 Übersetzung für 'California red fir' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a (California) red fir | (California) red firs
(California / Californian) red fir [Abies magnifica, also A. magnifica magnifica]
Prächtige Tanne {f}
(California / Californian) red fir [Abies magnifica, also A. magnifica magnifica]
Gold-Tanne / Goldtanne {f}
(California / Californian) red fir [Abies magnifica, also A. magnifica magnifica]
Kalifornische Rot-Tanne / Rottanne {f}
(California) red fir [Abies magnifica]
Pracht-Tanne {f}
California white fir [Abies lowiana, syn.: A. concolor var. lowiana]
Lows Tanne {f}
California white fir [Abies lowiana, syn.: A. concolor var. lowiana]
Sierra-Tanne {f}
California red tree mouse [Arborimus pomo]
Sonoma-Baumwühlmaus {f}
California red-sided garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis]
Kalifornische Rotseitige Strumpfbandnatter {f}
red (silver) fir [Abies amabilis]
Purpur-Tanne {f}
red fir [Abies procera, syn.: A. nobilis]
(Amerikanische) Edeltanne / Edel-Tanne {f}
Shasta (red) fir [Abies magnifica var. shastensis]
Shasta-Prachttane {f}
red-headed fir tortricid [Zeiraphera rufimitrana] [moth]
Rotköpfiger Tannentriebwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
red fir [Abies procera, syn.: A. nobilis]
Silbertanne {f}
red fir [Abies procera, syn.: A. nobilis]
Pazifische Edeltanne / Edel-Tanne {f}
California red-backed mouse [Myodes californicus, syn.: Clethrionomys californicus, Evotomys mazama, E. obscurus]
Westamerikanische Rötelmaus {f}
red fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglaskiefer / Douglas-Kiefer {f}
red fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglastanne / Douglas-Tanne {f}
red fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglasfichte / Douglas-Fichte {f}
red fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglasie {f}
California red scale [Aonidiella aurantii, syn.: Aspidiotus aurantii, Chrysomphalus aurantii]
Rote Orangenschildlaus / Orangen-Schildlaus {f}
California red scale [Aonidiella aurantii, syn.: Aspidiotus aurantii, Chrysomphalus aurantii]
Kalifornische Rote Schildlaus {f}
California red scale [Aonidiella aurantii, syn.: Aspidiotus aurantii, Chrysomphalus aurantii]
Rote Zitrusschildlaus / Zitrus-Schildlaus {f}
coast Douglas-fir / Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglastanne / Douglas-Tanne {f}
coast Douglas-fir / Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglasfichte / Douglas-Fichte {f}
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Übersetzung für 'California red fir' von Englisch nach Deutsch

(California / Californian) red fir [Abies magnifica, also A. magnifica magnifica]
Prächtige Tanne {f}bot.T

Gold-Tanne / Goldtanne {f}bot.T

Kalifornische Rot-Tanne / Rottanne {f}bot.T
(California) red fir [Abies magnifica]
Pracht-Tanne {f}bot.T

California white fir [Abies lowiana, syn.: A. concolor var. lowiana]
Lows Tanne {f}bot.T

Sierra-Tanne {f}bot.T
California red tree mouse [Arborimus pomo]
Sonoma-Baumwühlmaus {f}zool.T
California red-sided garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis]
Kalifornische Rotseitige Strumpfbandnatter {f}zool.T
red (silver) fir [Abies amabilis]
Purpur-Tanne {f}bot.T
red fir [Abies procera, syn.: A. nobilis]
(Amerikanische) Edeltanne / Edel-Tanne {f}bot.T

Silbertanne {f}bot.T

Pazifische Edeltanne / Edel-Tanne {f}bot.T
Shasta (red) fir [Abies magnifica var. shastensis]
Shasta-Prachttane {f}bot.T
red-headed fir tortricid [Zeiraphera rufimitrana] [moth]
Rotköpfiger Tannentriebwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]entom.T
California red-backed mouse [Myodes californicus, syn.: Clethrionomys californicus, Evotomys mazama, E. obscurus]
Westamerikanische Rötelmaus {f}zool.T
red fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglaskiefer / Douglas-Kiefer {f}bot.T

Douglastanne / Douglas-Tanne {f}bot.T

Douglasfichte / Douglas-Fichte {f}bot.T

Douglasie {f}bot.T
California red scale [Aonidiella aurantii, syn.: Aspidiotus aurantii, Chrysomphalus aurantii]
Rote Orangenschildlaus / Orangen-Schildlaus {f}entom.T

Kalifornische Rote Schildlaus {f}entom.T

Rote Zitrusschildlaus / Zitrus-Schildlaus {f}entom.T
coast Douglas-fir / Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii, syn.: P. taxifolia, Abies menziesii]
Douglastanne / Douglas-Tanne {f}bot.T

Douglasfichte / Douglas-Fichte {f}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is found in California, usually near Red Fir trees ("Abies magnifica").
  • Its habitat includes dry margins of meadows and streambanks in Yellow pine forest, Red Fir Forest, Lodgepole pine Forest, Subalpine Forest, California mixed evergreen forest, and North Coastal Coniferous Forest plant communities.
  • In California, it is native to the northern coastal coniferous and red fir forests in Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino counties; deeper inland to Siskiyou, Trinity to Shasta and Glenn counties.
  • The plant is native to the Western United States from Washington to California, and New Mexico to Montana.
  • Within the area is one known population of "Phacelia novermillensis", also known as Nine Mile Canyon phacelia, and is an annual plant native to California and is toxic, causing dermatitis.

  • It is native to the northern California Coast Ranges and the Klamath Mountains in northeastern California and southwestern Oregon in the United States.
  • The Sierra Nevada subalpine zone refers to a biotic zone below treeline in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California, United States.
  • Wuksachi Village is a visitor services development in Sequoia National Park, California.
  • It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it grows in mountain forests.
  • east of Fresno, California, between Yosemite and Kings Canyon National Parks.

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