 Übersetzung für 'U.S.' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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unserviceable {adj} <U/S>unbrauchbar
2 Wörter: Substantive
electrostatic unit <ESU, esu, e.s.u.>
elektrostatische Einheit {f} <esE>
U.S. dollar <USD>
US-Dollar {m} <USD>
U.S. Mainland {sg}
kontinentale Vereinigte Staaten {pl}
U.S. Navy <USN>
US-Marine {f}
U.S. state [of + name]
US-Bundesstaat {m}
U.S. womanUS-Amerikanerin {f}
3 Wörter: Substantive
(U.S.) Route 66 [U.S. (Highway) 66]
Route 66 {f}
the US / U.S. [short for: the United States of America]
die Staaten {pl} [ugs.] [die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]
U.S. attorney general [Am.]US-Justizminister {m}
U.S. Defense Secretary [Am.]
US-Verteidigungs­minister {m}
U.S. District Court [Am.]Bundesbezirksgericht {n} [USA]
U.S. Farm Bill
US-Agrargesetz {n}
U.S.-Mexican border
US-amerikanisch-mexikanische Grenze {f}
United States Code <U.S.C.>
[amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]
4 Wörter: Substantive
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
EU-US-Datenschutzschild {m}
trading in U.S. dollarDollarhandel {m}
trading in U.S. dollarUS-Dollar-Handel {m}
trading in U.S. dollarsDollarhandel {m}
trading in U.S. dollarsUS-Dollar-Handel {m}
U.S. / US driving cycle [Am.] [federal test procedure FTP-72 / FTP-75] amerikanischer Fahrzyklus {m} [Ermittlung der Abgasemissionen]
U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO >
US-Bundesrechnungs­hof {m}
U.S. Secretary of Defense [Am.]
US-Verteidigungs­minister {m}
ultra short wave transmitter <USW transmitter, U.S.W. transmitter>Ultrakurzwellensender {m} <UKW-Sender>
ultra short wave transmitters <USW transmitters, U.S.W. transmitters>Ultrakurzwellensender {pl} <UKW-Sender>
United States Code Annotated <U.S.C.A.>
[kommentierte amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]
5+ Wörter: Andere
pegged to the U.S. Dollar
an den US-Dollar gekoppelt
5+ Wörter: Verben
to apply for asylum in the U.S.
sich um Asyl in den USA bewerben
to cause harm to U.S. industryder amerikanischen Industrie Schaden zufügen
5+ Wörter: Substantive
(U.S. / US / United States) permanent resident card [Form I-551] Greencard {f} [auch: Green Card] [unbeschränkte Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsbewilligung für die USA]
Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]
Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <USACE>
[ein Hauptkommando der US Armee, das Leistungen aus dem Bereich des Bauingenieurwesens ausführt]
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services <USCIS>US-Einwanderungs­behörde {f}
U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
Justizausschuss {m} des Repräsentantenhauses [USA]
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
US-Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörde {f}
United States Army Special Forces {pl} <U.S. Army Special Forces, USSF>
Luftlande-Sondereinsatzkommando {n} des Heeres der Vereinigten Staaten
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Cahill U.S. Marshal [Andrew V. McLaglen]
Geier kennen kein Erbarmen
Invasion U.S.A. [Alfred E. Green]
Invasion gegen USA
U.S. Marshals [Stuart Baird]
Auf der Jagd
39 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'U.S.' von Englisch nach Deutsch

unserviceable {adj} <U/S>

electrostatic unit <ESU, esu, e.s.u.>
elektrostatische Einheit {f} <esE>electr.unit
U.S. dollar <USD>
US-Dollar {m} <USD>curr.
U.S. Mainland {sg}
kontinentale Vereinigte Staaten {pl}geogr.
U.S. Navy <USN>
US-Marine {f}mil.naut.
U.S. state [of + name]
US-Bundesstaat {m}geogr.pol.
U.S. woman
US-Amerikanerin {f}

(U.S.) Route 66 [U.S. (Highway) 66]
Route 66 {f}geogr.transp.travel
the US / U.S. [short for: the United States of America]
die Staaten {pl} [ugs.] [die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]geogr.pol.
U.S. attorney general [Am.]
US-Justizminister {m}
U.S. Defense Secretary [Am.]
US-Verteidigungs­minister {m}mil.pol.
U.S. District Court [Am.]
Bundesbezirksgericht {n} [USA]
U.S. Farm Bill
US-Agrargesetz {n}law
U.S.-Mexican border
US-amerikanisch-mexikanische Grenze {f}geogr.pol.
United States Code <U.S.C.>
[amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]law

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
EU-US-Datenschutzschild {m}EUlaw
trading in U.S. dollar
Dollarhandel {m}

US-Dollar-Handel {m}
trading in U.S. dollars
Dollarhandel {m}

US-Dollar-Handel {m}
U.S. / US driving cycle [Am.] [federal test procedure FTP-72 / FTP-75]
amerikanischer Fahrzyklus {m} [Ermittlung der Abgasemissionen]
U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO >
US-Bundesrechnungs­hof {m}pol.
U.S. Secretary of Defense [Am.]
US-Verteidigungs­minister {m}mil.pol.
ultra short wave transmitter <USW transmitter, U.S.W. transmitter>
Ultrakurzwellensender {m} <UKW-Sender>
ultra short wave transmitters <USW transmitters, U.S.W. transmitters>
Ultrakurzwellensender {pl} <UKW-Sender>
United States Code Annotated <U.S.C.A.>
[kommentierte amtliche Sammlung der amerikanischen Bundesgesetze]law

pegged to the U.S. Dollar
an den US-Dollar gekoppeltcurr.

