 Übersetzung für '[to-do]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
busy {adj} [with a lot to do]beschäftigt
substantial {adj} [well-to-do]
zahlungs­kräftig [Firma]
craving {adj} [for sth., to do sth.]-lüstern
substantial {adj} [well-to-do]vermögend
substantial {adj} [well-to-do]
kapitalkräftig [Firma]
literary {adj} [having to do with literary studies]
verbal {adj} [having to do with spoken or written words]
lightly {adv} [say, do sth.]leichthin
substantial {adj} [well-to-do]begütert [Person]
[having to do with the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen] {adj}Schaffhauser [indekl.]
[late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things­ that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend]
[Sb. must do whatever makes sb. happy.]
Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich.
Cyrillian {adj} [having to do with Cyril of Alexandria]
cyrillisch [Kyrill von Alexandrien betreffend]
Cyrillian {adj} [having to do with Cyril of Alexandria]
kyrillisch [Kyrill von Alexandrien betreffend]
sb. shall [do sth.]
jd. ist verpflichtet [etw. zu tun]
Whatcha ... ? [coll.] [What do / are you ... ?] Was ... [machst / tust / liest usw.] du? [umgangssprachliche Frageform]
to omit sth. [miss, fail to do]etw.Akk. versäumen
to omit [desist, fail to do]unterlassen
to invite sb. [to do sth.]jdn. auffordern
to dabble [do in an amateurish manner]dilettieren [geh.]
to act [take action, do something; perform a role (actor)]
agieren [geh.] [handeln, tätig sein; als Schauspieler auftreten]
to perform sth. [do, carry out, execute]etw.Akk. verrichten
to pretermit sth. [archaic] [omit to do]etw. unterlassen
to introduce [say or do sth. as an introduction]einbegleiten [österr.] [einleiten]
to prepone sth. [Ind.] [do something earlier than planned]etw. vorziehen [früher erledigen als geplant]
to expedite sth. [do sth. with speed, efficiently]etw. ausführen [zügig durchführen]
to plan sth. [intend to do in future]etw. vorsehen [vorhaben]
to get [manage to do]schaffen
to err [formal] [sin, do wrong]fehlen [geh.] [unrecht handeln]
to forego sth. [chance, opportunity] [do not use]
etw. vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit] [nicht nutzen]
to assist sb. [do the preparatory or preliminary work for sb.]jdm. zuarbeiten
to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done]
etw.Akk. vergeigen [ugs.] [verbocken, verpatzen]
to pick sb. [teacher: pick a pupil to answer a question or do a task]
jdn. drannehmen [ugs.] [Lehrer: einen Schüler aufrufen]
to omit sth. [fail to do]etw. verabsäumen [Amtsdeutsch]
to finish [to finish school at a time of the day, e.g. "When do they finish?"]
aushaben [ugs.] [Schulschluss haben, z. B. „Wann haben sie aus?“]
to misdo [obs.] [do evil]fehlen [geh.] [sündigen, Unrechtes tun]
to preproperate sth. [to do too soon]etw.Akk. überstürzen
ungeprüft [to (have to) do a lot of convincing to make sb. do sth.] jdn. / den Hund zum Jagen tragen (müssen) [Redewendung]
[to enjoy the freedom to do as one pleases without having to fear any consequences]Narrenfreiheit genießen [fig.]
to bargain [do business]
Geschäfte machen
ungeprüft to baton [do batoning]batonieren
to dare sth. [dare (to) do sth.] sichAkk. an etw.Akk. heranwagen [z. B. an eine Aufgabe]
to disable sb. [to do sth.]jdn. außer Stande setzen [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
to forgo sth. [do without sth.] ohne etw.Akk. auskommen [auf etw. verzichten (können)]
to know [how to do sth.]es verstehen [etw. zu tun]
to misbehave [say or do the wrong thing in a particular situation]aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung]
to moonlight [coll.] [to do an after-hours job]
Feierabendarbeit verrichten
to offer [to do sth.]sichAkk. anerbieten [geh.] [bes. schweiz]
to retrain [learn new skills so as to be able to do a different job]
sich umschulen lassen
to skimp [do slovenly]nachlässig erledigen
to soundcheck [do a soundcheck]
einen Soundcheck machen
to spare sb./sth. [do without]ohne jdn./etw. auskommen
to spare sth. [do without]auf etw. verzichten
to strain [to do sth.]sichAkk. anstrengen [bemühen etw. zu tun]
to teach sb. sth. [e.g. how to do a job]jdn. zu etw.Dat. anleiten
to venture [dare to do or say something audacious]sich trauen
