 Übersetzung für 'decease' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a decease | deceases
VERB   to decease | deceased | deceased
deceasing | deceases
SYNO death | decease | expiry | ...
to decease [archaic]sterben
to deceasehinscheiden [geh.]
to deceaseableben [geh.]
to decease [archaic] [die]verscheiden [geh.]
to decease [archaic] [die]versterben [geh.]
deceaseTod {m}
deceaseAbleben {n} [geh.]
deceaseSterbefall {m}
deceaseHinscheiden {n} [geh.]
deceaseHingang {m} [geh.]
deceaseTodesfall {m}
decease [formal]Absterben {n} [veraltet] [Tod (einer Person)]
3 Wörter
insurance of decease
Sterbefallversicherung {f}
insurances of deceaseSterbefallversicherungen {pl}
5+ Wörter
in the event of decease {adv}im Todesfall
15 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Elected President of the All Myanmar Shia Muslim Organization on the decease of its President in 1971.
  • His poems, spread on many journals and magazines of his time, were recompiled and published after his decease in Asunción by his grandson Cándido Samaniego Abente in a book entitled "Poetic Anthology: 1867-1926", in 1984.
  • Briefly, before his decease, directed a popular radio show in Radio Tajy of Asuncion named "Una guitarra en la noche" ("A guitar in the night"), sweetly harmonized with comments and songs.
  • He became treasurer of the British and Foreign School Society in 1843, and held that post till his decease.
  • The most distinguished "Ammi" is an amora of the third generation (3rd century), whose full name was Ammi ben Nathan, who immediately took over Rabbi Johanan bar Nappaha's position after his decease in 279 CE.

  • Beidas died of pancreatic cancer in Lucerne in 1968, aged 56. He was destitute and nursed by Nabiha, Edward Said's aunt on his father's side,. Rumours circulated that his decease was 'mysterious'.
  • In 1828, he became Assistant Secretary to the Treasury upon the premature decease of William Hill, and held that post until 22 January 1836, dying later that year.
  • Veneklasen's poem appeared occasionally in newspaper obituaries, commonly lacking attribution, and often with the decease substituted for "I".
  • After a death, family members may visit a "oungan" to find out who was responsible for the decease.
  • With the decay of forest law and the lapse of the court of justice-seat, the post became a sinecure. A statute of 1817 abolished it after the decease of the current holders.

  • John Brunton died "from heart failure" (described as an "unexpected decease") on 22 July 1909 at his home, 'Roslyn Gardens', in Darlinghurst.
  • The concepts of generation and decease are central in Wang's oeuvre, which becomes political when it addresses overpopulation, mass control, and uniformity.
  • Papers from 1977 to the artist’s decease remain at present with her estate.
  • Kheder died after suffering from a kidney decease for several years. His statue was erected in his native Now Kandeh town.
  • Huang Shu-kuang (...) is a Taiwanese admiral, who served as the Chief of the General Staff of the Republic of China Armed Forces after the decease of General Shen Yi-ming.

  • In December 2020, Dr. Boo was tested positive for the COVID-19 and had recovered from the decease infection since.
  • His research was interrupted only because of his decease in 1986.
  • Lord Craig left a considerable sum of money and his library, on his decease to Agnes's son, Andrew Maclehose.
  • "This extensive property was the subject of careful appraisal and division by the sons after their father's decease.
  • James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, wrote that the dead bell was the 'tinkling in the ears' which the country people regard as the secret intelligence of some friend's decease.

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