 Übersetzung für 'à la mode' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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à la mode {adj}
in Wein geschmort
à la mode {adj} {adv}
à la mode {adj} [Am.] [postpos.]
mit Eis [Eiscreme]
à la mode {adj} {adv} [obs.]
à la mode [veraltet]
4 Wörter
beef à la mode [bœuf à la mode]
Rinderschmorbraten {m}
to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
à la {prep}alla [à la]
à la {prep}à la
à la jardinière {adv}
mit Gartengemüse [nach Gärtnerinart]
à la russe {adj} {adv}
auf russische Art
à la française {adj} {adv}auf französische Art
à la française {adj} {adv}im französischen Stil
à la carte {adj} {adv}
à la carte
à la maison {adj} {adv}
nach Art des Hauses
à la jardinière {adv}
nach Gärtnerinart
à la king {adj} [usually postpos.]
à la king [gewürfelt, z. B. Huhn, in Sahnesoße mit Pilzen und meist roten Paprika]
la-la land [sl.][Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]
la-la land [sl.][Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]
à la suite {prep} [in the entourage]
à la suite [im Gefolge]
à la Française {adj} {adv} [also: à la Francaise] [postpos.]
à la française [nachgestellt] [geh.] [veraltend]
A-mode [amplitude modulation]
A-Mode {m} [Sonographie]
à la zingara {adv} [also: à la singara] [gypsy style] [garnish or sauce (French cuisine)]
nach Zigeunerart [fachspr.: à la zingara]
lanthanum <La>
Lanthan {n} <La>
La Niña
La Niña {n} [Klimaanomalie westlich Perus und Equadors]
25 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'à la mode' von Englisch nach Deutsch

à la mode {adj}
in Wein geschmortgastr.
à la mode {adj} {adv}
à la mode {adj} [Am.] [postpos.]
mit Eis [Eiscreme]gastr.
à la mode {adj} {adv} [obs.]
à la mode [veraltet]cloth.

beef à la mode [bœuf à la mode]
Rinderschmorbraten {m}gastr.

to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]
weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]
La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
à la {prep}
alla [à la]

à la
à la jardinière {adv}
mit Gartengemüse [nach Gärtnerinart]gastr.

nach Gärtnerinartgastr.
à la russe {adj} {adv}
auf russische Artgastr.
à la française {adj} {adv}
auf französische Art

im französischen Stil
à la carte {adj} {adv}
à la cartegastr.
à la maison {adj} {adv}
nach Art des Hausesgastr.
à la king {adj} [usually postpos.]
à la king [gewürfelt, z. B. Huhn, in Sahnesoße mit Pilzen und meist roten Paprika]gastr.
la-la land [sl.]
[Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]

[Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]
à la suite {prep} [in the entourage]
à la suite [im Gefolge]hist.mil.
à la Française {adj} {adv} [also: à la Francaise] [postpos.]
à la française [nachgestellt] [geh.] [veraltend]spec.
A-mode [amplitude modulation]
A-Mode {m} [Sonographie]MedTech.
à la zingara {adv} [also: à la singara] [gypsy style] [garnish or sauce (French cuisine)]
nach Zigeunerart [fachspr.: à la zingara]gastr.
lanthanum <La>
Lanthan {n} <La>chem.
La Niña
La Niña {n} [Klimaanomalie westlich Perus und Equadors]meteo.
  • à la mode [veraltet] = à la mode [obs.]
  • à la = à la
  • A-Mode {m} [Sonographie] = A-mode [amplitude modulation]
  • à la carte = à la carte
  • à la Israel [nachgestellt] = Israeli style
  • à la longue [bildungsspr.] = in the long term
  • à la longue [bildungsspr.] = in the long run
  • Mord à la Carte = Thirteen at Dinner [Lou Antonio]
  • à la suite [im Gefolge] = à la suite [in the entourage]
  • à la dijonnaise [mit Dijonsenf] = with Dijon mustard
  • à la française [nachgestellt] [geh.] [veraltend] = à la Française [also: à la Francaise] [postpos.]
  • À la bonne heure! [geh.] [Recht so! Bravo!] = Well done.
  • Ausrede {f} à la "der Hund hat meine Hausaufgaben gefressen" = dog-ate-my-homework excuse
  • à la king [gewürfelt, z. B. Huhn, in Sahnesoße mit Pilzen und meist roten Paprika] = à la king [usually postpos.]
  • La-La-Land {n} [Traumland] = la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]
  • Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises {pl} <T.A.A.F.> = French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  • am angegebenen Ort <a. a. O.> = loco citato <loc. cit.>
  • am angeführten Ort <a. a. O.> = at the place already cited <loc. cit.> [loco citato]
  • A-priori-a-posteriori-Unterscheidung {f} = a priori-a posteriori distinction
  • Ribonuclease A {f} <RNase A> = ribonuclease A <RNase A>
  • a-Moll {n} <a, Am> = A minor <a, Am>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The idea came from a series of pictures by William Hogarth entitled "Marriage à-la-mode".
  • "The Comical Lovers" (1707) was based on Dryden's "Marriage à la Mode".
  • In 19th-century British writing on art the terms "subject painting" or "anecdotic" painting were often used for works in a line of development going back to William Hogarth of monoscenic depictions of crucial moments in an implied narrative with unidentified characters, such as William Holman Hunt's 1853 painting "The Awakening Conscience" or Augustus Egg's "Past and Present", a set of three paintings, updating sets by Hogarth such as "Marriage à-la-mode".
  • Apple pie is often served with whipped cream, ice cream ("apple pie à la mode"), or cheddar cheese.
  • From early in the settlement of Dedham, the people of the Clapboard Trees Precinct were "a wealthy, sophisticated lot, familiar with the bigwigs of provincial politics and prone to the religious liberalism that was à la mode in Boston."

  • His museum at 96 St Martin's Lane may also have been the setting for the third and fifth scenes in Hogarth's "Marriage à-la-mode", where the young Viscount brings a lady of little reputation to a quack doctor to cure her complaint, and brings her back to complain that the pills have not worked.
  • Drayton offers both a restaurant, The Drayton Chophouse and a café, à la mode.
  • It introduced professional terms like "à la mode", "au bleu" (very rare), and "au naturel" which are now standard culinary expressions.
  • In comedy, his Macsarcasm (from Macklin's "Love à la Mode") and Shylock were considered unsurpassable.
  • Prints of some of his best known engravings are on display, including the series "A Harlot's Progress", "A Rake's Progress" and "Marriage à-la-mode".

  • She "created" among other characters, Melantha in Dryden's "Marriage à la mode" (c. ...
  • In French cuisine, "tripes à la mode de Caen" is a traditional dish of the cuisine of Normandy.
  • Her most popular works were her fairy tales and adventure stories as told in "Les Contes des Fées" (Tales of fairies) and "Contes Nouveaux, ou Les Fées à la Mode".
  • Tokyopop originally licensed "Tokyo Mew Mew" for English-language publication in North America, and would release both the original series and "à la Mode.
  • Price was nominated for the British Fashion Council's 'Red Carpet Designer Award' at the 2006 British Fashion Awards, and a small range of his clothes sell in London boutique 'A La Mode'.

  • During their first visit to Japan, a six-song EP entitled "Sushi A La Mode", featuring a cover of Boston's "More Than a Feeling", was recorded and released in Japan in the fall of 1993.
  • The series follows a group of aspiring voice actresses and stars Haruka Fukuhara, who voiced Himari Arisugawa/Cure Custard in "Kirakira PreCure a la Mode".
  • The MZA commissioned an enhanced 1700 type, designed with a streamlined casing "á la mode" and designated the 1800 type.
  • The order was reversed in a posthumous adaptation of "Polite Conversation" in 1749 called "Tittle Tattle; or, Taste A-la-Mode", as "And she cannot have her Cake and eat her Cake".
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