19 Übersetzungen
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- Varianzanalyse {f} <VA> = analysis of variance <ANOVA>
- Verbindungsausschuss {m} <VA> = liaison committee <LC>
- Vertebralarterie {f} <VA> = vertebral artery <VA> [Arteria vertebralis]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- med.va.gov/.
- la De.va.ta") (the tutelary deity of the community) was met with joy.
- His concern was voiced in the encyclical Affari Vos of 1897 (See vatican.va link below).
- This can be seen at https://www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/paolina_vr/.
- The .va top-level domain was created in 1995 by Archbishop John Patrick Foley of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. The website Vatican.va went live on Christmas day 1995.
- Because "Collett" provided naval gunfire support while in the Mekong River on 19 August 1965, personnel on board that day may be eligible for VA benefits related to Agent Orange exposure according to the website benefits.va.gov.
- Information on how to obtain this card is available on the VA's Web site at: www.va.gov/health-care/get-health-id-card.
- Veterans Health Administration. VHA HANDBOOK 1203.04. Retrieved June 16, 2010, from http://www.research.va.gov/resources/policies/by_service.cfm#RRD.
- Pr...va. " Dedicated to Zhukovsky's niece and student Aleksandra Andreevna Voeikova (who was the sister of the poet's muse M.A.Protasova-Moyer ), as a wedding gift to her.
- The Vatican also controls its own Internet top-level domain, which is registered as (.va).
- The Soho Center also developed and maintains the "Virginia Health Information Project" (www.vahealth.info) with funding and support from two VA Attorneys General.
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