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 Translation for 'T$' from English to Spanish
NOUN   a T | Ts
tritio {m} <T>
tritium <T>
2 Words: Others
¡No te molestes!Don't bother!
¡No corras!Don't run!
¡No fumes!Don't smoke!
¡No camines!Don't walk!
¡No te preocupes!Don't worry!
¡Tranquilopa! [Paraguay] [col.]Don't worry! [Am.] [coll.]
2 Words: Nouns
polera {f}
camiseta {f}
remera {f} [sur.]
cucharilla {f}
tea spoon <tsp. / t.>
3 Words: Others
¡No tengas miedo!Don't be afraid!
¡No me jodas! [col.] [vulg.]Don't bother me!
¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]Don't bother me!
¡No me rayes! [esp.] [col.]Don't bug me! [Am.] [coll.]
¡No lo hagas!Don't do it!
¡Me resbala! [No me importa] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]I don't care!
No me importa.I don't care.
(Yo) no sé.I don't know.
No entiendo.I don't understand.
No comprendo.I don't understand.
¿No es bonito?Isn't that nice?
¿Verdad?Isn't that so?
No tiene gracia.It isn't funny.
unverified me hace lo que el viento a Juárez [col.] [mex.]that ain't shit [vulg.] [sl.]
que ni pintado {adv} [col.] [locución]to a T [idiom]
(Nosotros) no estamos de acuerdo.We don't agree.
¡No me digas!You don't say!
4 Words: Others
¡No te hagas pato! [col.] [México] [pey.]Don't be a dick! [vulg.] [pej.]
¡A que no lo haces!
I bet you don't!
No lo puedo sufrir.I can't stand it.
Me importa un bledo. [col.]I couldn't care less.
Me importa un comino. [col.] [mex.]I couldn't care less. [coll.]
No lo creo.I don't think so.
Pienso que no.I don't think so.
No lo entiendo.I don't understand it.
Sigo sin entender.I still don't understand.
No nací ayer.I wasn't born yesterday.
4 Words: Verbs
venirle a algn como anillo al dedo [col.] [locución]to suit sb. to a T [coll.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
!No seas miedica! [esp.] [col.]Don't be a scaredy-cat! [coll.]
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
Don't fall asleep at the wheel.
Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos.
Don't judge others, and God will not judge you.
unverified nadie sabe lo que tiene, hasta que lo pierde [mex.] [Puebla]don't know what you got til it's gone
A caballo regalado, no se le mira el diente.Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
No hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua. [col.] [locución]
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. [coll.] [idiom]
No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
¡Cuidadito con alzarme la voz!Don't raise your voice to me!
No habléis tan alto — despertaréis a toda la calle. {pl. fam.} Don't talk so loud — you'll wake the whole street.
No toques nada que él te dé.Don't touch anything (that) he gives you.
Según el sapo la pedrada.
Don't use a lot where a little will do.
No le alcanza el dinero.He / She can't afford it.
No salía de su asombro. [locución] He / She couldn't get over his / her surprise. [idiom]
Se le fueron los ojos a ella. [col.] [locución] He / She couldn't take his eyes off her. [coll.] [idiom]
No puedo ver con claridad sin mis gafas.I can't see clearly without my glasses.
Me importa un higo. [col.]I couldn't give a toss. [coll.]
No envidio a nadie.I don't envy other people.
unverified ¡ahi se va! [no me importa] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a damn!
unverified me vale verga [me importa un bledo] [col.] [mex.]I don't give a fuck [vulg.] [sl.]
A mí, plín. [vulg.] [carib.]I don't give a shit. [vulg.]
No tengo todo el día.I don't have all day.
No me sobra el tiempo.I don't have all that much time.
Tampoco me gusta él.I don't like him either.
A mi tampoco me gusta él.I don't like him either.
(Tú) tampoco me gustas. [fam.sing.]I don't like you either.
(Usted) tampoco me gusta. [formal, sing.]I don't like you either.
(Ustedes) tampoco me gustan. [formal, plu.]I don't like you either.
(Vosotros) tampoco me gustais. [] [esp.]I don't like you either.
No le veo la gracia.I don't think it's funny.
Últimamente no he estado mucho por el teatro.I haven't been to the theatre much lately. [Br.]
No tengo ni idea.I haven't got a clue.
Casi no lo cuento. [col.] [locución] I nearly didn't live to tell the tale. [coll.] [idiom]
No me dejaron pagar las bebidas.I wasn't allowed to pay for the drinks.
Yo no estaría tan seguro.I wouldn't bet on it.
Disculpe, no entendí esto.I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
Disculpe, no entendí esto.I'm sorry, I didn't get that.
¡Si no lo veo, no lo creo! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!
No todo era trigo limpio. [fig.]It wasn't completely above board. [fig.]
Ya falta poco.It won't be long now. [it won't be long before]
Mi nueva casa no está completamente acabada.My new house isn't altogether finished.
No se anduvo con chiquitas par decírselo. [locución] She certainly didn't mince her words when it came to telling him. [idiom]
(Ella) no me permitiría entrar.She wouldn't permit me to enter.
Perdona, pero no te / le / os comprendo.Sorry, I don't understand you.
Eso (a mí) no me incumbe.That doesn't matter to me.
La cabra siempre tira al monte.
The leopard doesn't change its spots.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
What you don't know won't hurt you.
Díselo tú, porque a mí no me escucha.You tell him because he isn't listening to me.
¡Hace un frío que no veas! [locución]You wouldn't believe how cold it is! [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
hacerse la mosquita muerta
to look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth [idiom] [to look innocent but capable doing something bad]
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Translation for 'T$' from English to Spanish