to venture [dare to do or say something audacious]sich getrauen
to waive sth. [do without]auf etw. verzichten
DIY [do-it-yourself]Heimwerken {n}
commission [act, process of ordering sb. to do sth.]Beauftragung {f}
scullion [archaic] [boy employed to do rough household work in a kitchen]
Küchenjunge {m} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]
power [authority to do sth.]Befugnis {f}
mind [to (do) sth.] [inclination]Lust {f} [auf etw.]
scullion [archaic] [person employed to do rough household work in a kitchen]
Küchenhilfe {f} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]
idleness [having nothing to do]Däumchendrehen {n} [fig.] [ugs.]
guep [Tae Kwon Do: rank]
Kup {n} [Tae Kwon Do: Graduierung]
[conscript allowed to do non-military (esp. building) work]
Bausoldat {m} [DDR]
[farmer of full-sized farm who has to do socage-service for the landlord]
Anspänner {m} [veraltet] [relativ großer Bauer, der mit seinen Gespannen Frondienste leisten muss]
[sb. standing at a street corner, waiting for odd jobs to do]
Eckensteher {m}
ungeprüft [the act of actively gathering the information necessary to do a particular job, i.e. from colleagues or superiors]Holschuld {f} [fig.] [Informationsbeschaffung]
ungeprüft [the act of automatically receiving the information necessary to do a particular job, i.e. from colleagues or superiors]Brings­chuld {f} [fig.] [Informationsbeschaffung]
cacoethes [rare] [urge to do sth. inadvisable]Drang {m} [Verlangen, etw. nicht Ratsames zu tun]
reminder [written request to do something within a given time] Binnen-Brief {m} [hum.] [schriftliche Aufforderung mit Fristsetzung; üblicher Wortlaut ist "Wenn Sie nicht binnen ... "]
sound [esp. one that might attract unwanted attention] [e.g. do not make a sound!]Muckser {m} [ugs.]
2 Wörter: Andere
sb. would do sth. [used to do sth.]jd. pflegte etw. zu tun
ungeprüft Send it! [Internet sl.] [Just do it!]Mach's (einfach)!
to death {adv} [play, do, use, work: song / word / phrase to death] bis zum Überdruss [benutzen, spielen: Melodie, Wort, Redewendung etc.]
2 Wörter: Verben
to abstain from sth. [do without] etw.Dat. entsagen [geh.] [auf etw.Akk. verzichten ]
to agree with sb./sth. [be healthy, do no harm]
jdm./etw. zuträglich sein [geh.] [veraltend] [bekömmlich sein]
to be calculated [to do sth.]dazu angetan sein [etw. zu tun]
to be free [have time to do sth.]Zeit haben
to be inclined [to do sth.]geneigt sein [etw. zu tun]
to be indecisive [to say, decide and do nothing in a matter]
merkeln [ugs.] [Jugendsprache]
to be to [do sth.] [formal]angehalten sein [etw. zu tun]
to bottle it [Br.] [coll.] [to get frightened and not do something] [idiom]kalte Füße bekommen [Redewendung]
to come at sth. [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.] [to agree to do sth.]sich auf etw.Akk. einlassen
to cut corners [to do sth. as cheaply or as quickly as possible, sacrificing quality]
[bei etw. pfuschen, um Geld oder Zeit zu sparen]
to cut sb. dead [idiom] [pretend you do not know someone in order to show you are angry] jdn. wie Luft behandeln [ugs.] [Redewendung] [nicht beachten]
to delve into sth. [fig.] [explore, do research]etw. erforschen
to finish sb. off [coll.] [to do for sb.] [idiom]jdm. den Rest geben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to follow suit [idiom] [to do the same thing as someone else]es jdm. gleichtun [Redewendung]
to get on [to do well]sich machen [ugs.] [sich entwickeln]
to kill it [sl.] [fig.] [to do sth. extremely well]etw.Akk. sehr gut machen
ungeprüft to let sth. be [idiom] [not do] etw. (sein) lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [nicht tun]
to lie back [fig.] [to do nothing]sich ausruhen
to make sb. do sth. [compel sb. to do sth.]jdn. zwingen, etw. zu tun
to miss doing sth. [regret being unable to do any more]es vermissen, etw. zu tun
to pick sth. up [fig.] [to learn how to do sth.]sichDat. etw.Akk. aneignen [lernen]
to proceed to sth. [do something after something else] zu etw.Dat. schreiten [geh.] [fig.] [die nächste Sache in Angriff nehmen]
ungeprüft to quit sth. completely [to no longer do or pursue something] etw.Akk. ganz lassen [komplett aufhören etwas zu tun oder zu erreichen]
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Übersetzung für '[to-do]' von Englisch nach Deutsch

