 Übersetzung für '[All]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
any {pron} [all / every]jeder
any {adj} [all / every]jegliche [nachdrücklich für "jede"]
flat {adj} [attr.] [all-inclusive, blanket]pauschal [komplett und unveränderlich]
alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"]akzeptabel
for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of]
trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.]
any {adj} [all / every]jedwede [nachdrücklich für "jede"]
obligatory {adj} [by all means]unbedingt
plastered {adj} {past-p} [stuck all over]beklebt
nationally {adv} [across all territories of a federation]bundesweit
effectively {adv} [for all practical purposes, in effect]faktisch
national {adj} [dimensioned for or valid in all Austria or Germany]
any {pron} [all / every]jedes
any {adj} [all / every]jeglicher [nachdrücklich für "jeder"]
confused {adj} [not in possession of all one's mental faculties]bregenklöterig [nordd.] [ugs.] [verwirrt]
about {adv} [all around]rings­um
ever {adv} [of all time] [postpos.]
ever [jugendsprachl. Anglizismus] [aller Zeiten] [nachgestellt]
Finito! [coll.] [It's all done!]Fertig!
[decorated with all medals, orders, decorations possible] {adj} {past-p} ausdekoriert [österr.] [Jargon: mit allen Auszeichnungen dekoriert]
about {adv} [all around]rings­herum
abroad {adv} [in all directions] in alle Richtungen [überall, überallhin, weithin]
alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"]in Ordnung
any {adj} [all / every]jegliches [nachdrücklich für "jedes"]
catholic {adj} [all-embracing]universal
Gorey! [Irish] [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [Shouted after a person who leaves a door open; in an attack upon Gorey in 1798, insurgents carried off all the doors.] Habt ihr zuhause Säcke vor den Türen? [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Frage an jdn., der eine Tür offen stehen lässt]
jack {adv} [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [short for: jack shit] [anything at all]scheiß gar nichts [ugs.] [vulg.]
licked {adj} [done, all in]am Ende [total fertig]
never {adv} [not at all]überhaupt nicht
omniferous {adj} [archaic] [consisting of all things­]allumfassend
omnific {adj} [creating all things­]allschöpferisch
omnific {adj} [creating all things­]allschaffend [allschöpferisch]
omnisufficient {adj} [sufficient in all respects]
allgenügsam [veraltet] [geh.] [selten]
sb. plasters [sticks all over]jd. beklebt
unbounded {adj} [having all boundaries removed]entgrenzt
zip {pron} [Am.] [coll.] [nothing at all]gar nix [ugs.]
to droop [lose all energy]ermatten [geh.] [schlapp werden, matt werden]
to remove sth. [e.g. all restrictions]
etw.Akk. aufheben [beseitigen, z. B. alle Beschränkungen]
[to be habitually behind all the others in swimming races]
hinterherschwimmen [ugs.]
[to chew all the goodness out of something like chewing gum]etw.Akk. auskauen
[to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street]häuserweit schreien
to abandon sth. [e.g. all hope]etw.Akk. fahren lassen [z. B. alle Hoffnung]
to agitate sth. [now rare] [consider on all sides] sichDat. über etw.Akk. (gründlich) Gedanken machen
to conjugate sth. [through all its grammatical forms]
etw.Akk. durchkonjugieren
to scramble [take off with all possible haste]
einen Soforteinsatz fliegen
to scramble [take off with all possible haste]
alarmmäßig starten [Pilot, Mannschaft]
repdigit [multidigit number with all digits identical]Schnapszahl {f} [ugs.]
legislation [sum of all legal norms]
Rechtsordnung {f} [Gesamtheit aller Rechtsnormen]
panacea [solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases]
Panazee {f} [Allheilmittel] [oft pej.]
gavelkind [divided inheritance of land equally among all male heirs]
Realteilung {f}
[all things­ obsolete]Makulatur {f} [fig.]
[figurative place for all that is considered dirty and taboo]Schmuddelecke {f}
pantheon [all the gods of a people or religion collectively]
Götterwelt {f} [Gesamtheit der Götter einer Religion]
doormat [coll.] [pej.] [person who gets used or walked over all the time]
Opfer {n} [Jugendsprache] [pej.] [Person, die ständig ausgenutzt oder schikaniert wird]
characters {pl} [all characters of a novel]
Personal {n} [Romanfiguren]
slavey [female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work] [dated] [coll.] [Br.]
