 Übersetzung für 'mason's' von Englisch nach Deutsch
mason's chisel
Maurermeißel {m}
mason's feltMaurerfilz {m}
mason's hammer
Maurerhammer {m}
mason's hawk [mortarboard]
Mörtelbrett {n}
mason's mark
Steinmetzzeichen {n}
mason's trowel
Maurerkelle {f}
mason's work
Maurerarbeit {f}
mason's work {sg}
Maurerarbeiten {pl}
3 Wörter
brick mason's hammer
Maurerhammer {m}
mason's lacing cordMaurerschnur {f}
Master Mason's lodgeMeisterloge {f}
stone mason's hammerSteinmetzhammer {m}
4 Wörter
Berlin-type mason's hammer
Berliner Maurerhammer {m}
Mason's and Dixon's line
Mason-Dixon-Linie {f}
mason's hammer, Berlin pattern
Maurerhammer {m}, Berliner Form
mason's hammer, Rhenish pattern
Maurerhammer {m}, rheinische Form
Rhenish(-type) mason's hammer
Rheinischer Maurerhammer {m}
17 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Osmia californica" is a megachilid bee, or mason bee.
  • The son of George McGill, a mason in Arbirlot, Angus, he was apprenticed in June 1697 to Alexander Nisbet, a mason in Edinburgh.
  • William Wallace (died 1631) was a Scottish master mason and architect. He served as King's Master Mason under James VI.
  • On 29 March 1951, he was initiated as 1st degree of freemason, and on 26 March 1955, passed as 2nd degree mason, and raised as 3rd degree mason.
  • Guyon made his living as a master mason and, according to Perche-born genealogist Madame Montagne, was regarded as having an excellent reputation as a mason.

  • John Deval (1701–1774) was an 18th-century British sculptor and Master Mason, as was his namesake son (1728–1794).
  • Schioldann was born on 21 January 1843 in Copenhagen, the son of architect and master mason J.N. Schioldann and wife née Christensen. He followed in his father's footsteps, apprenticing as a mason.
  • Agnes Ramsey (died 1399), was an English businesswoman. She was the daughter of architect and mason William Ramsey, and married mason Robert Hubard. She was likely trained in the craft by her father.
  • He was the son of a master mason from Orléans. His brother, Jean Levesville, was also a master mason as well as his nephew, Simon Levesville.
  • In Freemasonry, a Mason at sight, or Mason on sight, is a non-Mason who has been initiated into Freemasonry and raised to the degree of Master Mason through a special application of the power of a Grand Master.

  • A pollinator garden and a mason bee condo have been installed to assist the Blue Orchard Mason Bee in Manfred's Meadow.
  • In 1910 there were following households in Rutsch: farmer Maximilian Engels, factory worker Heinrich Meurer, mason Heinrich Stricker and mason Heinrich Wittkopp.
  • In the Purishte sociolect the mason is called "purja", while the term for the master mason is "purja i beshëm".
  • Edward Marshall (1598–1675) was a 17th-century English mason and sculptor. He served as King's Master Mason from 1660 to 1666.
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