 Übersetzung für 'jds.' von Deutsch nach Englisch
one's {pron} [determiner]jemandes <jds.>
somebody's {pron} <sb.'s>jemandes <jds.>
someone's {pron} <so.'s>jemandes <jds.>
sb. commemorated sb./sth.
jd. gedachte jds./etw. [geh.] [erinnerte an jdn./etw.]
on the part of sb./sth. {adv} [idiom]abseiten jds./etw. [veraltet für: seitens]
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [in contrast]anstatt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz]
on the side of sb./sth. {adv}aufseiten jds./etw.
in terms of sb./sth. {adv}bezüglich jds./etw.
relating to sb./sth. {adv}bezüglich jds./etw. [bes. Amtsdeutsch]
on account of sb./sth. {adv}dank jds./etw. [im Pl. meist Gen.]
according to sb./sth. {adv}jds./etw. zufolge [schweiz. und jur.]
with the help of sb./sth. {adv}mithilfe jds./etw.
in the name of sb./sth {adv}namens jds./etw. [im Namen]
on the part of sb./sth. {adv}seitens jds./etw.
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [idiom] statt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz zu]
according to sb./sth. {adv}zufolge jds./etw. [schweiz. und jur.]
at the expense of sb./sth. {adv}zulasten jds./etw. [auch: zu Lasten]
to commemorate sb./sth.jds./etw. gedenken [geh.] [in einer Feier ehren]
to require sb./sth. [need or depend on]
jds./etw. bedürfen [geh.] [z. B. eines Gutachters / Gutachtens]
to recall sb./sth. [remember]jds./etw. gedenken [geh.] [sich erinnern]
to remember sb./sth.jds./etw. gedenken [geh.] [sich erinnern]
to await sb./sth.jds./etw. harren [geh.]
to notice sb./sth.jds./etw. innewerden [geh.] [jdn./etw. bemerken]
to forget sb./sth.
jds./etw. vergessen [veraltet] [jdn./etw. vergessen]
to think of sb. [remember, commemorate]jds. gedenken [geh.]
to give birth to sb.jds. genesen [geh.] [z. B. eines gesunden Kindes]
sb.'s demesne [fig.]jds. Reich {n}
sb.'s fortejds. Force {f} [veraltend]
sb.'s folks [Am.] [coll.]jds. Familie {f}
sb.'s dotagejds. Lebensabend {m}
[the way sb. feels / is]jds. Ergehen {n}
sb.'s gustojds. Geschmack {m}
sb.'s intended [coll.]jds. Auserkorener {m} [hum.]
sb.'s doingjds. Werk {n}
sb.'s period {sg}jds. Tage {pl} [ugs.] [Menstruation]
sb.'s intended [female] [coll.]jds. Auserkorene {f} [hum.]
(sb.'s) parents' generation
(jds.) Elterngeneration {f}
(sb.'s) grandparents' generation
(jds.) Großelterngeneration {f}
weaponization of sb./sth. [rare for: arming]Bewaffnung {f} jds./etw.
mention of sb./sth.Erwähnung {f} jds./etw.
the way sb. comes acrossjds. Außenwirkung {f}
the impression sb. makes (on others)jds. Außenwirkung {f}
the smell of beer on sb.'s breathjds. Bieratem {m}
flaw in sb.'s characterjds. Charakterfehler {m}
secret to sb.'s successjds. Erfolgsgeheimnis {n}
a matter of sb.'s discretionjds. Ermessenssache {f}
person opposite sb. [in a train etc.]jds. Gegenüber {n}
look of sb.'s face [facial appearance] jds. Gesicht {n} [die äußere Erscheinung beschreibend]
look on sb.'s facejds. Gesichtsausdruck {m}
one's intentions [in respect to marriage]jds. Heiratsabsichten {pl}
the small of one's back
jds. Kreuz {n} [Teil des Rückens im Bereich des Kreuzbeins]
sb.'s declining years {pl}jds. Lebensabend {m} [geh.]
sb.'s preferred drinkjds. Lieblings­getränk {n}
one's old dutch [female] [Br.] [coll.] [esp. among cockneys: one's wife] jds. Olle {f} [regional] [salopp] [jds. Alte; jds. Ehefrau]
person sitting next to sb.jds. Sitznachbar {m}
the stirrup holders of sb. [fig.] [those who advance the career of sb.]jds. Steigbügelhalter {pl} [fig.] [oft pej.]
the room where sb. diedjds. Sterbezimmer {n}
posting of sb.jds. Versetzung {f}
one's hero [model]jds. Vorbild {n}
defender of sb./sth. [female]Verfechterin {f} jds./etw.
2 Wörter: Andere
as sb.'s propertyals jds. Besitz
as sb.'s responsibilityals jds. Verantwortung
as sb.'s agent {adv}als jds. Vertreter
on sb.'s birthday {adv}an jds. Geburtstag
at sb.'s sickbed {adv} [also: sick-bed, sick bed]an jds. Krankenbett
at sb.'s side {adv} [also fig.]an jds. Seite [auch fig.]
in sb.'s placean jds. statt
in sb.'s placean jds. Statt [alt]
on the recommendation of sb./sth. {adv} [of person, institution, etc.]auf Anraten jds./etw. [Person, Gremium etc.]
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv}auf Anweisung jds./etw.
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv} [idiom] [entreaty] auf Bitten jds./etw. [z. B. von Volk, Verein, Belegschaft]
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv} [solicitation]auf Drängen jds./etw.
on sb.'s orders {adj} {adv}auf jds. Anordnung
at the urging of sb. {adv}auf jds. Anregung
at sb.'s request {adv}auf jds. Antrag
at sb.'s command {adv}auf jds. Anweisung
at sb.'s dispositionauf jds. Anweisung
at sb.'s urging {adv}auf jds. Betreiben
at the instigation of sb. {adv}auf jds. Betreiben
at the behest of sb. {adv} [entreaty]auf jds. Bitten [z. B. Johns und Phils Bitten]
at sb.'s heels {adv} [idiom]auf jds. Fersen [Redewendung]
at sb.'s urgent entreaty {adv}auf jds. Flehen
at sb.'s mercyauf jds. Gnade
at sb.'s cost {adv}auf jds. Kosten
at sb.'s charge {adv}auf jds. Kosten
at sb.'s expense {adv}auf jds. Kosten
at the expense of sb. {adv}auf jds. Kosten
in sb.'s nameauf jds. Namen
at sb.'s end {adv} [of two connected places] auf jds. Seite [als Ortsangabe, z. B. auf unserer Seite]
at the instance of sb. {adv}auf jds. Veranlassung
at sb.'s discretion {adv}auf jds. Wunsch
on the side of sb./sth. {adv}auf Seiten jds./etw.
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv}auf Veranlassung jds./etw.
from sb.'s standpoint {adv}aus jds. Sicht
from sb.'s point of view {adv}aus jds. Sicht
from sb.'s standpoint {adv} [fig.]aus jds. Warte [geh.] [fig.]
upon sb.'s returnbei jds. Rückkehr
during the lifetime of sb. {adv}bei Lebzeiten jds. [veraltet für: zu Lebzeiten]
at the hands of sb. {adv}durch jds. Hand
by the agency of sb. {adv}durch jds. Vermittlung [mit Namen]
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Übersetzung für 'jds.' von Deutsch nach Englisch

