 Übersetzung für '[people\'s]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
moot [people's assembly]
Tabor {m} [aus dem Tschechischen: Volksversammlung]
people [dated] [one's people, family]Familie {f} [Eltern und Verwandte]
[member or supporter of the conservative Austrian People's Party]
Schwarzer {m} [österr.] [ÖVPler]
2 Wörter
Democratic Yemen [People's Democratic Republic of Yemen]
Volksdemokratische Republik {f} Jemen
South Yemen [People's Democratic Republic of Yemen]
Volksdemokratische Republik {f} Jemen
3 Wörter
Barracked People's Police [GDR, forerunner of the National People's Army]
Kasernierte Volkspolizei {f} <KVP> [DDR, Vorläuferin der Nationalen Volksarmee]
People's Police Air [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the air force of the NPA]
Volkspolizei {f} Luft <VP-Luft> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Luftstreitkräfte der NVA]
People's Police Sea [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the People's Navy of the NPA]
Volkspolizei {f} See <VP-See> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Volksmarine der NVA]
5+ Wörter
Command of the Border Troops of the GDR [National People's Army]
Kommando {n} Grenztruppen der DDR <KdoGT> [NVA]
Command of the People's Navy [National People's Army of the former GDR]
Kommando {n} Volksmarine <KdoVM> [NVA]
10 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The people's court handled cases by a collegium consisted of a people's judge and two people's assessors. The people's assessors had duties similar to jurors, but decided both any objections and the verdict along with the judge, unlike in most jury systems.
  • Propaganda uses societal norms and myths that people hear and believe. Because people respond to, understand and remember more simple ideas this is what is used to influence people's beliefs, attitudes and values.
  • Compassion fatigue increases in intensity with increased interactions among the needy. Because of this, people living in urban cities are more likely to experience compassion fatigue. People in large cities interact with more people in general, and because of this, they become desensitized towards people's problems. Homeless people often make their way to larger cities. Ordinary people often become indifferent to homelessness when they see it regularly.
  • An intermediate people's court (...) is the second lowest local people's court in China. According to the "Organic Law of the People's Courts of the People's Republic of China", the intermediate people's courts handle relevant important local cases in the first instance and hear appeal cases from the basic people's courts.
  • The people are the basic concept for a national identity. But people can be identified and constructed through different logics of nationalism. Examples range from the "Völkisch" movement to people's republics.

  • People who have bedtime procrastination lead to short sleep, which can increase people's psychosis and may cause people to suffer from depression.
  • Second, "in the final determination of policies, the people's opinions must be valued highly." It should be up to the people to decide the purpose of politics because people can understand better what is good for the people in general.
  • The elections were held for the Pyongyang municipal people's committee(평양 특별시 인민위원회), six provincial people's committees, 12 city people's committees, and 90 county people's committees.
  • Pepper is not a functional robot for domestic use. Instead, Pepper is intended "to make people enjoy life", enhance people's lives, facilitate relationships, have fun with people and connect people with the outside world. Pepper's creators hope that independent developers will create new content and uses for Pepper.
  • Another misunderstanding of the Malay people in regards to the Seletar people's way of life was also attributed to the mystical superstitions of the Seletar people. They believe that sea nomads have a powerful magic that can harm other people. The stories about the Chinese and the Malay people suffered in this way are often narrated.

  • A community building project, Older People for Older People, resulted in a film being made in 2010 about how older people's skills were used in Ardersier to assist other older people.
  • In Q:114, there are evils which are whispered to people. If people act upon these whisperings, which call towards evil actions, people will be the ones who are sinful. Therefore, this is more of a desperate situation for people's beliefs, thus this is the greater danger for mankind.
  • According to the Constitution of 1924, the people's commissariats of the Soviet Union were divided into all-union and united. All-Union People's Commissariats had authorized representatives in the republics, who were directly subordinate to the Allied People's Commissariats. United People's Commissariats acted through a network of like-minded people's commissariats of the Union republics, which fulfilled the tasks of the corresponding union people's commissariat.
  • Söder suggests that people do not have fixed cognitive assumptions or emotions about people with disabilities. This leads to a conflict between basic values held by wider society and moral dilemmas in concrete daily interactions with people with disabilities. Söder proposes an ambivalence model as a better method for evaluating interactions with and attitudes about disabled people as it better captures the totality of people's sentiments.
  • The name "Jeroboam" [...] is commonly held to have been derived from "riyb" [...] and "ʿam" [...] , signifying "the people contend" or "he pleads the people's cause". It is alternatively translated to mean "his people are many" or "he increases the people" (from [...] "rbb", meaning "to increase"), or even "he that opposes the people". In the Septuagint he is called "Hieroboam" (Ἱεροβοάμ).

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