 Übersetzung für '[use]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]
spare {adj} [surplus, not in use]frei [nicht besetzt]
legacy {adj} [old, not longer in active use]veraltet
spare {adj} [for use when needed]Extra-
archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
ordinary {adj} [things­, words in use]gebräuchlich
current {adj} [common, in general use]gängig [allgemein üblich, gebräuchlich]
spatial {adj} [e.g. impression, memory, use]Raum- [z. B. Eindruck, Gedächtnis, Nutzung]
spare {adj} [for use when needed]zusätzlich
save {prep} {conj} [old use or formal: except]außer [+Dat.] [es sei denn]
employing {prep} [by use of]mittels [+Gen.]
current {adj} [common, in general use]gebräuchlich
actual {adj} [in use at the time]aktiv
frequent {adj} [occurrence, use, etc.]gehäuft [Auftreten, Verwendung etc.] [häufig]
culinary {adj} [e.g. herbs, department, use]Küchen- [z. B. Kräuter, Abteilung, Gebrauch]
[of something which is sat upon, worn out from use] {adj} {past-p}durchgesessen
[use a poop scoop bag]
Nimm ein Sackerl für mein Gackerl! [Wien]
dead {adj} [no longer in use or operation]außer Betrieb [nachgestellt]
dextrosinistral {adj} [naturally left-handed but trained to use the right hand in writing] linkshändig, jedoch mit der rechten Hand schreibend
down {adj} [out of action, not in use]außer Betrieb
harelipped {adj} [no longer in scientific use; coll.: sometimes offensive] [cleft-lipped]
mit Hasenscharte [nachgestellt] [ugs.] [fachspr. veraltet]
mis- {prefix} [e.g. attribution, computation, diagnosis, location, use] Fehl- [z. B. Zuschreibung, Berechnung, Diagnose, Anordnung, Gebrauch]
nonconforming {adj} [goods, use]
nicht vertragsgemäß [Ware, Benutzung]
obsolete {adj} [no longer in use]außer Gebrauch [nachgestellt]
to provide sth. [make available for use, supply, e.g. material, funds, manpower]
etw. bereitstellen [z. B. Material, Mittel, Arbeitskräfte]
to apply [make use of]anwenden
to harness sth. [make use of]etw.Akk. nutzen
to employ [to use]verwenden
to discard sth. [not use anymore]etw.Akk. ablegen [ausrangieren]
to deploy sth. [use]etw. nutzen
to support [to permit use of software or devices]
to wear sth. [damage through use]etw. abnutzen
to wear (sth.) [damage, getting damaged through use](etw.) verschleißen
to employ [to use]gebrauchen
to contracept [use contraception]verhüten [Verhütungs­mittel benutzen]
to wear sth. [damage through use]etw. abnützen [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.]
to exploit sth. [make use of sth., e.g. natural resources, energy]
etw.Akk. nutzen [z. B. natürliche Ressourcen, Energie]
to apply sth. [use, utilize]etw. gebrauchen [anwenden]
to forego sth. [chance, opportunity] [do not use]
etw. vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit] [nicht nutzen]
to harvest sth. [take or remove for use]etw.Akk. entnehmen
to adopt sth. [choose and decide to use]etw.Akk. wählen
to scale sth. [use a pair of scales]etw. wägen [schweiz.] [sonst fachspr.] [wiegen]
to poll [pollard for use of the material]
to style sb. [use sb.'s title]jdn. betiteln
to convert [sth. to a new use]umnutzen
to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate]etw. klimatisieren
to wear sth. [damage through use]etw. abnudeln [ugs.] [abnutzen, verschleißen]
[priming / rinsing a wine glass with wine before use]
etw.Akk. weingrün machen [das Avinieren / Ausspülen eines Weingefäßes mit etwas Wein vor der Verwendung]
[to agree over a drink to use the familiar du]mit jdm. Brüderschaft trinken
[to use / utter incantations to charm away warts]
Warzen besprechen
[to use a baker's peel to remove loaves of bread from the hot surface of a traditional baking oven]
etw.Akk. ausschießen [Brotlaibe mit dem Brotschießer aus dem Backofen herausholen]
[to use a mothproofing agent / moth repellent]eulanisieren [durch Eulan® vor Motten schützen]
