12 Übersetzungen
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- Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> = premiere [first performance, showing ever]
- Unterausschuss {m} <UA> = subcommittee <SC>
- Unterabsatz {m} <UA> = subpar [short for: subparagraph]
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- 1. Указ Президента України № 739/2007 (in Ukrainian). president.gov.ua. 13 April 2011.
- In 2021, Dragon Capital New Ukraine Fund LP, managed by Dragon Capital, has completed an agreement to acquire a controlling stake in Treeum, which includes the financial portals Finance.ua and Minfin.com.ua.
- The company has more than 30 projects in seven countries. The fund's portfolio includes Ukrainian IT companies Doc.ua, Softcube and Zakaz.ua.
- In 2011, OBOZ.ua has acquired a service for the creation of online stores.
- Nash Format Publishers has a book store and online store nashformat.ua that offers worldwide delivery.
- Group of public companies “UkrLandFarming” PLC (https://www.ulf.com.ua/en/) and “Avangardco” IPL (https://avangardco.ua/).
- The site was established as news.1plus1.tv or news.1plus1.ua, later in 2008 already as tsn.ua.
- Ex.ua was a one-click hosting service that offered both free and commercial services.
- com.ua" and "tv.intv.ua".
- The notices to suspend Glavcom.ua were issued by Hetzner Online August 6, 2014; on August 10 Hetzner Online issued apologies, denying that any censorship was planned and that their technical support made a wrong decision, which they regret.
- ua is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ukraine.
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