tritium <T>
tritio {m} <T>quím.

Don't bother!
¡No te molestes!
Don't run!
¡No corras!
Don't smoke!
¡No fumes!
Don't walk!
¡No camines!
Don't worry!
¡No te preocupes!
Don't worry! [Am.] [coll.]
¡Tranquilopa! [Paraguay] [col.]

polera {f}indum.

remera {f} [sur.]indum.
camiseta {f}indum.
tea spoon <tsp. / t.>
cucharilla {f}gastr.

Don't be afraid!
¡No tengas miedo!
Don't bother me!
¡No me jodas! [col.] [vulg.]

¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]
Don't bug me! [Am.] [coll.]
¡No me rayes! [esp.] [col.]
Don't do it!
¡No lo hagas!
I don't care!
¡Me resbala! [No me importa] [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]
I don't care.
No me importa.
I don't know.
(Yo) no sé.
I don't understand.
No entiendo.

No comprendo.
Isn't that nice?
¿No es bonito?
Isn't that so?
It isn't funny.
No tiene gracia.
that ain't shit [vulg.] [sl.]
unverified me hace lo que el viento a Juárez [col.] [mex.]
to a T [idiom]
que ni pintado {adv} [col.] [locución]
We don't agree.
(Nosotros) no estamos de acuerdo.
You don't say!
¡No me digas!

Don't be a dick! [vulg.] [pej.]
¡No te hagas pato! [col.] [México] [pey.]
I bet you don't!
¡A que no lo haces!loc.
I can't stand it.
No lo puedo sufrir.
I couldn't care less.
Me importa un bledo. [col.]
I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Me importa un comino. [col.] [mex.]
I don't think so.
No lo creo.

Pienso que no.
I don't understand it.
No lo entiendo.
I still don't understand.
Sigo sin entender.
I wasn't born yesterday.
No nací ayer.

to suit sb. to a T [coll.] [idiom]
venirle a algn como anillo al dedo [col.] [locución]

Don't be a scaredy-cat! [coll.]
!No seas miedica! [esp.] [col.]
Don't fall asleep at the wheel.
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.proverb.
Don't judge others, and God will not judge you.
Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos.proverb.
don't know what you got til it's gone
unverified nadie sabe lo que tiene, hasta que lo pierde [mex.] [Puebla]
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
A caballo regalado, no se le mira el diente.