busy {adj} [with a lot to do]
substantial {adj} [well-to-do]
zahlungs­kräftig [Firma]econ.


kapitalkräftig [Firma]fin.

begütert [Person]
craving {adj} [for sth., to do sth.]
literary {adj} [having to do with literary studies]
verbal {adj} [having to do with spoken or written words]
lightly {adv} [say, do sth.]
[having to do with the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen] {adj}
Schaffhauser [indekl.]
[late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things­ that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned]
seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend]
[Sb. must do whatever makes sb. happy.]
Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich.proverb
Cyrillian {adj} [having to do with Cyril of Alexandria]
cyrillisch [Kyrill von Alexandrien betreffend]hist.relig.

kyrillisch [Kyrill von Alexandrien betreffend]hist.relig.
sb. shall [do sth.]
jd. ist verpflichtet [etw. zu tun]law
Whatcha ... ? [coll.] [What do / are you ... ?]
Was ... [machst / tust / liest usw.] du? [umgangssprachliche Frageform]

to omit sth. [miss, fail to do]
etw.Akk. versäumen
to omit [desist, fail to do]
to invite sb. [to do sth.]
jdn. auffordern
to dabble [do in an amateurish manner]
dilettieren [geh.]
to act [take action, do something; perform a role (actor)]
agieren [geh.] [handeln, tätig sein; als Schauspieler auftreten]
to perform sth. [do, carry out, execute]
etw.Akk. verrichten
to pretermit sth. [archaic] [omit to do]
etw. unterlassen
to introduce [say or do sth. as an introduction]
einbegleiten [österr.] [einleiten]
to prepone sth. [Ind.] [do something earlier than planned]
etw. vorziehen [früher erledigen als geplant]
to expedite sth. [do sth. with speed, efficiently]
etw. ausführen [zügig durchführen]
to plan sth. [intend to do in future]
etw. vorsehen [vorhaben]
to get [manage to do]
to err [formal] [sin, do wrong]
fehlen [geh.] [unrecht handeln]
to forego sth. [chance, opportunity] [do not use]
etw. vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit] [nicht nutzen]
to assist sb. [do the preparatory or preliminary work for sb.]
jdm. zuarbeiten
to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done]
etw.Akk. vergeigen [ugs.] [verbocken, verpatzen]
to pick sb. [teacher: pick a pupil to answer a question or do a task]
jdn. drannehmen [ugs.] [Lehrer: einen Schüler aufrufen]educ.
to omit sth. [fail to do]
etw. verabsäumen [Amtsdeutsch]
to finish [to finish school at a time of the day, e.g. "When do they finish?"]
aushaben [ugs.] [Schulschluss haben, z. B. „Wann haben sie aus?“]
to misdo [obs.] [do evil]
fehlen [geh.] [sündigen, Unrechtes tun]
to preproperate sth. [to do too soon]
etw.Akk. überstürzen
[to (have to) do a lot of convincing to make sb. do sth.]
ungeprüft jdn. / den Hund zum Jagen tragen (müssen) [Redewendung]
[to enjoy the freedom to do as one pleases without having to fear any consequences]
Narrenfreiheit genießen [fig.]
to bargain [do business]
Geschäfte machencomm.
to baton [do batoning]
ungeprüft batonieren
to dare sth. [dare (to) do sth.]
sichAkk. an etw.Akk. heranwagen [z. B. an eine Aufgabe]
to disable sb. [to do sth.]
jdn. außer Stande setzen [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
to forgo sth. [do without sth.]
ohne etw.Akk. auskommen [auf etw. verzichten (können)]
to know [how to do sth.]
es verstehen [etw. zu tun]
to misbehave [say or do the wrong thing in a particular situation]
aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung]
to moonlight [coll.] [to do an after-hours job]
Feierabendarbeit verrichtenjobs
to offer [to do sth.]
sichAkk. anerbieten [geh.] [bes. schweiz]
to retrain [learn new skills so as to be able to do a different job]
sich umschulen lasseneduc.jobs
to skimp [do slovenly]
nachlässig erledigen
to soundcheck [do a soundcheck]
einen Soundcheck machenaudiomus.
to spare sb./sth. [do without]
ohne jdn./etw. auskommen
to spare sth. [do without]
auf etw. verzichten
to strain [to do sth.]
sichAkk. anstrengen [bemühen etw. zu tun]
to teach sb. sth. [e.g. how to do a job]
jdn. zu etw.Dat. anleiten
to venture [dare to do or say something audacious]
sich trauen

