| aviat.meteo. rain <r, RA> | Regen {m} [Regenwetter] 21 | |
| chem. radium <Ra> | Radium {n} <Ra> 16 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Ta-ra! [N. Engl.] [coll.] | Auf Wiedersehen! | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit degree Rankine <°R, °Ra> | Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| med.QM rapid assessment <RA> | Rapid Assessment {n} <RA> [HTA-Bericht im Schnellverfahren] | |
| phys.unit Rayleigh number <Ra> | Rayleigh-Zahl {f} <Ra> | |
| med. reactive arthritis <RA> | reaktive Arthritis {f} <RA> | |
| comp.QM registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards] | Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur] | |
| MedTech.phys. relative anisotropy <RA> | relative Anisotropie {f} <RA> | |
| comp. remote access <RA> | Remote Access {m} <RA> | |
| law remuneration agreement <RA> | Vergütungsvereinbarung {f} <VV> | |
| med. renal amyloidosis <RA> | Nierenamyloidose {f} <NA> | |
| anat. renal artery <RA> [Arteria renalis] | Nierenarterie {f} | |
| admin.educ.pol. representative assembly <RA> | Repräsentativversammlung {f} <RV> | |
| comp.econ. requirements analysis <RA> | Erhebung {f} der Anforderungen | |
| comp.econ.QM requirements analysis <RA> | Anforderungserhebung {f} | |
| comp.econ.QM requirements analysis <RA> | Erheben {n} der Anforderungen | |
| econ.QMtech. requirements analysis <RA> | Anforderungsanalyse {f} <AA> | |
| educ.jobs resident assistant <RA> [Am.] | [Student, der im Wohnheim Hausmeisterpflichten versieht] | |
| med. respiratory acidosis <RA> | respiratorische Azidose {f} <RA> | |
| responsibility agreement <RA> | Zuständigkeitsvereinbarung {f} | |
| anat. retinal artery <RA> [Arteria retinae] | Netzhautarterie {f} | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | Gelenkrheumatismus {m} | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | Rheumatoidarthritis {f} <RA> | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | rheumatoide Arthritis {f} <RA> | |
| astron. right ascension <RA, α> | Rektaszension {f} <α, a> | |
| anat. right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum] | rechter Vorhof {m} <RA> [Herz] | |
| anat. right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum] | rechtes Atrium {n} <RA> [Herz] | |
| QM risk analysis <RA> | Risikoanalyse {f} <RA> | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> | Risikoneigung {f} [Risikomanagement] | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> | Risikobereitschaft {f} [Risikomanagement] | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> [risk management] | Risikoappetit {m} <RA> [Risikomanagement] | |
| fin. risk assessment <RA> | Risikomessung {f} <RM> [seltener für: Risikoabschätzung, Risikobeurteilung] | |
| QM risk assessment <RA> [risk analysis + risk evaluation] | Risikobeurteilung {f} <RB> [Risikoanalyse + Risikobewertung] | |
| chem. rosmarinic acid <RA> | Rosmarinsäure {f} [fachspr.: Phenylacrylsäure] | |
| MedTech. rotation angiography <RA> | Rotationsangiographie {f} <RA> | |
| MedTech. rotational angiography <RA> | Rotationsangiografie {f} <RA> | |
| engin.tech. roughness average <Ra> | Mittenrauwert {m} <Ra> | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra> | 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| Eye of Ra | Auge {n} des Re | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| MedTech. three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA> | dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA> | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| rail close doors/right away indicators <CD/RA> [Br.] | Anzeigen {pl} für Türenschließen und Abfahrt | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für '°Ra' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- rain <r, RA>
- Regen {m} [Regenwetter]aviat.meteo.
- radium <Ra>
- Radium {n} <Ra>chem.
- Ta-ra! [N. Engl.] [coll.]
- Auf Wiedersehen!
- degree Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- rapid assessment <RA>
- Rapid Assessment {n} <RA> [HTA-Bericht im Schnellverfahren]med.QM
- Rayleigh number <Ra>
- Rayleigh-Zahl {f} <Ra>phys.unit
- reactive arthritis <RA>
- reaktive Arthritis {f} <RA>med.
- registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards]
- Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur]comp.QM
- relative anisotropy <RA>
- relative Anisotropie {f} <RA>MedTech.phys.
- remote access <RA>
- Remote Access {m} <RA>comp.
- remuneration agreement <RA>
- Vergütungsvereinbarung {f} <VV>law
- renal amyloidosis <RA>
- Nierenamyloidose {f} <NA>med.
- renal artery <RA> [Arteria renalis]
- Nierenarterie {f}anat.
- representative assembly <RA>
- Repräsentativversammlung {f} <RV>admin.educ.pol.
- requirements analysis <RA>
- Erhebung {f} der Anforderungencomp.econ.
Anforderungserhebung {f}comp.econ.QM
Erheben {n} der Anforderungencomp.econ.QM
Anforderungsanalyse {f} <AA>econ.QMtech.
- resident assistant <RA> [Am.]
- [Student, der im Wohnheim Hausmeisterpflichten versieht]educ.jobs
- respiratory acidosis <RA>
- respiratorische Azidose {f} <RA>med.