jemandes <jds.>
one's {pron} [determiner]

somebody's {pron} <sb.'s>

someone's {pron} <so.'s>

jd. gedachte jds./etw. [geh.] [erinnerte an jdn./etw.]
sb. commemorated sb./sth.
abseiten jds./etw. [veraltet für: seitens]
on the part of sb./sth. {adv} [idiom]
anstatt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz]
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [in contrast]
aufseiten jds./etw.
on the side of sb./sth. {adv}
bezüglich jds./etw.
in terms of sb./sth. {adv}
bezüglich jds./etw. [bes. Amtsdeutsch]
relating to sb./sth. {adv}
dank jds./etw. [im Pl. meist Gen.]
on account of sb./sth. {adv}
jds./etw. zufolge [schweiz. und jur.]
according to sb./sth. {adv}
mithilfe jds./etw.
with the help of sb./sth. {adv}
namens jds./etw. [im Namen]
in the name of sb./sth {adv}
seitens jds./etw.
on the part of sb./sth. {adv}
statt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz zu]
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [idiom]
zufolge jds./etw. [schweiz. und jur.]
according to sb./sth. {adv}
zulasten jds./etw. [auch: zu Lasten]
at the expense of sb./sth. {adv}

jds./etw. gedenken [geh.] [in einer Feier ehren]
to commemorate sb./sth.
jds./etw. bedürfen [geh.] [z. B. eines Gutachters / Gutachtens]
to require sb./sth. [need or depend on]
jds./etw. gedenken [geh.] [sich erinnern]
to recall sb./sth. [remember]

to remember sb./sth.
jds./etw. harren [geh.]
to await sb./sth.
jds./etw. innewerden [geh.] [jdn./etw. bemerken]
to notice sb./sth.
jds./etw. vergessen [veraltet] [jdn./etw. vergessen]
to forget sb./sth.
jds. gedenken [geh.]
to think of sb. [remember, commemorate]
jds. genesen [geh.] [z. B. eines gesunden Kindes]
to give birth to sb.

