK 7> | |
| anat.VetMed. cranial nerve V <CN V, CNV> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | fünfter Hirnnerv {m} <V. Hirnnerv> | |
20 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'fünfter Halswirbel' von Deutsch nach Englisch
- fünfter Halswirbel {m} <5. Halswirbel, C5, C 5>
- fifth cervical vertebra <5th cervical vertebra, C5 vertebra, C5> [Vertebra cervicalis V]anat.VetMed.
- Fünfter {m}
- fifth [male person]
- Halswirbel {m}
- vertebra of the neckanat.
cervical vertebraanat.
- Halswirbel {pl}
- cervical vertebrae [Vertebrae cervicales]anat.
- fünfter Teil {m}
- fifth
- zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2>
- vertebra dentata [rare] [axis, epistropheus]anat.
- an fünfter Stelle liegen
- to lie fifth
- zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2> [Axis]
- second cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C2> [axis]anat.
- erster Halswirbel {m} <C1> [Atlas]
- first cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C1> [atlas]anat.
- Acqua Alta. Commissario Brunettis fünfter Fall
- Acqua Alta [Donna Leon]lit.F
- Fünfter Sachstandsbericht {m} des IPCC <AR5> [für Klimaänderungen]
- Fifth Assessment Report <AR5> of the IPCC [short] [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]ecol.pol.
- fünfter Lendenwirbel {m} <5. Lendenwirbel, L5, L 5>
- fifth lumbar vertebra <5th lumbar vertebra, L5 vertebra, L5> [Vertebra lumbalis V]anat.VetMed.
- fünfter Brustwirbel {m} <5. Brustwirbel, Th5, Th 5>
- fifth thoracic vertebra <5th thoracic vertebra, T5 vertebra, T5> [Vertebra thoracica V]anat.VetMed.
- fünfter Sakralwirbel {m} <5. Sakralwirbel, S5, S 5>
- fifth sacral vertebra <5th sacral vertebra, S5 vertebra, S5> [Vertebra sacralis V]anat.biol.
- vierter Halswirbel {m} <4. Halswirbel, C4, C 4>
- fourth cervical vertebra <4th cervical vertebra, C4 vertebra, C4> [Vertebra cervicalis IV]anat.VetMed.
- sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6>
- sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI]anat.VetMed.
- dritter Halswirbel {m} <3. Halswirbel, C3, C 3>
- third cervical vertebra <3rd cervical vertebra, C3 vertebra, C3> [Vertebra cervicalis III]anat.VetMed.
- siebter / siebenter Halswirbel {m} <7. Halswirbel, C7, C 7, HWK 7>
- seventh cervical vertebra <7th cervical vertebra, C7 vertebra, C7> [Vertebra cervicalis VII, Vertebra prominens]anat.VetMed.
- fünfter Hirnnerv {m} <V. Hirnnerv>
- cranial nerve V <CN V, CNV> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]anat.VetMed.
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