13 Übersetzungen
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- Tangens {m} <tan, tg> = tangent <tan, tg>
- Thermogravimetrie {f} <TG> = thermogravimetry <TG>
- Thyreoglobulin {n} <TG> = thyroglobulin <Tg>
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- The material may be a blend or a two-phase block or graft copolymer. If both phases are amorphous then two Tg will be observed if the material exists as two phases. If one Tg is exhibited then it will be between the Tg of the components and the resultant Tg will likely be described by a relationship such as the Flory-Fox or Kwei equations.
- In 2007 the Air Force Academy began retiring the TG-10D sailplanes in favor of the newer high-performance gliders, the Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus and Discus 2b, designated the TG-15A (tandem two-seater) and TG-15B (single seat). In 2011, the Air Force Academy began retiring its remaining TG-10B and TG-10C gliders. Both variants have been replaced by the TG-16A.
- In 1895 the Theosophical Society was divided into the TG Adyar (with Henry Steel Olcott) and the TG in America (with William Quan Judge). After Judge's death, Tingley was elected in a controversial election as president of the TG in America. The Theosophical Society of New York separated itself from the TG in America as a result of these controversies.
- The 15 June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo (VEI 6) in the Philippines released a total of 18 ± 4 Tg of SO2. Such large VEI 6 eruptions are rare and only occur once every 50 – 100 years. The 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull (VEI 4) in Iceland emitted a total of 5.1 Tg CO2. The estimates of Burton "et al." (2013) of 540 Tg CO2/year take into account diffuse CO2 emissions from volcanic regions. Even considering the highest estimate of volcanic CO2 emissions of 540 Tg CO2/year, current CO2 emission by human activity of 36,300 Tg CO2/year is 67 times higher.
- In Franklin and Jackson's 1830 map of Singapore, the Tuas area is marked with three different names "Tg Kampong", "Tg Rawa" and "Tg Gull". "Tg" is the abbreviation for "tanjung" or "tanjong" (Malay for cape).
- .tg is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Togo. Although there are no restrictions on who can register domains in this TLD, it is not often used outside Togo.
- β-Thromboglobulin (β-TG), or beta-thromboglobulin, is a chemokine protein secreted by platelets. β-TG also has multiple biological activities, for instance being involved in maturation of megakaryocytes.
- The TG-6 is technically very similar to the Olympus TG-4 and TG-5. The physical dimensions (length x width x depth) of the TG-4, TG-5 and the TG-6 are identical.
- The attack on the two MILF camps progressed as planned. TG "A" was successful in assaulting and clearing both MILF camps, as TG "B" supported the effort. TG "C" secured the firebases that provided artillery support for TG "A". Philippine Air Force's Composite Tactical Group 12 provided air support, medical evacuation, resupply and troop insertion missions.
- Kleber played in the youth ranks of TG Veitshöchheim, SC Heuchelhof and TG Würzburg.
- Glider pilot schools used Aeronca TG-5As, Taylorcraft TG-6As, and Piper TG-8As unpowered glider conversions of powered light observation aircraft which had similar characteristics to the military gliders under development.
- Production and work began on the TG in 1988. Although similar to the TC, the TG had an Almac designed chassis and used Holden Gemini as a donor car. The first kits went on sale in 1989. The TG model did not sell as well as the TC and demand tapered off after about sixteen had been made.
- NTPC Ltd., Ramagundam has two TG Halls one for STAGE-I and the other common for STAGE-II and STAGE-III. These TG halls are equipped with heavy overhead cranes that assist in transportation of material within the TG hall. These cranes find their use greatly during overhauls.
- So-called "low-Tg-glasses" with a maximum transition temperature of less than 550 °C have been developed in order to enable new manufacturing routes for the moulds. Mould materials such as steel can be used for moulding low-Tg-glasses whereas high-Tg–glasses require a high-temperature mould material, such as tungsten carbide.
- Mitochondrially encoded tRNA glycine also known as MT-TG is a transfer RNA which in humans is encoded by the mitochondrial "MT-TG" gene.
- The TG was an equal-span biplane with tandem open cockpits. It had a large central float with a smaller stabilizing float underneath each wingtip. Five were built for evaluation designated TG-1, TG-2, TG-3, TG-4 and TG-5 and were generally similar. The TG-1, TG-3 and TG-4 had internal fuselage fuel tanks and the TG-2 and TG-5 had fuel tanks inside the central float.
- The organization Kreativ Aktiv Norsk Dataungdom (KANDU) is formally responsible for hosting TG. In addition, there are around 500 volunteers participating to make TG possible every year; these are collectively called "the crew".
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