jds. Reich {n}
sb.'s demesne [fig.]
jds. Force {f} [veraltend]
sb.'s forte
jds. Familie {f}
sb.'s folks [Am.] [coll.]
jds. Lebensabend {m}
sb.'s dotage
jds. Ergehen {n}
[the way sb. feels / is]
jds. Geschmack {m}
sb.'s gusto
jds. Auserkorener {m} [hum.]
sb.'s intended [coll.]
jds. Werk {n}
sb.'s doing
jds. Tage {pl} [ugs.] [Menstruation]
sb.'s period {sg}
jds. Auserkorene {f} [hum.]
sb.'s intended [female] [coll.]
(jds.) Elterngeneration {f}
(sb.'s) parents' generationbiol.sociol.
(jds.) Großelterngeneration {f}
(sb.'s) grandparents' generationbiol.sociol.
Bewaffnung {f} jds./etw.
weaponization of sb./sth. [rare for: arming]
Erwähnung {f} jds./etw.
mention of sb./sth.
jds. Außenwirkung {f}
the way sb. comes across

the impression sb. makes (on others)
jds. Bieratem {m}
the smell of beer on sb.'s breath
jds. Charakterfehler {m}
flaw in sb.'s character
jds. Erfolgsgeheimnis {n}
secret to sb.'s success
jds. Ermessenssache {f}
a matter of sb.'s discretion
jds. Gegenüber {n}
person opposite sb. [in a train etc.]
jds. Gesicht {n} [die äußere Erscheinung beschreibend]
look of sb.'s face [facial appearance]
jds. Gesichtsausdruck {m}
look on sb.'s face
jds. Heiratsabsichten {pl}
one's intentions [in respect to marriage]
jds. Kreuz {n} [Teil des Rückens im Bereich des Kreuzbeins]
the small of one's backanat.
jds. Lebensabend {m} [geh.]
sb.'s declining years {pl}
jds. Lieblings­getränk {n}
sb.'s preferred drink
jds. Olle {f} [regional] [salopp] [jds. Alte; jds. Ehefrau]
one's old dutch [female] [Br.] [coll.] [esp. among cockneys: one's wife]
jds. Sitznachbar {m}
person sitting next to sb.
jds. Steigbügelhalter {pl} [fig.] [oft pej.]
the stirrup holders of sb. [fig.] [those who advance the career of sb.]
jds. Sterbezimmer {n}
the room where sb. died
jds. Versetzung {f}
posting of sb.
jds. Vorbild {n}
one's hero [model]
Verfechterin {f} jds./etw.
defender of sb./sth. [female]

als jds. Besitz
as sb.'s property
als jds. Verantwortung
as sb.'s responsibility
als jds. Vertreter
as sb.'s agent {adv}
an jds. Geburtstag
on sb.'s birthday {adv}
an jds. Krankenbett
at sb.'s sickbed {adv} [also: sick-bed, sick bed]
an jds. Seite [auch fig.]
at sb.'s side {adv} [also fig.]
an jds. statt
in sb.'s place
an jds. Statt [alt]
in sb.'s place
auf Anraten jds./etw. [Person, Gremium etc.]
on the recommendation of sb./sth. {adv} [of person, institution, etc.]
auf Anweisung jds./etw.
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv}
auf Bitten jds./etw. [z. B. von Volk, Verein, Belegschaft]
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv} [idiom] [entreaty]
auf Drängen jds./etw.
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv} [solicitation]
auf jds. Anordnung
on sb.'s orders {adj} {adv}
auf jds. Anregung
at the urging of sb. {adv}
auf jds. Antrag
at sb.'s request {adv}
auf jds. Anweisung
at sb.'s command {adv}

at sb.'s disposition
auf jds. Betreiben
at sb.'s urging {adv}

at the instigation of sb. {adv}
auf jds. Bitten [z. B. Johns und Phils Bitten]
at the behest of sb. {adv} [entreaty]
auf jds. Fersen [Redewendung]
at sb.'s heels {adv} [idiom]
auf jds. Flehen
at sb.'s urgent entreaty {adv}
auf jds. Gnade
at sb.'s mercy
auf jds. Kosten
at sb.'s cost {adv}

at sb.'s charge {adv}

at sb.'s expense {adv}

at the expense of sb. {adv}
auf jds. Namen
in sb.'s name
auf jds. Seite [als Ortsangabe, z. B. auf unserer Seite]
at sb.'s end {adv} [of two connected places]
auf jds. Veranlassung
at the instance of sb. {adv}
auf jds. Wunsch
at sb.'s discretion {adv}
auf Seiten jds./etw.
on the side of sb./sth. {adv}
auf Veranlassung jds./etw.
at the behest of sb./sth. {adv}
aus jds. Sicht
from sb.'s standpoint {adv}

from sb.'s point of view {adv}
aus jds. Warte [geh.] [fig.]
from sb.'s standpoint {adv} [fig.]
bei jds. Rückkehr
upon sb.'s return
bei Lebzeiten jds. [veraltet für: zu Lebzeiten]
during the lifetime of sb. {adv}
durch jds. Hand
at the hands of sb. {adv}
durch jds. Vermittlung [mit Namen]
by the agency of sb. {adv}
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