 Übersetzung für 'growth habit' von Englisch nach Deutsch
(growth) habit
Wuchsform {f}
habitGewohnheit {f}
Ordenshabit {m}
habitGepflogenheit {f} [geh.]
habitAngewohnheit {f}
Habit {m} [auch {n}]
habitRegel {f} [Gewohnheit, Gepflogenheit]
habitBeschaffenheit {f}
monastic habit
Mönchsgewand {n}
bad habitSaumode {f} [ugs.] [schlechte Angewohnheit]
feeding habit
Fressgewohnheit {f}
(masquerade) habitKostüm {n} [Verkleidung]
thinking habit
Denkgewohnheit {f}
spending habitAusgabegewohnheit {f}
feeding habit
Ernährungs­weise {f}
life habitLebensgewohnheit {f}
nasty habitabstoßende Angewohnheit {f}
bad habitschlechte Angewohnheit {f}
by habit {adv}aus Gewohnheit
eating habit
Ernährungs­gewohnheit {f}
habit-forming {adj}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Not planting cultivars that have an upright or dense growth habit can reduce disease as these limit airflow and are favorable for the pathogen.
  • Some of these species have a monopodial vine-like growth habit, and the plants can quickly become quite massive.
  • The sympodial growth habit of terrestrial "Pleione" orchids is unusual.
  • Spruces are popular ornamental trees in horticulture, admired for their evergreen, symmetrical narrow-conic growth habit.
  • Bramble cultivars are separated into several categories based on their growth habit.

  • Giant kelp can be harvested fairly easily because of its surface canopy and growth habit of staying in deeper water.
  • The oak is the customary sacred tree of Zeus, and the substitution among the Eleans may simply reflect the more widespread growth habit of the poplar there.
  • Virginia group peanuts are either bunch or running in growth habit.
  • The general results from the study were that precipitation and water use led to above-ground primary production, while solar irradiation and temperature lead to below-ground primary production (roots), and temperature and water lead to cool and warm season growth habit.
  • The Strelitziaceae comprise a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, very similar in appearance and growth habit to members of the related families Heliconiaceae and Musaceae (banana family).

  • It has an indeterminate growth habit, which may lead to prolific spreading.
  • "Cytisus scoparius" is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant, with several cultivars selected for variation in flower colour, including "Moonlight" with deep yellow flowers, "Andreanus" and "Firefly" with dark orange-red flowers, and growth habit, including "Pendula" with pendulous branchlets.
  • Many unfavorable traits such as late flowering, indeterminate twining growth habit, long and thin stem, thermo- and photosensitivity and a poor harvest index exist in horse gram.
  • The pawpaw is also gaining in popularity among backyard gardeners because of the tree's distinctive growth habit, the appeal of its fresh fruit, and its relatively low maintenance needs once established.
  • The shape and structure of the involucre, and also the growth habit (whether a tree or a suckering shrub), are important in the identification of the different species of hazel.

  • The plants do not have pseudobulbs. The leaves are leathery and drought-resistant. Many of these species have a monopodial vine-like growth habit, and the plants can quickly grow large.
  • When young "S. microphylla" has a divaricating and bushy growth habit with many interlacing branches, which begins to disappear as the tree ages.
  • Rutile crystals are most commonly observed to exhibit a prismatic or acicular growth habit with preferential orientation along their "c" axis, the [...] direction.
  • Because the criteria are matters of degree (normally of height) rather than of kind, the definition of a subshrub is not sharply distinguishable from that of a shrub; examples of reasons for describing plants as subshrubs include ground-hugging stems or low growth habit.
  • These include 'Albany Gold' and 'Aurea', both have yellow 'gold' foliage that darkens in winter; 'Pendula', which has a weeping growth habit that is especially pronounced in young plants; 'Silver Falls', also pendulous but with cream-edged foliage; and 'Matapouri Blue', which has a conical form and glaucous foliage.

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