Dienstmädchen {n} [veraltend] [Mädchen für alles]
fingers [all digits except the thumb]
Langfinger {pl} [fachspr. alle Finger außer dem Daumen]
membership {sg} [all members collectively]Mitglieder {pl} [Mitgliederschaft]
[all queens and all jacks in one hand (Schafkopf)]
Sie {m} [Solo-Sie beim Schafkopf]
[all queens and all jacks in one hand]
Solo-Sie {n} [alle Ober und Unter in einer Hand]
[annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres]
(Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}
[athletic triathlon (sprinting, jumping, throwing) for all school children]
Reichsjugendwettkämpfe {pl} [erstmals 1920; jetzt Bundesjugendspiele]
[derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII]
GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK]
[elected representative of all pupils / students in Austria]
Bundesschulsprecher {m} [österr.]
[portion of word present in all inflected forms]
Flexionsstamm {m}
[Schafkopf: the soloist must take all tricks]
Du {m} [ugs.] [bayer.] [Solo-Tout]
[support of more than 50 % of all Bundestag members for the chancellor]
Kanzlermehrheit {f}
[the only maid-of-all-work in a household]Alleinmädchen {n} [veraltet]
[the totality of all DIN standards]
Deutsches Normenwerk {n} [die Gesamtheit der DIN-Normen]
allrounder [all-in-one device suitable for every purpose]eierlegende Wollmilchsau {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
cash [coll.: for all kinds of money]Diridari {m} {n} [ugs.] [bayer.: Geld]
cash [coll.: for all kinds of money]Diredare {m} {n} [ugs.] [bayer.: Geld]
membership [all members collectively]Mitgliedergemeinschaft {f}
paw [of all furred predatory animals]
Branke {f} [jägerspr.] [seltener für: Brante]
paw [of all furred predatory animals]
Brante {f} [auch: Prante] [jägerspr.] [Pfote bei allem Haarraubwild]
Prussian [as Bavarian colloquial nickname for all northern German people]
Preiß {m} [bayer.] [ugs.] [Preuße]
radioelement [element whose all currently known isotopes are radioactive] Radioelement {n} [Element, das nur radioaktive Isotope hat]
resistome [collection of all the antibiotic resistance genes]
Resistom {n} [Gesamtheit aller Antibiotika-Resistenzgene]
subscribership [all subscribers collectively]Abonnentenschaft {f}
Tartan™ [all-weather running track]
Tartan® {m}
womanhood {sg} [all women]alle Frauen {pl} [insgesamt]
Yid [esp. Ashkenazi Jew] [used by anti-Semites as a slur against all Jews] Jid {m} [bes. Ostjude] [von Antisemiten beleidigend gemeint für alle Juden]
yids [also: Yids] [esp. Ashkenazi Jews] [used by anti-Semites as a slur against all Jews] Jidden {pl} [bes. Ostjuden] [von Antisemiten beleidigend gemeint für alle Juden]
2 Wörter: Andere
all about {adv} [all around, everywhere]allenthalben [geh., veraltend]
all about {adv} [all around]rings­herum
all-American {adj} [also called all-America] [selected top athlete]
all-American [Spitzensportler]
all-day {adj} [attr.] [lasting all day, e.g. trip]Ganztags- [z. B. Ausflug]
all-day {adj} [attr.] [lasting all day, e.g. trip]Ganztages- [z. B. Ausflug]
all-embracive {adj} [all-encompassing]allumfassend [geh.]
all-in {adj} [esp. Br.] [all-inclusive]
pauschal [Summe, Preis etc.]
all-morning {adj} [attr.] [lasting all morning]den ganzen Morgen dauernd
diddly-squat [esp. Am.] [sl.] [anything at all, nothing]so gut wie nix [ugs.]
far from {adv} [not at all]keineswegs
first up {adv} [coll.] [esp. Br.] [first of all]als Erstes
from everywhere {adv} [from all directions]überallher
holus-bolus {adv} [coll.] [all at once, unmodified] ganz und gar [im Ganzen und unverändert, so wie etw. ist]
Justitia omnibus. [USA] [District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) state motto: Justice for all.]
Gerechtigkeit für alle. [Motto des US-Staates District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)]
not that {adv} [+ adj./adv.] [not all that]nicht allzu [vor Adj./Adv.]
well-known {adj} [known all over town]stadtbekannt
2 Wörter: Verben
to be complementary [all together form a whole]sich ergänzen
to clean sb. out [coll.] [take all of sb.'s money]
jdn. ausnehmen [ugs.] [z. B. beim Kartenspiel]
to give up [all hope]resignieren
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Übersetzung für '[All]' von Englisch nach Deutsch