A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente.proverb.
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. [coll.] [idiom]
No hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua. [col.] [locución]proverb.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.proverb.
Don't raise your voice to me!
¡Cuidadito con alzarme la voz!
Don't talk so loud — you'll wake the whole street.
No habléis tan alto — despertaréis a toda la calle. {pl. fam.}
Don't touch anything (that) he gives you.
No toques nada que él te dé.
Don't use a lot where a little will do.
Según el sapo la pedrada.proverb.
He / She can't afford it.
No le alcanza el dinero.
He / She couldn't get over his / her surprise. [idiom]
No salía de su asombro. [locución]
He / She couldn't take his eyes off her. [coll.] [idiom]
Se le fueron los ojos a ella. [col.] [locución]
I can't see clearly without my glasses.
No puedo ver con claridad sin mis gafas.
I couldn't give a toss. [coll.]
Me importa un higo. [col.]
I don't envy other people.
No envidio a nadie.
I don't give a damn!
unverified ¡ahi se va! [no me importa] [col.] [mex.]
I don't give a fuck [vulg.] [sl.]
unverified me vale verga [me importa un bledo] [col.] [mex.]
I don't give a shit. [vulg.]
A mí, plín. [vulg.] [carib.]
I don't have all day.
No tengo todo el día.
I don't have all that much time.
No me sobra el tiempo.
I don't like him either.
Tampoco me gusta él.

A mi tampoco me gusta él.
I don't like you either.
(Tú) tampoco me gustas. [fam.sing.]

(Usted) tampoco me gusta. [formal, sing.]

(Ustedes) tampoco me gustan. [formal, plu.]

(Vosotros) tampoco me gustais. [] [esp.]
I don't think it's funny.
No le veo la gracia.
I haven't been to the theatre much lately. [Br.]
Últimamente no he estado mucho por el teatro.
I haven't got a clue.
No tengo ni idea.
I nearly didn't live to tell the tale. [coll.] [idiom]
Casi no lo cuento. [col.] [locución]
I wasn't allowed to pay for the drinks.
No me dejaron pagar las bebidas.
I wouldn't bet on it.
Yo no estaría tan seguro.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
Disculpe, no entendí esto.
I'm sorry, I didn't get that.
Disculpe, no entendí esto.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!
¡Si no lo veo, no lo creo!
It wasn't completely above board. [fig.]
No todo era trigo limpio. [fig.]
It won't be long now. [it won't be long before]
Ya falta poco.
My new house isn't altogether finished.
Mi nueva casa no está completamente acabada.
She certainly didn't mince her words when it came to telling him. [idiom]
No se anduvo con chiquitas par decírselo. [locución]
She wouldn't permit me to enter.
(Ella) no me permitiría entrar.
Sorry, I don't understand you.
Perdona, pero no te / le / os comprendo.
That doesn't matter to me.
Eso (a mí) no me incumbe.
The leopard doesn't change its spots.
La cabra siempre tira al monte.proverb.
What you don't know won't hurt you.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.proverb.
You tell him because he isn't listening to me.
Díselo tú, porque a mí no me escucha.
You wouldn't believe how cold it is! [idiom]
¡Hace un frío que no veas! [locución]

