 Übersetzung für '[stop]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Whoa! [coll.] [used to slow or stop]Langsam!
Whoa! [as a command to draft animals; stop]
Oha! [Kommando an Zugtiere; anhalten, stehen bleiben]
unscheduled {adj} [stop, flight etc.]außerfahrplanmäßig
to suspend sth. [temporarily stop]etw.Akk. unterbrechen
to suspend sth. [temporarily stop; e.g. an account, imports etc.]
etw.Akk. sperren [z. B. ein Konto, Einfuhr etc.]
to intercept [stop, check, interrupt]abstellen [beenden, unterbrechen]
to leave [stop]aufhören
to balk [stop]stocken [zurückschrecken]
to hold sth. [stop, pause]etw.Akk. innehalten
to break sth. [stop]etw. stoppen
to halt sth. [stop]etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen]
to cut sth. [interrupt, stop]etw.Akk. abbrechen [unterbrechen, beenden]
to freeze [coll.] [to stop functioning though still powered up]
to check sth. [stop]etw. aufhalten [Inflation etc.]
to coast [to a stop]
ausrollen [im Leerlauf]
to cease [stop]
sistieren [fachspr.] [zum Stillstand kommen, zum Aufhören bringen, aufhören]
to stay [stop, halt]stehenbleiben
to service sth. [e.g. bus stop, sales area]
etw. bedienen [z. B. Haltestelle, Vertriebsgebiet]
to stay [stop]stoppen
to arrest [to stop]
to refuse [of a horse] [stop short or run aside at an obstacle instead of jumping it]
verweigern [von Pferden] [vor einem Hindernis scheuen und es nicht nehmen]
[to go very slow with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment]
auf Sicht fahren
to arrest sth. [stop]etw.Dat. Einhalt gebieten [Redewendung]
to discontinue sth. [stop making a product]
die Produktion von etw.Dat. einstellen
to discontinue sth. [stop]etw.Akk. nicht fortführen
to pug sth. [fill or stop with clay]etw. mit Lehm ausschmieren
to shush sb. [coll.] [cause to stop talking]jdn. zum Schweigen bringen
to sist sth. [Scot.] [to stop or suspend a legal procedure by judicial decree]
etw.Akk. aufheben [ein Gerichtsverfahren offiziell beenden oder aussetzen]
ungeprüft to snap sth. [Am.] [stop]etw.Akk. stoppen [eine Entwicklung aufhalten]
to snub sth. [bring a boat to an abrupt stop]
etw.Akk. ruckartig zum Halten bringen [Boot oder Schiff]
to stay [stop, halt]stehen bleiben
stay [stop]Halt {m}
timetable [at a bus stop etc.]
Aushangfahrplan {m}
shelter [e.g. at a bus stop]Wartestand {m} [Unterstand]
clarion [bugle and organ stop]
Clairon {n} [Signalhorn und Orgelregister]
[4' principal stop in an organ's pedal division]
Choralbass {m} [Orgelpedal]
[8' organ stop]
Aequal {n} [8'-Orgelregister]
[flute-based organ stop]
Schwiegel {f} [Orgelregister]
[flute-based organ stop]
Schwegel {f} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]
[obsolete organ stop]
Bärpfeife {f} [Orgelregister]
[organ reed stop]
Cink {m} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]
[organ stop]
Bordunflöte {f} [Orgelregister]
[organ toy stop with ringing bells]
Zimbelstern {m} [Orgelregister]
[organ toy stop with ringing bells]
Cimbelstern {m} [Rsv.] [Orgelregister]
[reed organ stop]
Apfelregal {n}
Barem [organ stop]
Barem {n} [Orgelregister]
bombardon [organ stop]
Bombardon {n} [Orgelregister]
chrysoglott [theatre organ stop]
Chrysoglott {n} [Theaterorgel-Register]
Clarabella [organ stop]
Offenflöte {f}
clarino [organ reed stop]
Clarino {n} [Orgelregister]
clarion [organ stop]
Klarine {f}
fudge [space for stop press]
Spalte {f} für letzte Meldungen
fudge {sg} [stop press news]
letzte Meldungen {pl}
gedackt [organ stop]
Gedackt {n} [Orgelregister]
rohrflute [organ stop]
Rohrflöte {f} [Orgelregister]
trombone [organ reed stop]
Busaun {f} [veraltet] [Posaune, bes. Orgelregister]
2 Wörter: Andere
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]Lass das!
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]Hör auf damit!