sich getrauen
to waive sth. [do without]
auf etw. verzichten

DIY [do-it-yourself]
Heimwerken {n}
commission [act, process of ordering sb. to do sth.]
Beauftragung {f}
scullion [archaic] [boy employed to do rough household work in a kitchen]
Küchenjunge {m} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]jobs
power [authority to do sth.]
Befugnis {f}
mind [to (do) sth.] [inclination]
Lust {f} [auf etw.]
scullion [archaic] [person employed to do rough household work in a kitchen]
Küchenhilfe {f} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen]jobs
idleness [having nothing to do]
Däumchendrehen {n} [fig.] [ugs.]
guep [Tae Kwon Do: rank]
Kup {n} [Tae Kwon Do: Graduierung]sports
[conscript allowed to do non-military (esp. building) work]
Bausoldat {m} [DDR]mil.
[farmer of full-sized farm who has to do socage-service for the landlord]
Anspänner {m} [veraltet] [relativ großer Bauer, der mit seinen Gespannen Frondienste leisten muss]hist.
[sb. standing at a street corner, waiting for odd jobs to do]
Eckensteher {m}hist.jobs
[the act of actively gathering the information necessary to do a particular job, i.e. from colleagues or superiors]
ungeprüft Holschuld {f} [fig.] [Informationsbeschaffung]
[the act of automatically receiving the information necessary to do a particular job, i.e. from colleagues or superiors]
ungeprüft Brings­chuld {f} [fig.] [Informationsbeschaffung]
cacoethes [rare] [urge to do sth. inadvisable]
Drang {m} [Verlangen, etw. nicht Ratsames zu tun]
reminder [written request to do something within a given time]
Binnen-Brief {m} [hum.] [schriftliche Aufforderung mit Fristsetzung; üblicher Wortlaut ist "Wenn Sie nicht binnen ... "]
sound [esp. one that might attract unwanted attention] [e.g. do not make a sound!]
Muckser {m} [ugs.]

sb. would do sth. [used to do sth.]
jd. pflegte etw. zu tun
Send it! [Internet sl.] [Just do it!]
ungeprüft Mach's (einfach)!
to death {adv} [play, do, use, work: song / word / phrase to death]
bis zum Überdruss [benutzen, spielen: Melodie, Wort, Redewendung etc.]