to apply for asylum in the U.S.
sich um Asyl in den USA bewerbenadmin.
to cause harm to U.S. industry
der amerikanischen Industrie Schaden zufügen

(U.S. / US / United States) permanent resident card [Form I-551]
Greencard {f} [auch: Green Card] [unbeschränkte Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsbewilligung für die USA]
Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]
Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]hist.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <USACE>
[ein Hauptkommando der US Armee, das Leistungen aus dem Bereich des Bauingenieurwesens ausführt]constr.engin.mil.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services <USCIS>
US-Einwanderungs­behörde {f}
U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
Justizausschuss {m} des Repräsentantenhauses [USA]pol.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
US-Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörde {f}fin.
United States Army Special Forces {pl} <U.S. Army Special Forces, USSF>
Luftlande-Sondereinsatzkommando {n} des Heeres der Vereinigten Staatenmil.

Cahill U.S. Marshal [Andrew V. McLaglen]
Geier kennen kein ErbarmenfilmF
Invasion U.S.A. [Alfred E. Green]
Invasion gegen USAfilmF
U.S. Marshals [Stuart Baird]
Auf der JagdfilmF
  • siehe unten <s. u.> = see below
  • siehe auch unten <s. a. u.> = see also below
  • und so weiter <usw., u. s. w.> [„u. s. w.“ veraltet, heute selten] = and so on <etc., ASO> [not: "a.s.o."; "ASO" in texting]
alle anzeigen ...
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Gulsvik has represented Norway at U-16, U-17, U-18, and U-19 level, scoring his first goal in a 3-1 defeat of Portugal's U-18s.
  • This article includes current squads of Germany U-19, U-18, U-17, U-16 and U-15 national football teams.
  • As an amateur, Wright amassed a 90-12 record, including 4 straight Tacoma Golden Gloves titles, appearing in the finals of the 2001 u.s.
  • He has represented Switzerland at U-16, U-18, U-20 and U-21 level.
  • The club has always placed a strong emphasis on youth teams, competing at the U-12, U-14, U-15, U-16, and U-19 levels.

  • In the national tour (2011-2012), Pugsley was played by Patrick D. Kennedy (u.s. Jason Testa). Ethan Wexler replaced Jason Testa in March 2012.
  • The Unicode Standard defines four blocks for Devanāgarī: Devanagari (U+0900–U+097F), Devanagari Extended (U+A8E0–U+A8FF), Devanagari Extended-A (U+11B00–11B5F), and Vedic Extensions (U+1CD0–U+1CFF).
  • We demand immediate withdrawal of u.s. military forces and bases from Puerto Rico, Vietnam and all oppressed communities inside and outside the u.s.
  • The poem is written in the iambic tetrameter metre. The lines form couplets, each couplet having the rhythm | u – u – | u – u – || u – u – | u – u – |.
  • Meisl has played for Austria's U-16, U-17, U-18, and U-19 teams.

  • Óttar represented the Icelandic U-16, U-17, U-19 and U-21 teams.
  • Further types arise when the choriamb at the centre of the verse is extended, for example to | – u u – u u – | or | – u u – – u u – – u u – |.
  • Krestinin represented Lithuania in the U–16, U–18, U–19 and U–20 youth tournaments.
  • Whenever either U+dead, U+beef, the sequence U+3141 U+5926, or the sequence U+1234 U+5678 is seen, display the glyph corresponding to this unicode table entry.
  • He has represented Italy at U-17, U-18, U-19, U-20 levels.

  • Rupesh KC played for Nepal at the U-13, U-14, U-19, and U-22 levels.
  • Phylogenically, "U. sameiti" has been placed within a monophyletic complex consisting of three other species of "Uroplatus": "U. fimbriatus", "U. giganteus", "U. henkeli", and "U. sikorae".
  • Martin has represented the United States at U-14, U-15, U-17, and U-20 levels.
  • Species of "Ustatochoerus" include "U. leptoscelus", "U. calaminthus", "U. major", "U. medius", "U. profundus", and "U. californicus".
  • Sarkodie was a member of the U.S. U-17 in the 2007 FIFA U-17 World Cup. He also played for the U-18, U-20, and U-23 national teams.

  • Competitions for men's and women's rugby union for U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16, U-18 and U-20.
  • The math subset of this block is U+20D0&ndash;U+20DC, U+20E1, U+20E5&ndash;U+20E6, and U+20EB&ndash;U+20EF.
  • During June 1945 HMS "Hargood" was involved in Operation Pledge - the gathering together of surrendered U-boats. She escorted six U-boats U-2356, U-2352, U-2341, U-2336 & U-883) from Wilhelmshaven to Lisahally, Northern Ireland.
  • The Motto of the fraternity is „Treu, ehrlich und stolz!“ (short: T.e.u.s.!; "„Loyal, honest and proud!“"). It declares the valors which should guide the members.
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