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop talking!](Halt die) Klappe! [ugs.]
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop talking!]Halt den Mund! [Redewendung]
Drop it! [Stop doing that!]Lass das!
in concentration {adv} [furrow forehead, become frozen, stop breathing, etc.] vor Konzentration [Stirn furchen, erstarren, Atem anhalten etc.]
Stop pissing. [vulg.] [stop worrying] Mach dir doch nicht in die Hose. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
2 Wörter: Verben
to back off [stop harassing]sich zurückhalten
to break sth. off [discontinue, stop] [e.g. therapy, a treatment]
etw.Akk. absetzen [abbrechen] [z. B. eine Therapie, eine Behandlung]
to cut out [stop working] [engine, electricity, etc.]aussetzen
to flag sb./sth. down [cause to stop person or vehicle]jdn./etw. abwinken [Person oder Fahrzeug anhalten]
to give in [stop resisting]sichAkk. fügen
to give over [to cause an activity to stop, esp. an annoying one] aufhören [mit einer Tätigkeit, bes. einer unangenehmen]
to go wrong [machines, devices] [to stop functioning properly] nicht (mehr) richtig funktionieren [Maschinen, Geräte]
to hit buffers [Br.] [coll.] [stop or fail] [idiom] [less frequent] in eine Sackgasse geraten [enden oder scheitern] [Redewendung]
to hold up [to stop]stoppen
to leave sth. off [stop using it]etw. weglassen [nicht mehr verwenden]
to put sth. back [hold up, stop]etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen]
to stand down sth. [mainly Br.] [stop working]etw. einstellen [nicht fortsetzen]
to switch off [stop paying attention or worrying about sth.] abschalten [ugs.] [nicht mehr aufmerksam sein, Abstand gewinnen]
2 Wörter: Substantive
bell diapason [organ stop]
Flûte {f} à pavillon [Orgelregister]
bell gamba [organ stop]
Glockengamba {f} [Orgelregister]
claribel flute [organ stop]
Offenflöte {f}
cone gamba [organ stop]
Spitzgamba {f}
DASH diet [dietary approaches to stop hypertension]
DASH-Diät {f} [diätetischer Ansatz zum Senken von Bluthochdruck]
echo stop [organ stop]
Echo-Register {n} [Orgel]
full point [Br.] [full stop, period]
Punkt {m} [Satzzeichen]
lute stop [= buff stop, mistranslation of German term]
Lautenzug {m} [Cembalo]
police check [traffic stop] [coll.]Polizeikontrolle {f}
pull-off [area beside the road where cars can stop]
Haltebucht {f}
reactivation time [stop-start]
Wiederbereitschaftszeit {f}
red zone [coll.] ["stop work" zone (operation should be stopped)]
roter Bereich {m} [ugs.] [Bereich, der einen unerlaubten Zustand markiert, bes. auf einem Messinstrument]
rest area [rest stop]
Autobahnstation {f} [österr.] [Raststätte]
spire flute [organ stop]
Spitzflöte {f} [Orgelregister]
stop sign [also: STOP sign]
Stoppzeichen {n}
stop sign [at bus stop etc.]
Halteschild {n}
stop sticks {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [STOP STICK® tire-deflation device]
Nagelsperre {f}
Swiss flute [organ stop]
Schweizerflöte {f} [Orgelregister]
Swiss pipe [organ stop; same as Swiss flute]
Schweizerpfeife {f} [Orgelregister; auch: Schweizerflöte]
Terry stop [Am.] [stop-and-frisk search]
[polizeiliche Kontrollmaßnahme, bei der ein Verdächtiger angehalten und durchsucht wird]
violin diapason [organ stop]
Geigenprinzipal {n} [Orgelregister]
vox humana [organ stop]
Vox humana {f} [Orgelregister]
vox humana [organ stop]
Menschenstimme {f} [Orgelregister] [seltener für: Vox humana]
whistle-stop [Am.] [flag stop]
Bedarfshalt {m}
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Übersetzung für '[stop]' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Whoa! [coll.] [used to slow or stop]
Whoa! [as a command to draft animals; stop]
Oha! [Kommando an Zugtiere; anhalten, stehen bleiben]agr.
unscheduled {adj} [stop, flight etc.]