to abstain from sth. [do without]
etw.Dat. entsagen [geh.] [auf etw.Akk. verzichten ]
to agree with sb./sth. [be healthy, do no harm]
jdm./etw. zuträglich sein [geh.] [veraltend] [bekömmlich sein]gastr.med.
to be calculated [to do sth.]
dazu angetan sein [etw. zu tun]
to be free [have time to do sth.]
Zeit haben
to be inclined [to do sth.]
geneigt sein [etw. zu tun]
to be indecisive [to say, decide and do nothing in a matter]
merkeln [ugs.] [Jugendsprache]neol.pol.
to be to [do sth.] [formal]
angehalten sein [etw. zu tun]
to bottle it [Br.] [coll.] [to get frightened and not do something] [idiom]
kalte Füße bekommen [Redewendung]
to come at sth. [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.] [to agree to do sth.]
sich auf etw.Akk. einlassen
to cut corners [to do sth. as cheaply or as quickly as possible, sacrificing quality]
[bei etw. pfuschen, um Geld oder Zeit zu sparen]idiom
to cut sb. dead [idiom] [pretend you do not know someone in order to show you are angry]
jdn. wie Luft behandeln [ugs.] [Redewendung] [nicht beachten]
to delve into sth. [fig.] [explore, do research]
etw. erforschen
to finish sb. off [coll.] [to do for sb.] [idiom]
jdm. den Rest geben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to follow suit [idiom] [to do the same thing as someone else]
es jdm. gleichtun [Redewendung]
to get on [to do well]
sich machen [ugs.] [sich entwickeln]
to kill it [sl.] [fig.] [to do sth. extremely well]
etw.Akk. sehr gut machen
to let sth. be [idiom] [not do]
ungeprüft etw. (sein) lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [nicht tun]
to lie back [fig.] [to do nothing]
sich ausruhen
to make sb. do sth. [compel sb. to do sth.]
jdn. zwingen, etw. zu tun
to miss doing sth. [regret being unable to do any more]
es vermissen, etw. zu tun
to pick sth. up [fig.] [to learn how to do sth.]
sichDat. etw.Akk. aneignen [lernen]
to proceed to sth. [do something after something else]
zu etw.Dat. schreiten [geh.] [fig.] [die nächste Sache in Angriff nehmen]
to quit sth. completely [to no longer do or pursue something]
ungeprüft etw.Akk. ganz lassen [komplett aufhören etwas zu tun oder zu erreichen]
  • Kup {n} [Tae Kwon Do: Graduierung] = guep [Tae Kwon Do: rank]
  • Brückenton {m} [Tonika-Do] = bridge note [tonic sol-fa]
  • Brückenton {m} [Tonika-Do] = bridge-tone [tonic sol-fa]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • I did not know what to do. I was shocked by it. I was fascinated, because suddenly I realized that film could have so many more layers to it than what I had imagined before".
  • Assistive technology is often not adopted, or else abandoned entirely, because of issues to do with design (lack of appeal) or comfort (poor ergonomics).
  • What may be easy to do with one type of accordion could be technically challenging or impossible with another, and proficiency with one layout may not translate to another.
  • This result (which had been announced by Arago in the March issue of the "Annales") made it hard to believe that the two-slit pattern had anything to do with corpuscles being deflected as they passed near the edges of the slits.
  • Yet Turkey continues to lay preconditions on relations, insisting that Armenia abandon its efforts to have the Genocide recognized, which official Yerevan is not willing to do.

  • Rarely parasites can cause abscesses and this is more common in the developing world. Specific parasites known to do this include dracunculiasis and myiasis.
  • He wants to do so before the authorities begin to conscript people, and he does not like the official plan to get prisoners to do the work.
  • For me, it's interesting to see what the kids try to do that's different from what I know."
  • Its symbol Ac is also used in abbreviations of other compounds that have nothing to do with actinium, such as acetyl, acetate and sometimes acetaldehyde.
  • The Cimmerians overran Phrygia and the Scythians threatened to do the same to Urartu and Lydia, before both were finally checked by the Assyrians.

  • Audi produces 100% galvanised cars to prevent corrosion, and was the first mass-market vehicle to do so, following introduction of the process by Porsche, c.
  • . to do with the law" and wouldn't even drive a car in case he got a parking ticket.
  • ... Medieval Latin for "he has declared under oath") is a written statement voluntarily made by an "affiant" or "deponent" under an oath or affirmation which is administered by a person who is authorized to do so by law.
  • Einstein became a full professor at the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague in April 1911, accepting Austrian citizenship in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to do so.
  • In 2019, the then Minister of Culture and Tourism Ricardo Miranda announced the Alberta Artist in Residence program in conjunction with the province's first Month of the Artist to celebrate the arts and the value they bring to the province, both socially and economically, The Artist is selected each year via a public and competitive process is expected to do community outreach and attend events to promote the arts throughout the province.

  • The Articles provided for a blanket acceptance of the Province of Quebec (referred to as "Canada" in the Articles) into the United States if it chose to do so.
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