- responsibility agreement <RA>
- Zuständigkeitsvereinbarung {f}
- retinal artery <RA> [Arteria retinae]
- Netzhautarterie {f}anat.
- rheumatoid arthritis <RA>
- Gelenkrheumatismus {m}med.
Rheumatoidarthritis {f} <RA>med.
rheumatoide Arthritis {f} <RA>med.
- right ascension <RA, α>
- Rektaszension {f} <α, a>astron.
- right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum]
- rechter Vorhof {m} <RA> [Herz]anat.
rechtes Atrium {n} <RA> [Herz]anat.
- risk analysis <RA>
- Risikoanalyse {f} <RA>QM
- risk appetite <RA>
- Risikoneigung {f} [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
Risikobereitschaft {f} [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
- risk appetite <RA> [risk management]
- Risikoappetit {m} <RA> [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
- risk assessment <RA>
- Risikomessung {f} <RM> [seltener für: Risikoabschätzung, Risikobeurteilung]fin.
- risk assessment <RA> [risk analysis + risk evaluation]
- Risikobeurteilung {f} <RB> [Risikoanalyse + Risikobewertung]QM
- rosmarinic acid <RA>
- Rosmarinsäure {f} [fachspr.: Phenylacrylsäure]chem.
- rotation angiography <RA>
- Rotationsangiographie {f} <RA>MedTech.
- rotational angiography <RA>
- Rotationsangiografie {f} <RA>MedTech.
- roughness average <Ra>
- Mittenrauwert {m} <Ra>engin.tech.
- 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- Eye of Ra
- Auge {n} des Re
- three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>
- dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>MedTech.
- close doors/right away indicators <CD/RA> [Br.]
- Anzeigen {pl} für Türenschließen und Abfahrtrail
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> = lawyer
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> = attorney <att. / atty.>
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> [bei oberen Gerichten] = barrister <bar.> [Br.]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "Ra Ra Riot" is the self-titled EP and debut release of the Syracuse-based indie rock band Ra Ra Riot. Recorded in Brooklyn, New York in January 2007, the six-song EP was originally self-released before the band signed with The Rebel Group for distribution.
- In an epilogue, Ra's moves his base of operations to Gotham City. Batman infiltrates Ra's' new headquarters and easily defeats his horde of ninjas and Ra's himself. Batman takes an unconscious Ra's directly to Arkham.
- The advertising call is a long "crrruah...crrruah..rrah.rah.ra.ra.ra-ra-ra-r-r-r-r" which starts with purrs that are similar to those of the European turtle dove and then becomes a series of stuttering notes before fading. It lasts for 6–8 seconds and consists of 20–25 notes. It is repeated around every half minute.
- In accordance with old belief systems, every object, animal, and plant had its own "rå" or spirit which protected it. A "rå" could also have jurisdiction over places and items owned by humans, such as "skeppsrået" (rå of the ship) and "gruvrået" (rå of the mine).
- The George Washington National Forest includes six Recreation Areas within the Potomac Highlands’ Ridge and Valley region: Brandywine RA, Camp Run RA, Rock Cliff RA, Shenandoah Mountain RA, Trout Pond RA, and Wolf Gap RA.
- With a Ra Ra Ra for Becket Camp!
- In August 1940, all the TA's AA units became part of the Royal Artillery (RA), the 9th Middlesex becoming 60th (Middlesex) Searchlight Regiment, RA. However, the regiment continued to wear its Middlesex cap badge and buttons, with RA collar badges.
- Hesy-Ra's name is of some interest to Egyptologists and historians alike, because it is linked to the sun god Ra. Hesy-Ra, alongside a few high officials at this time, belongs to the first high officials who were allowed to link their names to Ra. However, they were not allowed to use the sun disk hieroglyph to write Ra's name. This was permitted to the king only.
- He is also known for his rendition of "Bolo Ta Ra Ra Ra" by friends (and for a weird inclusion of spoilers).
- Yoon married former professional tennis player Jeon Mi-ra in 2006. They have three children Yoon Ra-ik, Yoon Ra-im and Yoon Ra-oh together. In July 2020, Yoon rushed back to Korea to tend to his ill mother, and she passed in September of that year.
- "México, México, ra, ra, ra" is a 1975 Mexican film. It was directed by Gustavo Alatriste.
- The concert organised by the Indian Cultural Society (ICS) has been named 'Bolo Ta Ra Ra Ra' in honour of Daler Mehndi's globally popular track by the same name.
- A study showed 582 patients with RA and 603 subjects without RA were followed for a mean of 16.4 and 19.3 years, respectively. The lifetime risk of developing ILD was 7.7% for RA patients and 0.9% for subjects without RA. The risk of developing ILD was higher in patients with older age at RA onset, among male patients and for individuals with parameters that indicate more severe RA.
- After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I (16th century BC), Amun acquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun god, Ra, as Amun-Ra (alternatively spelled Amon-Ra, Amun-Re or Amen-Ra).
- The Philippine government has passed four laws that seek to improve the state of renewable energy. These are the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (RA 9136); the Biofuel Act of 2006 (RA 9367); the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RA 9513); and the Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729).
- She has four elder brothers; Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad, Prince Mired bin Ra'ad, Prince Firas bin Ra'ad and Prince Faisal bin Ra'ad.
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