to suspend sth. [temporarily stop]
etw.Akk. unterbrechen
to suspend sth. [temporarily stop; e.g. an account, imports etc.]
etw.Akk. sperren [z. B. ein Konto, Einfuhr etc.]
to intercept [stop, check, interrupt]
abstellen [beenden, unterbrechen]
to leave [stop]
to balk [stop]
stocken [zurückschrecken]
to hold sth. [stop, pause]
etw.Akk. innehalten
to break sth. [stop]
etw. stoppen
to halt sth. [stop]
etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen]
to cut sth. [interrupt, stop]
etw.Akk. abbrechen [unterbrechen, beenden]
to freeze [coll.] [to stop functioning though still powered up]
to check sth. [stop]
etw. aufhalten [Inflation etc.]
to coast [to a stop]
ausrollen [im Leerlauf]automot.traffic
to cease [stop]
sistieren [fachspr.] [zum Stillstand kommen, zum Aufhören bringen, aufhören]med.
to stay [stop, halt]

stehen bleiben
to service sth. [e.g. bus stop, sales area]
etw. bedienen [z. B. Haltestelle, Vertriebsgebiet]traffictransp.
to stay [stop]
to arrest [to stop]
to refuse [of a horse] [stop short or run aside at an obstacle instead of jumping it]
verweigern [von Pferden] [vor einem Hindernis scheuen und es nicht nehmen]equest.
[to go very slow with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment]
auf Sicht fahrenautomot.railsports
to arrest sth. [stop]
etw.Dat. Einhalt gebieten [Redewendung]
to discontinue sth. [stop making a product]
die Produktion von etw.Dat. einstellenind.
to discontinue sth. [stop]
etw.Akk. nicht fortführen
to pug sth. [fill or stop with clay]
etw. mit Lehm ausschmieren
to shush sb. [coll.] [cause to stop talking]
jdn. zum Schweigen bringen
to sist sth. [Scot.] [to stop or suspend a legal procedure by judicial decree]
etw.Akk. aufheben [ein Gerichtsverfahren offiziell beenden oder aussetzen]law
to snap sth. [Am.] [stop]
ungeprüft etw.Akk. stoppen [eine Entwicklung aufhalten]
to snub sth. [bring a boat to an abrupt stop]
etw.Akk. ruckartig zum Halten bringen [Boot oder Schiff]naut.

stay [stop]
Halt {m}
timetable [at a bus stop etc.]
Aushangfahrplan {m}transp.
shelter [e.g. at a bus stop]
Wartestand {m} [Unterstand]
clarion [bugle and organ stop]
Clairon {n} [Signalhorn und Orgelregister]mus.
[4' principal stop in an organ's pedal division]
Choralbass {m} [Orgelpedal]mus.
[8' organ stop]
Aequal {n} [8'-Orgelregister]mus.
[flute-based organ stop]
Schwiegel {f} [Orgelregister]mus.

Schwegel {f} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]mus.
[obsolete organ stop]
Bärpfeife {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
[organ reed stop]
Cink {m} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]mus.
[organ stop]
Bordunflöte {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
[organ toy stop with ringing bells]
Zimbelstern {m} [Orgelregister]mus.