any {pron} [all / every]

any {adj} [all / every]
jegliche [nachdrücklich für "jede"]

jedwede [nachdrücklich für "jede"]

jeglicher [nachdrücklich für "jeder"]

jegliches [nachdrücklich für "jedes"]
flat {adj} [attr.] [all-inclusive, blanket]
pauschal [komplett und unveränderlich]
alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"]

in Ordnung
for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of]
trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.]
obligatory {adj} [by all means]
plastered {adj} {past-p} [stuck all over]
nationally {adv} [across all territories of a federation]
effectively {adv} [for all practical purposes, in effect]
national {adj} [dimensioned for or valid in all Austria or Germany]
confused {adj} [not in possession of all one's mental faculties]
bregenklöterig [nordd.] [ugs.] [verwirrt]
about {adv} [all around]

ever {adv} [of all time] [postpos.]
ever [jugendsprachl. Anglizismus] [aller Zeiten] [nachgestellt]
Finito! [coll.] [It's all done!]
[decorated with all medals, orders, decorations possible] {adj} {past-p}
ausdekoriert [österr.] [Jargon: mit allen Auszeichnungen dekoriert]
abroad {adv} [in all directions]
in alle Richtungen [überall, überallhin, weithin]
catholic {adj} [all-embracing]
Gorey! [Irish] [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [Shouted after a person who leaves a door open; in an attack upon Gorey in 1798, insurgents carried off all the doors.]
Habt ihr zuhause Säcke vor den Türen? [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Frage an jdn., der eine Tür offen stehen lässt]
jack {adv} [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [short for: jack shit] [anything at all]
scheiß gar nichts [ugs.] [vulg.]
licked {adj} [done, all in]
am Ende [total fertig]
never {adv} [not at all]
überhaupt nicht
omniferous {adj} [archaic] [consisting of all things­]
omnific {adj} [creating all things­]

allschaffend [allschöpferisch]
omnisufficient {adj} [sufficient in all respects]
allgenügsam [veraltet] [geh.] [selten]philos.relig.
sb. plasters [sticks all over]
jd. beklebt
unbounded {adj} [having all boundaries removed]
zip {pron} [Am.] [coll.] [nothing at all]
gar nix [ugs.]

to droop [lose all energy]
ermatten [geh.] [schlapp werden, matt werden]
to remove sth. [e.g. all restrictions]
etw.Akk. aufheben [beseitigen, z. B. alle Beschränkungen]
[to be habitually behind all the others in swimming races]
hinterherschwimmen [ugs.]sports
[to chew all the goodness out of something like chewing gum]
etw.Akk. auskauen
[to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street]
häuserweit schreien
to abandon sth. [e.g. all hope]
etw.Akk. fahren lassen [z. B. alle Hoffnung]
to agitate sth. [now rare] [consider on all sides]
sichDat. über etw.Akk. (gründlich) Gedanken machen
to conjugate sth. [through all its grammatical forms]
etw.Akk. durchkonjugierenling.
to scramble [take off with all possible haste]
einen Soforteinsatz fliegenaviat.mil.

alarmmäßig starten [Pilot, Mannschaft]aviat.mil.