[to use up time until the opponent weakens or loses patience]Sitzfleisch haben [ugs.] [fig.]
to adhibit sth. [archaic] [use, administer]etw.Akk. adhibieren [veraltet]
to budget sth. [use carefully]sparsam mit etw. umgehen
to deploy sth. [use effectively]etw.Akk. zum Einsatz bringen
to discontinue sth. [e.g. a method, the use]etw.Akk. beenden
to exploit sth. [make use of a situation etc. in a way considered unfair or underhand] sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [bes. auf unfaire oder hinterlistige Weise]
to figure [use figuratively]figürlich brauchen
to figure [use figuratively]figürlich verwenden
to harness sth. [control and make use of] sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [z. B. die Energie der Sonne]
to homologate sth. [to sanction for use, allow to be used]etw.Akk. freigeben [zur Benutzung] [zulassen]
to leave sth. [not use it]etw. liegen lassen [nicht benutzen]
to leverage sth. [use sth. to maximum advantage]sichDat. etw. (voll) zu Nutze machen
to leverage sth. [use sth. to maximum advantage] sichDat. etw.Akk. (voll) zunutze machen [Redewendung]
to leverage sth. [use to advantage]etw. wirksam einsetzen
to overuse sth. [to use to excess] etw.Akk. übernützen [auch übernutzen] [zu stark nutzen]
to prime [make ready for use]betriebsfertig machen
to reclaim sth. [use again]
etw.Akk. wieder verwenden
to slaughter [animals for domestic use]einschlachten [veraltend]
to spare [use sparingly]sparsam umgehen
to support sth. [to permit use of software or devices]
sichAkk. für etw.Akk. eignen [Software, Geräte etc.]
to unlimber sth. [esp. Am.] [prepare for use]etw. bereit machen [auch: bereitmachen]
to waive sth. [make no use of]etw. nicht anwenden
to weaponise sth. [Br.] [use sth. as a weapon]etw.Akk. als Waffe benutzen
to weaponize sth. [use sth. as a weapon]etw.Akk. als Waffe benutzen
provision [providing or supplying sth. for use]Bereitstellung {f}
trout [common use]
Forelle {f} [nicht fachspr.]
fee [payment, esp. for the use of sth.]Entgelt {n}
perks {pl} [e.g. use of a company car]
Vergünstigung {f}
application [use]Verwendung {f}
employment [use]Einsatz {m} [von Arbeitskräften, Werkzeugen etc.]
application [use]Nutzung {f}
application [use]Gebrauch {m} [Anwendung]
good [use]Nutzen {m}
stash [coll.] [quantity of an illegal drug, esp. one kept for personal use]
Stash {m} [ugs.] [versteckter Vorrat einer illegalen Droge für den Eigenkonsum]
directions {pl} [instructions for use]Gebrauchsanleitung {f}
provision [providing or supplying sth. for use]
Gestellung {f} [amtsspr.] [Bereitstellung für einen bestimmten Zweck]
harelip [no longer in scientific use; coll.: sometimes offensive] [cleft lip]
Hasenscharte {f} [ugs.] [fachspr. veraltet] [Lippenspalte]
grant [privilege, right to use a public good]
Konzession {f} [Nutzungs­recht]
disposition [application, use]Verwendung {f}
tenure [right to use a leased object]
Bestand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Nutzungs­rechte auf ein gepachtetes Objekt]
terror [the use of extreme fear]
Terror {m} [Verbreitung von Angst und Schrecken mittels Gewalt]
lease [right to use a leased object]
Bestand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Nutzungs­rechte auf ein gepachtetes Objekt]
micron <µ> [obs., but the term is still in use]
Mikron {n} <µ> [veraltet] [Mikrometer]
playbook [for internal use]
Theatermanuskript {n}
playbook [for internal use]
Bühnenmanuskript {n}
conversion [of sth. to a new use]Umnutzung {f}
playbook [for internal use]
Manuskript {n} [eines Theaterstücks]
piercing [production of a hole in a sheet of metal by the use of a punch and a die]
Lochen {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden]
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Übersetzung für '[use]' von Englisch nach Deutsch

obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]
spare {adj} [surplus, not in use]
frei [nicht besetzt]
legacy {adj} [old, not longer in active use]
spare {adj} [for use when needed]

archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
ordinary {adj} [things­, words in use]
current {adj} [common, in general use]
gängig [allgemein üblich, gebräuchlich]

spatial {adj} [e.g. impression, memory, use]
Raum- [z. B. Eindruck, Gedächtnis, Nutzung]
save {prep} {conj} [old use or formal: except]
außer [+Dat.] [es sei denn]
employing {prep} [by use of]
mittels [+Gen.]
actual {adj} [in use at the time]
frequent {adj} [occurrence, use, etc.]
gehäuft [Auftreten, Verwendung etc.] [häufig]
culinary {adj} [e.g. herbs, department, use]
Küchen- [z. B. Kräuter, Abteilung, Gebrauch]
[of something which is sat upon, worn out from use] {adj} {past-p}
[use a poop scoop bag]
Nimm ein Sackerl für mein Gackerl! [Wien]market.
dead {adj} [no longer in use or operation]
außer Betrieb [nachgestellt]
dextrosinistral {adj} [naturally left-handed but trained to use the right hand in writing]
linkshändig, jedoch mit der rechten Hand schreibend
down {adj} [out of action, not in use]
außer Betrieb
harelipped {adj} [no longer in scientific use; coll.: sometimes offensive] [cleft-lipped]
mit Hasenscharte [nachgestellt] [ugs.] [fachspr. veraltet]med.
mis- {prefix} [e.g. attribution, computation, diagnosis, location, use]
Fehl- [z. B. Zuschreibung, Berechnung, Diagnose, Anordnung, Gebrauch]
nonconforming {adj} [goods, use]
nicht vertragsgemäß [Ware, Benutzung]comm.econ.tech.
obsolete {adj} [no longer in use]
außer Gebrauch [nachgestellt]

to provide sth. [make available for use, supply, e.g. material, funds, manpower]
etw. bereitstellen [z. B. Material, Mittel, Arbeitskräfte]
to apply [make use of]
to harness sth. [make use of]
etw.Akk. nutzen
to employ [to use]

to discard sth. [not use anymore]
etw.Akk. ablegen [ausrangieren]
to deploy sth. [use]
etw. nutzen
to support [to permit use of software or devices]
to wear sth. [damage through use]
etw. abnutzen

etw. abnützen [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.]