Cimbelstern {m} [Rsv.] [Orgelregister]mus.
[reed organ stop]
Apfelregal {n}mus.
Barem [organ stop]
Barem {n} [Orgelregister]mus.
bombardon [organ stop]
Bombardon {n} [Orgelregister]mus.
chrysoglott [theatre organ stop]
Chrysoglott {n} [Theaterorgel-Register]mus.
Clarabella [organ stop]
Offenflöte {f}mus.
clarino [organ reed stop]
Clarino {n} [Orgelregister]mus.
clarion [organ stop]
Klarine {f}mus.
fudge [space for stop press]
Spalte {f} für letzte Meldungenjourn.
fudge {sg} [stop press news]
letzte Meldungen {pl}journ.
gedackt [organ stop]
Gedackt {n} [Orgelregister]mus.
rohrflute [organ stop]
Rohrflöte {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
trombone [organ reed stop]
Busaun {f} [veraltet] [Posaune, bes. Orgelregister]mus.

Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop doing that!]
Lass das!

Hör auf damit!
Can it! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [Stop talking!]
(Halt die) Klappe! [ugs.]

Halt den Mund! [Redewendung]
Drop it! [Stop doing that!]
Lass das!
in concentration {adv} [furrow forehead, become frozen, stop breathing, etc.]
vor Konzentration [Stirn furchen, erstarren, Atem anhalten etc.]
Stop pissing. [vulg.] [stop worrying]
Mach dir doch nicht in die Hose. [ugs.] [Redewendung]

to back off [stop harassing]
sich zurückhalten
to break sth. off [discontinue, stop] [e.g. therapy, a treatment]
etw.Akk. absetzen [abbrechen] [z. B. eine Therapie, eine Behandlung]med.
to cut out [stop working] [engine, electricity, etc.]
to flag sb./sth. down [cause to stop person or vehicle]
jdn./etw. abwinken [Person oder Fahrzeug anhalten]
to give in [stop resisting]
sichAkk. fügen
to give over [to cause an activity to stop, esp. an annoying one]
aufhören [mit einer Tätigkeit, bes. einer unangenehmen]
to go wrong [machines, devices] [to stop functioning properly]
nicht (mehr) richtig funktionieren [Maschinen, Geräte]
to hit buffers [Br.] [coll.] [stop or fail] [idiom] [less frequent]
in eine Sackgasse geraten [enden oder scheitern] [Redewendung]
to hold up [to stop]
to leave sth. off [stop using it]
etw. weglassen [nicht mehr verwenden]
to put sth. back [hold up, stop]
etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen]
to stand down sth. [mainly Br.] [stop working]
etw. einstellen [nicht fortsetzen]
to switch off [stop paying attention or worrying about sth.]
abschalten [ugs.] [nicht mehr aufmerksam sein, Abstand gewinnen]