to look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth [idiom] [to look innocent but capable doing something bad]
hacerse la mosquita muertaling.
  • tritio {m} <T> = tritium <T>
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Usage Examples English
  • 2009 were produced: Rice (3000 t), manioc (4000 t), banana (480 t), sugar cane (40 t) and coffee beans (50 t). Also fishing is an important factor. In 2009 on the territory of the municipality 40 t of lobster were fished.
  • Traditionally, only two species of mouse-deer in the genus "Tragulus" have been recognized: The relatively large "T. napu" and the small "T. javanicus". Following a review in 2004, "T. nigricans" and "T. versicolor" were split from "T. napu", and "T. kanchil" and "T. williamsoni" were split from "T. javanicus".
  • The yellow-billed jacamar's song is "a high-pitched 'peea peea-pee-pee-te-t-t-e'e'e'e'e'e' or 'peea-pee-pee-te-t-t-t't't't't'ttttt'r'" ending in a rattle. Its calls are described as "a sharp 'peek', 'tew' and 'trra'", sometimes in a series.
  • Most authorities consider "Telophorus viridis" to comprise four subspecies: "T. v. viridis", "T. v. nigricauda", "T. v. quartus" and "T. v. quadricolor". Others split the taxon into two species: "T. viridis" and "T. quadricolor".
  • "T. hawaiensis" was found to be sister to the rest of "Tetraplasandra". "T. kavaiensis", "T. flynnii", and "T. gymnocarpa" formed a strongly supported clade. The remaining clade consisted of "T. bisattenuata", "T. oahuensis", "T. waimeae", and "T. waialealae". "T. bisattenuata" was found to be distinct and the authors recommended that it be reinstated.

  • Several species are considered by the IUCN as endangered ("T. epipactoides") or critically endangered ("T. gregaria", "T. hiemalis" and "T. × mackibbinii").
  • Less common subtypes of mature T-cell lymphoma include cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma, enteropathy-type T-cell lymphoma, nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma, hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma, etc.
  • The corresponding impulse response is "h"("t") = "k"("T" − "t") = "CS"("T" − "t"). Let "C" = 1, this is just the result we arrived at in previous section for detecting of signal in white noise.
  • P-T-t paths can generally be classified into two types: "clockwise P-T-t paths" and "anticlockwise P-T-t paths".
  • A total of 92 ships were built, all to the Baltic fleet operation. Numbers were T-222 to T-249, T-351 to T-391, T-434 to T-441, T-459 to T-479. Only T-387 was lost to enemy action been sunk by German submarine U-481 28 November 1944.

  • Genetic analysis suggests that "T. incisum" is closely related to "T. polyphyllum" as well as "T. leptophyllum". "T. myriophyllum" might originate from a cross between "T. leptophyllum" and "T. incisum".
  • A rule of reason does not exist in EU competition law (see e.g. T-11/08, T-112/99, T-49/02, T-491/07, T-208/13, etc.).
  • "T. paraflorensis" is part of the "T. relictus" species group. It bears morphological similarities to "T. florensis" and "T. pseudoflorensis".
  • The projection with tensors T(1), T(2), T(3) and T(5) yields then the coefficients of the EASM.
  • "Luteimonas marina" is a bacterium. Its type strain is FR1330(T) (=KCTC 12327(T) =JCM 12488(T) =IMSNU 60306(T)).

  • The larvae feed on the "Tapinanthus" species "T. quinquagulus", "T. dicrous", "T. nyasicus", "T. ceciliae", "T. brunneus", "T. subulatus" and "Oliverella rubroviridis".
  • Big Boi played hip-hop artist "Got$ Money".
  • When all the σ"t" with "t" ≠ 0 are conservative, the flow is said to be "properly ergodic". In this case it follows that for every non-zero "p" in "A" and "t" ≠ 0, "p" ≤ σ"t" ("p") ∨ σ2"t" ("p") ∨ σ3"t" ("p") ∨ ⋅⋅⋅ In particular ∨±"t">0 σ"t" ("p") = 1 for "p" ≠ 0.
  • On the basis of morphometric analysis of its teeth, it is concluded that "T. rondoniensis" is significantly smaller than most fossil or living tapirs, such as "T. indicus", "T. oliverasi", "T. tarijensis", and "T. haysii"; and that it was similar in size to "T. terrestris" and "T. mesopotamicus".
  • The differential group delay "D't" is defined as the difference in propagation time between the eigenmodes: "D't" = |"t't","x" &minus; "t't","y"|.

  • Berry also had close ties with the games "Robot Rascals", "Heart of Africa", and "Cartels & Cutthroat$".
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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