etw. abnudeln [ugs.] [abnutzen, verschleißen]
to wear (sth.) [damage, getting damaged through use]
(etw.) verschleißen
to contracept [use contraception]
verhüten [Verhütungs­mittel benutzen]
to exploit sth. [make use of sth., e.g. natural resources, energy]
etw.Akk. nutzen [z. B. natürliche Ressourcen, Energie]
to apply sth. [use, utilize]
etw. gebrauchen [anwenden]
to forego sth. [chance, opportunity] [do not use]
etw. vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit] [nicht nutzen]
to harvest sth. [take or remove for use]
etw.Akk. entnehmen
to adopt sth. [choose and decide to use]
etw.Akk. wählen
to scale sth. [use a pair of scales]
etw. wägen [schweiz.] [sonst fachspr.] [wiegen]
to poll [pollard for use of the material]
to style sb. [use sb.'s title]
jdn. betiteln
to convert [sth. to a new use]
to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate]
etw. klimatisieren
[priming / rinsing a wine glass with wine before use]
etw.Akk. weingrün machen [das Avinieren / Ausspülen eines Weingefäßes mit etwas Wein vor der Verwendung]gastr.oenol.
[to agree over a drink to use the familiar du]
mit jdm. Brüderschaft trinken
[to use / utter incantations to charm away warts]
Warzen besprechenesot.med.
[to use a baker's peel to remove loaves of bread from the hot surface of a traditional baking oven]
etw.Akk. ausschießen [Brotlaibe mit dem Brotschießer aus dem Backofen herausholen]gastr.
[to use a mothproofing agent / moth repellent]
eulanisieren [durch Eulan® vor Motten schützen]
[to use up time until the opponent weakens or loses patience]
Sitzfleisch haben [ugs.] [fig.]
to adhibit sth. [archaic] [use, administer]
etw.Akk. adhibieren [veraltet]
to budget sth. [use carefully]
sparsam mit etw. umgehen
to deploy sth. [use effectively]
etw.Akk. zum Einsatz bringen
to discontinue sth. [e.g. a method, the use]
etw.Akk. beenden
to exploit sth. [make use of a situation etc. in a way considered unfair or underhand]
sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [bes. auf unfaire oder hinterlistige Weise]
to figure [use figuratively]
figürlich brauchen

figürlich verwenden
to harness sth. [control and make use of]
sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [z. B. die Energie der Sonne]
to homologate sth. [to sanction for use, allow to be used]
etw.Akk. freigeben [zur Benutzung] [zulassen]
to leave sth. [not use it]
etw. liegen lassen [nicht benutzen]
to leverage sth. [use sth. to maximum advantage]
sichDat. etw. (voll) zu Nutze machen

sichDat. etw.Akk. (voll) zunutze machen [Redewendung]
to leverage sth. [use to advantage]
etw. wirksam einsetzen
to overuse sth. [to use to excess]
etw.Akk. übernützen [auch übernutzen] [zu stark nutzen]
to prime [make ready for use]
betriebsfertig machen
to reclaim sth. [use again]
etw.Akk. wieder verwendenecol.econ.
to slaughter [animals for domestic use]
einschlachten [veraltend]
to spare [use sparingly]
sparsam umgehen
to support sth. [to permit use of software or devices]
sichAkk. für etw.Akk. eignen [Software, Geräte etc.]comp.
to unlimber sth. [esp. Am.] [prepare for use]
etw. bereit machen [auch: bereitmachen]
to waive sth. [make no use of]
etw. nicht anwenden
to weaponise sth. [Br.] [use sth. as a weapon]
etw.Akk. als Waffe benutzen
to weaponize sth. [use sth. as a weapon]
etw.Akk. als Waffe benutzen

provision [providing or supplying sth. for use]
Bereitstellung {f}

Gestellung {f} [amtsspr.] [Bereitstellung für einen bestimmten Zweck]admin.law
trout [common use]
Forelle {f} [nicht fachspr.]gastr.fishT
fee [payment, esp. for the use of sth.]
Entgelt {n}
perks {pl} [e.g. use of a company car]
Vergünstigung {f}econ.fin.
application [use]
Verwendung {f}

