 Übersetzung für 'biogas' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   biogas | biogases / biogasses
biogasBiogas {n}
2 Wörter
biogas-fuelled {adj} [Br.]
mit Biogas befeuert
biogas market
Biogasmarkt {m} [auch: Biogas-Markt]
biogas plantBiogasanlage {f}
biogas plant
Biogas-Anlage {f}
biogas production
Biogaserzeugung {f}
biogas production
Biogasproduktion {f}
biogas production
Biogasgewinnung {f}
biogas sector
Biogassektor {m}
biogas upgrading
Biogasaufbereitung {f}
biogas utilization
Biogasverwertung {f}
biogas yield
Biogasausbeute {f}
crude biogas
Rohbiogas {n}
3 Wörter
biogas CHP plant
Biogas-Blockheizkraftwerk {n} <BHKW>
biogas treatment plant
Biogasaufbereitungs­anlage {f}
biogas upgrading plant
Biogasaufbereitungs­anlage {f}
4 Wörter
electricity generation from biogas
Biogasverstromung {f}
manufacturer of biogas plants
Biogasanlagenhersteller {m}
power generation from biogas
Biogasverstromung {f}
5+ Wörter
conversion of biogas into electricity
Biogasverstromung {f}
generation of electricity from biogas
Biogasverstromung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • Biogas {n} = biogas
  • Biogas-Anlage {f} = biogas plant
  • Biogas-Blockheizkraftwerk {n} <BHKW> = biogas CHP plant
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In recent years biogas is being used. The biogas composition and calorific value must be known in order to evaluate if the particular biogas type is suitable.
  • By comparison it should be mentioned that the production of biogas utilizes agricultural waste to generate a biofuel known as biogas, and also produces compost, thereby enhancing agriculture, sustainability and food production.
  • More recently, the FACT Foundation has implemented a pilot programme in which biogas is used for co-fuelling MFP diesel engines.
  • Energy Services has invested in biogas technology by acquiring the Econcern group's share of six biogas production pilots in China and Vietnam.
  • In 2021 HZI acquired from Viessmann Group the german company Schmack Biogas Service, a supplier in the biogas industry, founded in 1995, which was renamed Hitachi Zosen Inova Schmack.

  • There is a high biogas potential in Ukraine. In Ukraine, there are few examples of biogas technologies implementation.
  • In 2015, Asian Agri announced plans to build 20 biogas power plants by 2020.
  • Small-scale biogas plants are being utilized in many countries, including Ghana, Vietnam and many others.
  • While traditional AD plants yield a biogas with methane content of 55–65%, the Nisargruna plant with its two-phase process yields a biogas with methane content of 70–80%.
  • In the third method the carbon dioxide in the output of a wood gas generator or a biogas plant after the biogas upgrader is mixed with the produced hydrogen from the electrolyzer to produce methane.

  • There are also attempts to use biogas as partially renewable fuel with Green Planet Energy selling gas containing 10% of biogas, 1% hydrogen and 90% imported fossil gas.
  • Daily biogas production about 7 cubic meters. The excess biogas that is not consumed is stored in a gas bag.
  • Target: Deploy 1 million domestic biogas plants for 5 million people and develop sustainable commercial biogas sectors in 15 countries in Asia and the Pacific by 2016.
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