repdigit [multidigit number with all digits identical]
Schnapszahl {f} [ugs.]
legislation [sum of all legal norms]
Rechtsordnung {f} [Gesamtheit aller Rechtsnormen]law
panacea [solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases]
Panazee {f} [Allheilmittel] [oft pej.]pharm.
gavelkind [divided inheritance of land equally among all male heirs]
Realteilung {f}hist.law
[all things­ obsolete]
Makulatur {f} [fig.]
[figurative place for all that is considered dirty and taboo]
Schmuddelecke {f}
pantheon [all the gods of a people or religion collectively]
Götterwelt {f} [Gesamtheit der Götter einer Religion]relig.
doormat [coll.] [pej.] [person who gets used or walked over all the time]
Opfer {n} [Jugendsprache] [pej.] [Person, die ständig ausgenutzt oder schikaniert wird]
characters {pl} [all characters of a novel]
Personal {n} [Romanfiguren]lit.
slavey [female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work] [dated] [coll.] [Br.]
Dienstmädchen {n} [veraltend] [Mädchen für alles]
fingers [all digits except the thumb]
Langfinger {pl} [fachspr. alle Finger außer dem Daumen]anat.
membership {sg} [all members collectively]
Mitglieder {pl} [Mitgliederschaft]
[all queens and all jacks in one hand (Schafkopf)]
Sie {m} [Solo-Sie beim Schafkopf]games
[all queens and all jacks in one hand]
Solo-Sie {n} [alle Ober und Unter in einer Hand]games
[annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres]
(Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}publ.theatre
[athletic triathlon (sprinting, jumping, throwing) for all school children]
Reichsjugendwettkämpfe {pl} [erstmals 1920; jetzt Bundesjugendspiele]hist.sports
[derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII]
GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK]mil.
[elected representative of all pupils / students in Austria]
Bundesschulsprecher {m} [österr.]educ.
[portion of word present in all inflected forms]
Flexionsstamm {m}ling.
[Schafkopf: the soloist must take all tricks]
Du {m} [ugs.] [bayer.] [Solo-Tout]games
[support of more than 50 % of all Bundestag members for the chancellor]
Kanzlermehrheit {f}pol.
[the only maid-of-all-work in a household]
Alleinmädchen {n} [veraltet]
[the totality of all DIN standards]
Deutsches Normenwerk {n} [die Gesamtheit der DIN-Normen]QM
allrounder [all-in-one device suitable for every purpose]
eierlegende Wollmilchsau {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
cash [coll.: for all kinds of money]
Diridari {m} {n} [ugs.] [bayer.: Geld]

Diredare {m} {n} [ugs.] [bayer.: Geld]
membership [all members collectively]
Mitgliedergemeinschaft {f}
paw [of all furred predatory animals]
Branke {f} [jägerspr.] [seltener für: Brante]huntingzool.

Brante {f} [auch: Prante] [jägerspr.] [Pfote bei allem Haarraubwild]huntingzool.
Prussian [as Bavarian colloquial nickname for all northern German people]
Preiß {m} [bayer.] [ugs.] [Preuße]ethn.
radioelement [element whose all currently known isotopes are radioactive]
Radioelement {n} [Element, das nur radioaktive Isotope hat]
resistome [collection of all the antibiotic resistance genes]
Resistom {n} [Gesamtheit aller Antibiotika-Resistenzgene]MedTech.
subscribership [all subscribers collectively]
Abonnentenschaft {f}
Tartan™ [all-weather running track]
Tartan® {m}materialsports
womanhood {sg} [all women]
alle Frauen {pl} [insgesamt]
Yid [esp. Ashkenazi Jew] [used by anti-Semites as a slur against all Jews]
Jid {m} [bes. Ostjude] [von Antisemiten beleidigend gemeint für alle Juden]
yids [also: Yids] [esp. Ashkenazi Jews] [used by anti-Semites as a slur against all Jews]
Jidden {pl} [bes. Ostjuden] [von Antisemiten beleidigend gemeint für alle Juden]

all about {adv} [all around, everywhere]
allenthalben [geh., veraltend]
all about {adv} [all around]
all-American {adj} [also called all-America] [selected top athlete]
all-American [Spitzensportler]sports
all-day {adj} [attr.] [lasting all day, e.g. trip]
Ganztags- [z. B. Ausflug]

