| unit hecto- {prefix} <h> [10 ^ 2] | Hekto- <h> 36 | |
| honorary {adj} <hon.> | ehrenhalber [nachgestellt] <e. h., eh.> 35 | |
| spec. honoris causa <h.c.> | ehrenhalber <e. h., eh.> | |
Substantive |
| unit hour <h, hr> | Stunde {f} <h, Std., St.> 2197 | |
| height <h, ht> | Höhe {f} <H> 1384 | |
| chem. hydrogen <H> | Wasserstoff {m} <H> 1314 | |
| mil. captain <Capt., CPT> | 83 Hauptmann {m} <Hptm, Hptm., H> [in D-A-CH ohne Punkt, in DDR und Deutschem Reich mit Punkt; in Listen auch „H“] | |
| electr.unit henry <H> | Henry {n} <H> 12 | |
| biochem. histidine <His, H> [C6H9N3O2] | Histidin {n} <His, H> 11 | |
| chem. hydrogen <H> | Hydrogen {n} [Wasserstoff] <H> 9 | |
| ling.print h [letter] | h {n} [Buchstabe] 8 | |
| mus. B | H {n} [Ton] 6 | |
| acad. honorary doctor | Ehrendoktor {m} <Dr. h. c.> | |
| acad. honorary degree [doctoral degree] | Ehrendoktorat {m} <Dr. h. c.> | |
| ling.print H [letter] | H {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| mus. b [musical note] | h {n} [Ton] | |
| FoodInd. UHT milk | Haltbarmilch {f} [bes. österr.] <H-Milch> | |
| FoodInd. long-lasting milk | Haltbarmilch {f} [bes. österr.] <H-Milch> | |
| FoodInd. shelf-stable milk | Haltbarmilch {f} [bes. österr.] <H-Milch> | |
| FoodInd. long-life milk [Br.] | Haltbarmilch {f} [bes. österr.] <H-Milch> | |
| mil. army manual | Heeresdruckvorschrift {f} <H.Dv.> | |
| mil. army ordnance depot | Heereszeugamt {n} <H.Za.> | |
| chem.phys. helion <h> | Helion {n} <h> | |
| relig. Hieronymites [Order of Saint Jerome] <OSH, O.S.H.> | Hieronymiten {pl} [Orden des heiligen Hieronymus] <O.S.H.> | |
| phys. Higgsino <H͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] | Higgsino {n} <H͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen] | |
| mil. (military / Army) obstacle course [esp. in recruit /military training] | Hindernisbahn {f} <H-Bahn, HiBa> | |
| chem. hydrogenium [obs.] [hydrogen] <H> | Hydrogenium {n} [Wasserstoff] <H> | |
| automot.tech. aspect ratio <AR, H/W> | Querschnittsverhältnis {n} <QSV, H/B> | |
| unit kilometers per hour <km/h, kph, kmph> [Am.] | Stundenkilometer {pl} <km/h> [ugs.] | |
| chem. plate height <HETP> | Trennstufenhöhe {f} <H> | |
| phys. action quantum <h> | Wirkungsquantum {n} <h> | |
| tech. heat transfer coefficient <h, HTC> | Wärmeübertragungskoeffizient {m} <h, WÜK> | |
| MedTech.phys. equivalent dose <H> | Äquivalentdosis {f} <H> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| out of (the) office <OOO> | außer Haus <a. H.> | |
| meaning | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| id est <i.e.> | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| that is to say {adv} | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| videlicet <viz> | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| scilicet {adv} <sc. / ss.> | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| in other words <i.e.> | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| that is <id est, i.e.> | das heißt <d. h.> | |
| to wit {adv} [that is to say] | das heißt <d. h.> [nämlich] | |
| H-shaped {adj} | H-förmig | |
| honorary {adj} <hon> | honoris causa <h. c.> [ehrenhalber] | |
| admin.econ. this year {adv} | huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig] | |
| admin.econ. this year's {adj} | huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig] | |
| on the premises {adv} | im Hause <i. H.> | |
| attention <attn> [on envelope] | zu Händen <z. H., z. Hd., z. Hdn.> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| ling. lengthening h | Dehnungs-h {n} | |