Nutzung {f}

Gebrauch {m} [Anwendung]
employment [use]
Einsatz {m} [von Arbeitskräften, Werkzeugen etc.]
good [use]
Nutzen {m}
stash [coll.] [quantity of an illegal drug, esp. one kept for personal use]
Stash {m} [ugs.] [versteckter Vorrat einer illegalen Droge für den Eigenkonsum]drugs
directions {pl} [instructions for use]
Gebrauchsanleitung {f}
harelip [no longer in scientific use; coll.: sometimes offensive] [cleft lip]
Hasenscharte {f} [ugs.] [fachspr. veraltet] [Lippenspalte]med.
grant [privilege, right to use a public good]
Konzession {f} [Nutzungs­recht]law
disposition [application, use]
Verwendung {f}
tenure [right to use a leased object]
Bestand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Nutzungs­rechte auf ein gepachtetes Objekt]econ.lawRealEst.
terror [the use of extreme fear]
Terror {m} [Verbreitung von Angst und Schrecken mittels Gewalt]
lease [right to use a leased object]
Bestand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Nutzungs­rechte auf ein gepachtetes Objekt]econ.lawRealEst.
micron <µ> [obs., but the term is still in use]
Mikron {n} <µ> [veraltet] [Mikrometer]unit
playbook [for internal use]
Theatermanuskript {n}publ.theatre

Bühnenmanuskript {n}publ.theatre

Manuskript {n} [eines Theaterstücks]publ.theatre
conversion [of sth. to a new use]
Umnutzung {f}
piercing [production of a hole in a sheet of metal by the use of a punch and a die]
Lochen {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden]engin.tech.
  • [vorzeitig geduldete Anwendung eines noch nicht zugelassenen Arzneimittels aus humanitären Erwägungen] [Umschreibung für Compassionate Use] = compassionate use <CU>
  • barmherziger Gebrauch {m} [Umschreibung für Compassionate Use] = compassionate use <CU>
  • individueller Heilversuch {m} [Compassionate Use] = compassionate use <CU> [expanded access]
alle anzeigen ...
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • CSP has a number of environmental effects, particularly on water use, land use and the use of hazardous materials.
  • However, the state's other public institutions use different terms. Five use Board of Governors (as noted above), and three use Board of Regents.
  • For use in other operating systems, such as Linux, cross-platform use and web use it is not available as a freeware.
  • Proposed land use as embodied in the comprehensive land use plan has delineated the residential, commercial, institutional area within the urban land use while the agricultural, agro-industrial, special use could be found in the general land use.
  • Dukes use "His Grace", Marquesses use "The Most Honourable" and other peers use "The Right Honourable".

  • The Stuart Lake Day-Use and Group-Use Areas and The Iatt Lake Observation Pier Day-Use Area are intended for day use.
  • Prescription digital therapeutics company Pear Therapeutics is collaborating with Empatica to use its wearable sensors to evaluate withdrawal symptoms in patients with substance use disorder (SUD), opioid use disorder (OUD), and alcohol use disorder (AUD).
  • With increasing use of steam power, and increasing use of machinery to supplant the use of people, the integrated use of techniques in production lines spurred the industrial revolutions of Europe and North America.
  • Azande witches do not use magical spells or use any medicines.
  • Emblems and Names (Prevention of improper use) Act 1950 prohibits the use of National Symbols for commercial use in India.

  • The use of a highway's shoulder during peak hours has been implemented in some locations, both in the US and Europe.
  • The use of SIM boxes is often legal, but the use may constitute competition of carrier contracts.
  • As compared to stone use associated with agriculture, archeological reports of stone use provide insight into the technological development and use during the Pastoral Neolithic.
  • Researchers sometimes use web forums such as Bluelight learn more about drugs use and drug use communities. Individual users use it to share information and ask questions.
  • The concentrations obtained from such analyses can often be helpful in distinguishing active use from passive exposure, elapsed time since use, and extent or duration of use.

  • Speakers of Slavic languages and Lithuanians (Baltic languages) use two main sets of honorifics.
  • Ncurses can use either terminfo (with extensible data) or termcap. Other implementations of curses generally use terminfo; a minority use termcap. Few (mytinfo was an older exception) use both.
  • The questions ask about lifetime use; frequency of use; urge to use; frequency of health, financial, social, or legal problems related to use; failure to perform duties; if anyone has raised concerns over use; attempts to limit or moderate use; and use by injection.
  • Other problematic areas: use or non-use of [...] for some words with [...] sound, use or non-use of Dehnungs-h, when to double consonants and when not to.
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