Ganztages- [z. B. Ausflug]
all-embracive {adj} [all-encompassing]
allumfassend [geh.]
all-in {adj} [esp. Br.] [all-inclusive]
pauschal [Summe, Preis etc.]comm.fin.
all-morning {adj} [attr.] [lasting all morning]
den ganzen Morgen dauernd
diddly-squat [esp. Am.] [sl.] [anything at all, nothing]
so gut wie nix [ugs.]
far from {adv} [not at all]
first up {adv} [coll.] [esp. Br.] [first of all]
als Erstes
from everywhere {adv} [from all directions]
holus-bolus {adv} [coll.] [all at once, unmodified]
ganz und gar [im Ganzen und unverändert, so wie etw. ist]
Justitia omnibus. [USA] [District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) state motto: Justice for all.]
Gerechtigkeit für alle. [Motto des US-Staates District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)]pol.
not that {adv} [+ adj./adv.] [not all that]
nicht allzu [vor Adj./Adv.]
well-known {adj} [known all over town]

to be complementary [all together form a whole]
sich ergänzen
to clean sb. out [coll.] [take all of sb.'s money]
jdn. ausnehmen [ugs.] [z. B. beim Kartenspiel]idiom
to give up [all hope]
  • trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.] = for [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of]
  • Alleinheit {f} [All-Einheit] = all-encompassing unity
  • Alleinheitserfahrung {f} [All-Einheit] = experience of all-encompassing unity
alle anzeigen ...
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The newly eligible players included 10 All-Stars, 6 of whom were not included on the ballot, representing a total of 53 All-Star selections.
  • As one can see, from a single shuffle, not all input can reach all output. Multiple shuffles are required for all inputs to be connected to all the outputs.
  • He was a Naismith All-American, McDonald's All-American, two-time Parade All-American and USA Today 1st-team All-American. He also went on to win Mr. Basketball of Michigan Award in 2000.
  • In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) is available on board most Garuda Indonesia aircraft: all A330s, all 777s, and all but three 737-800s.
  • The lower mantle of inner earth may hold as much as 5 times more water than all surface water combined (all oceans, all lakes, all rivers).

  • As of October 2010, all airport taxes have been integrated within all purchased tickets for all airlines.
  • "All y'all", "all of y'all", and "alls y'all" are used by some speakers to indicate a larger group than is necessarily implied by simply "y'all".
  • During the 2007 round taped at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, all 16 All Out drivers agreed to bet all winnings for an "all in" tournament. No other taping has featured the all-in format.
  • All matches in all circuits are streamed through all social medias platform and official website of World Rugby in the unsold markets with highlights available in all territories.
  • During his high school career, Blacknall was named a two-time all-state selection, while earning first-team all-region, all-district and All-Shore Conference honors for three-straight years.

  • All-Americans and All-Tournament selections including all seasons except 2008–09. Academic All-Americans including all seasons except 2007–08, 2008–09, 2015–16, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.
  • Vaughan attended Calallen High School. As a senior, he was named first-team All-District 31-4A at both quarterback and punter.
  • Hek Wakefield was consensus All-America. Gil Reese selected All-American by Norman E. Brown. Wakefield, Reese, and Bob Rives were all selected All-Southern.
  • The volunteers help by identifying, recording and describing all items, creating a computer database of items, scanning all documents, photographing all objects and digitising all photographic material.
  • His winning Rainbow 6 ticket of all/all/all/1,4/all/all cost $7,603.20.

  • Once all expected data is accounted for, all data queries closed, all external data received and reconciled and all other data management activities complete the database may be finalized.
  • All song titles are originally written in capital letters and are all romanized. All lyrics by Meg, all compositions and arrangements by Yasutaka Nakata.
  • Following his senior season Urso was named 1st team All-County, All-Gazette, All-league, and also named to the All-State and "The Washington Post" All-Metropolitan teams.
  • Sets – same value card (all 3's; all 4's; all 5's... all J's; all Q's; all K's; all A's).
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