bell diapason [organ stop]
Flûte {f} à pavillon [Orgelregister]mus.
bell gamba [organ stop]
Glockengamba {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
claribel flute [organ stop]
Offenflöte {f}mus.
cone gamba [organ stop]
Spitzgamba {f}mus.
DASH diet [dietary approaches to stop hypertension]
DASH-Diät {f} [diätetischer Ansatz zum Senken von Bluthochdruck]gastr.med.
echo stop [organ stop]
Echo-Register {n} [Orgel]mus.
full point [Br.] [full stop, period]
Punkt {m} [Satzzeichen]ling.print
lute stop [= buff stop, mistranslation of German term]
Lautenzug {m} [Cembalo]mus.
police check [traffic stop] [coll.]
Polizeikontrolle {f}
pull-off [area beside the road where cars can stop]
Haltebucht {f}traffic
reactivation time [stop-start]
Wiederbereitschaftszeit {f}electr.
red zone [coll.] ["stop work" zone (operation should be stopped)]
roter Bereich {m} [ugs.] [Bereich, der einen unerlaubten Zustand markiert, bes. auf einem Messinstrument]tech.
rest area [rest stop]
Autobahnstation {f} [österr.] [Raststätte]traffic
spire flute [organ stop]
Spitzflöte {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
stop sign [also: STOP sign]
Stoppzeichen {n}traffic
stop sign [at bus stop etc.]
Halteschild {n}transp.
stop sticks {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [STOP STICK® tire-deflation device]
Nagelsperre {f}traffic
Swiss flute [organ stop]
Schweizerflöte {f} [Orgelregister]mus.
Swiss pipe [organ stop; same as Swiss flute]
Schweizerpfeife {f} [Orgelregister; auch: Schweizerflöte]mus.
Terry stop [Am.] [stop-and-frisk search]
[polizeiliche Kontrollmaßnahme, bei der ein Verdächtiger angehalten und durchsucht wird]law
violin diapason [organ stop]
Geigenprinzipal {n} [Orgelregister]mus.
vox humana [organ stop]
Vox humana {f} [Orgelregister]mus.

Menschenstimme {f} [Orgelregister] [seltener für: Vox humana]mus.
whistle-stop [Am.] [flag stop]
Bedarfshalt {m}rail
  • Nasalregister {n} [Cembalo, nicht: "Lautenzug"="buff stop"] = lute stop
  • Stopcodon {n} [auch: Stop-Codon] = stop codon
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Murat Karayılan (...) (born 1954), He has called on Kurds to stop serving in the military of Turkey, stop paying taxes and stop using the Turkish language.
  • On 16 August 2013, Taiwanese held a press conference in Taipei to demand Taipower to stop further electricity price hike, stop construction of the fourth nuclear power plant and stop lying to the public.
  • It was promoted from a local train stop in 1945, to a “Semi-Express” stop in 1946, a “Sakura Semi-Express” stop in 1948, and a “Rush Hour Semi-Express” stop in 1964.
  • Angamaly for Kalady (limited stop), Aluva (major stop).
  • There are two Glenelg tram line stops in Wayville: Greenhill Rd - Tram Stop 1 and Wayville - Tram Stop 2. Just west of Wayville in Goodwood there is a third tram stop, Goodwood Rd - Tram Stop 3.

  • On the Far North Coast of New South Wales lies the Sleepy Hollow rest stop.
  • The narrow-gauge train that departs from Miskolc makes a stop at the farm on the days it is open. The stop is after the main Lillafüred stop.
  • The nearest bus stops are Ganapathipuram Junction Bus Stop, Soorapallam Bus Stop, Dharmapuram Bus Stop and Eathamozhy School Bus Stop.
  • When loading and unloading students, school buses have the ability to stop traffic, using a system of warning lights and stop arms-a stop sign that is deployed from the bus to stop traffic when the door is opened.
  • The substitution splice or stop trick is a cinematic special effect in which filmmakers achieve an appearance, disappearance, or transformation It has also been referred to as stop motion substitution or stop-action.

  • It runs accordingly with its exact routes and passengers can stop the van anywhere according to its destination, and is not required to stop at a bus stop or station.
  • A PDIS is not a mandatory stop, nor is it considered a substitute for the more important shallow safety stop on a no-stop dive.
  • A stop line is a type of marking used to inform drivers of the point where they are required to stop at an intersection or roundabout controlled by a stop sign or traffic signal.
  • Liaquat Chowk Bus Stop, situated in the heart of society, is where people can hop on buses moving towards the city.
  • Inbound and outbound trains stop at opposite ends of the block.

  • Until 1999 the stop never had an "official" stop board in place. Despite being unofficially named the halt has a simple bus stop-type sign affixed to the overhead pole.
  • Teochew retains many consonant stops lost in Mandarin. These stops include a labial stop: "b"; velar stop: "g"; and glottal stop: "h".
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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