| spec. H-tree | H-Baum {m} | |
| weapons H-bomb | H-Bombe {f} | |
| electr. H-bridge | H-Brücke {f} | |
| mus. B major <B> | H-Dur {n} <H> | |
| high caloric gas [natural gas] | H-Gas {n} [Erdgas] | |
| automot. [VIN number for historical cars in Germany] | H-Kennzeichen {n} | |
| gastr. UHT milk | H-Milch {f} | |
| gastr. long-life milk | H-Milch {f} | |
| gastr. homogenized milk | H-Milch {f} | |
| gastr. ultra-pasteurized milk | H-Milch {f} | |
| gastr. homogenised milk [Br.] | H-Milch {f} | |
| mus. B minor <b, Bm> | h-Moll {n} <h, Hm> | |
| tech. H-profile | H-Profil {n} | |
| constr.tech. H-section / H section | H-Profil {n} | |
| constr.tech. H-sections / H sections | H-Profile {pl} | |
| gastr. homogenized cream | H-Sahne {f} | |
| gastr. homogenised cream [Br.] | H-Sahne {f} | |
| mus. B string | H-Saite {f} | |
| electr. H-bridge | H-Schaltung {f} [Vollbrücke, H-Brücke] | |
| mil. tactical reconnaissance squadron attached to army ground units | H-Staffel {f} [Luftwaffeneinheit] | |
| constr. H-beam | H-Träger {m} | |
| biol. H-zone | H-Zone {f} | |
| med. Helicobacter pylori <H. pylori> [formerly: Campylobacter pyloridis, Campylobacter pylori] | Helicobacter pylori {n} {m} <H. pylori> | |
| relig. Helvetic Confession <HC> | Helvetisches Bekenntnis {n} <H. B.> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| med.VetMed. hypoxia-ischemia <HI, H/I> [Am.] | Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I> | |
| med.VetMed. hypoxia-ischaemia <HI, H/I> [Br.] | Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I> | |
| phys. magnetic field intensity <H> | magnetische Erregung {f} <H> [magnetische Feldstärke] | |
| phys. magnetic field strength <H> | magnetische Feldstärke {f} <H> | |
| phys. magnetic field intensity <H> | magnetische Feldstärke {f} <H> | |
| phys. Planck constant <h> | Planck-Konstante {f} <h> | |
| phys. Planck's constant <h> | Planck'sche Konstante {f} <h> | |
| phys. Planck constant <h> | Planck'sches Wirkungsquantum {n} <h> | |
| phys. Planck constant <h> [also: Planck's constant] | plancksche Konstante {f} <h> | |
| phys. Planck constant <h> [also: Planck's constant] | Plancksche Konstante {f} <h> [alt] | |
| phys. Planck's constant <h> | Plancksches Wirkungsquantum {n} [alt] <h> | |
| phys. Planck constant <h> | plancksches Wirkungsquantum {n} <h> | |
| phys. Planck's constant <h> | plancksches Wirkungsquantum {n} <h> | |
| chem. hydrochlorofluorocarbons {pl} <HCFCs> | teilhalogenierte Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoffe {pl} <H-FCKW> | |
| chem. hydrochlorofluorocarbon <HCFC> | teilhalogenierter Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff {m} <H-FCKW> | |
| biochem. vitamin H [vitamin B7, biotin] | Vitamin {n} H | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| idiommil. H for Hotel [NATO phonetic alphabet] | H wie Hotel [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| in the amount of | in Höhe von <i. H. v.> | |
| to the tune of | in Höhe von <i. H. v.> | |
| amounting to {adj} [postpos.] | in Höhe von <i. H. v.> [nachgestellt] | |
| per cent <pc, p.c.> [Br.] | von / vom Hundert <v. H.> | |
| for (the) attention of <FAO> [on envelope] | zu Händen von <z. H., z. Hd., z. Hdn.> | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| phonet. to aspirate an 'h' sound | ein H aussprechen | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name] | (Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt] | |
| ling. (the) aitch | der Buchstabe {m} h [auch: der Buchstabe H] | |
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