| a | ein 1092 | |
| a {indefinite article} [masculine direct object] | einen 62 | |
| a {indefinite article} [masculine / neuter indirect object] | einem 49 | |
| unit atto- {prefix} <a> [10 ^ -18] | Atto- <a> 28 | |
| naut. alongside {adv} <A/S> | längsseitig 24 | |
| a | 'ne [ugs.] [eine] 21 | |
| a'thing {pron} [Scot.] | alles 19 | |
| A-one {adj} [coll.] | erstklassig 18 | |
| med.MedTech. anteroposterior {adj} <AP, a.p.> [from front to back] | anteroposterior <AP, a.p.> 18 | |
| a | 'nen [ugs.] [einen] 13 | |
| a | 'n [ugs.] [ein, einen] 13 | |
| a {indefinite article} [feminine indirect object] | einer 12 | |
| a | a [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen] 11 | |
| a'where {adv} [Scot.] [allwhere] | überall 11 | |
| audioelectr. A-weighted {adj} | A-gewichtet [Rauschabstand] 10 | |
| med.MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front] | posteroanterior <PA, p.a.> 10 | |
| mil. A 1 {adj} [Br.] | T1 [Bundeswehr] 9 | |
| a'body {pron} [Scot.] [allbody] | jedermann 9 | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.> | präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.> 8 | |
| educ. A+ [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | hervorragend [Zensur 1+] 6 | |
| a {prep} [per] | je [+Akk.] [pro] 5 | |
| educ. A [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | sehr gut [Schulnote] | |
| a {prep} [per] | pro [je] | |
| mil. A 1 {adj} [Br.] | (voll) tauglich | |
| mil. A 1 {adj} [Br.] | T1 gemustert ["militärisch tauglich", Bundeswehr] | |
| A involves B. | Bei A geht es auch um B. | |
| A involves B. | Bei A handelt es sich auch um B. | |
| A pleasure. | Es ist mir ein Vergnügen. | |
| a- {prefix} [not ..., un-] [e.g. achromatic, ahistorical, apolitical, atypical] | a- [un-] [z. B. achromatisch, ahistorisch, apolitisch, atypisch] | |
| A-OK! [coll.] [Am.] | Alles bestens! | |
| A-weighted {adj} | A-bewertet | |
| mus. coll'arco {adv} <c.a.> | coll'arco <c.a.> | |
| MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front] | posterior-anterior <PA, p.a.> | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal] | vor dem Essen [nachgestellt] <v.d.E., ac, AC, a.c.> | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal] | vor der / einer Mahlzeit [nachgestellt] <ac, AC. a.c.> | |
Substantive |
| unit year <a, y, yr> | Jahr {n} <a, y> 4008 | |
| acc.fin. account <acct., a/c> | Konto {n} <Kto.> 1527 | |
| educ. A level [Br.] | Abitur {n} 851 | |
| electr.unit ampere <A> | Ampere {n} <A> 637 | |
| answer <A> | Antwort {f} <Antw.> 605 | |
| unit acre <a.> [4840 square yards] | [43560 Quadratfuß, 4047 qm] 177 | |
| educ. A levels {pl} [Br.] | Abitur {n} 159 | |
| engin. A/F [across flats] | Schlüsselweite {f} 122 | |
| automot. A-pillar | A-Säule {f} 117 | |
| electr.unit amp <A> [short for: ampere] | Ampere {n} <A> 103 | |
| agr.unit acre <a.> [4840 square yards] | Acker {m} [veraltet, Flächenmaß, ca. 4047 m²] 85 | |
| exhibit A [fig.] [best example] | Paradebeispiel {n} 77 | |
| traffic A-Road [Br.] | Bundesstraße {f} 58 | |
| aviat. autopilot <A/P> | Autopilot {m} 51 | |
| drugssports A sample [doping] | A-Probe {f} 26 | |
| educ. A-levels [Br.] | [Abschlüsse in der Kollegstufe] 22 | |
| comm. grade A | Güteklasse A {f} 22 | |
| mus. A major <A> | A-Dur {n} <A> 21 | |
| educ. A (grade) | Eins {f} [Schulnote] 17 | |
| nucl.weapons A-bomb | Atombombe {f} 16 | |
| mus. A flat <A♭> | As {n} <A♭> 13 | |
| educ. A (grade) | Einser {m} [österr., sonst regional: Schulnote] 12 | |
| biochem. adenine <A, Ade> [C5H5N5] | Adenin {n} <A, Ade> 12 | |
| chem. adenosine <A, Ado> [C10H13N5O4] | Adenosin {n} <A, Ado> 12 | |
| educ. [main 'A' level subject] [Br.] | Leistungsfach {n} 11 | |
| ling. A language | A-Sprache {f} [Muttersprache des Übersetzers] 10 | |
| mus. A sharp <A♯> | Ais {n} <A♯> 10 | |
| A-game [Am.] [coll.] | Spitzenspiel {f} 10 | |
| A-lister [coll.] | A-Promi {m} [ugs.] 10 | |
| biochem. alanine <Ala, A> [C3H7NO2] | Alanin {n} <Ala, A> 9 | |
| unit are <a> [100 m²] | Are {f} <a> [schweiz.] [100 m²] 9 | |
| educ. A levels {pl} [Br.] [GCS A] | Maturität {f} [schweiz.] 7 | |
| mus. A string | A-Saite {f} 7 | |
| unit are <a> [100 m²] | Ar {n} [auch {m}, österr. nur {n}] <a> [100 m²] 6 | |
| archaeo.ling. Linear A | Linear A {f} [auch {n}] 6 | |
| geol. A-horizon | A-Horizont {m} 5 | |
| ling.mus.print A [letter, musical note] | A {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| ling.mus.print a [letter, musical note] | a {n} [Buchstabe, musikal. Ton] | |
| biol. A chromosomes | A-Chromosomen {pl} | |
| mus. A clarinet [pitched in key of "A"] | A-Klarinette {f} | |
| sports A international [football / soccer] | A-Länderspiel {n} [Fußball] | |
| mus. A minor <a, Am> | a-Moll {n} <a, Am> | |
| traffic A road [Br.] | Überlandstraße {f} [Fernstraße] | |
| stocks A share | A-Aktie {f} | |
| hist.mil. A-A line [Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line] | A-A-Linie {f} [oder: AA-Linie] [Astrachan-Archangelsk-Linie] | |
| A-arm [Am.] | Trapezlenker {m} | |
| A-arm [Am.] | Dreieckslenker {m} | |
| A-arm [Am.] | Dreiecksquerlenker {m} | |
| biochem.tech. A-B process | AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren] | |
| biol. A-band [anisotropic band] | A-Bande {f} [anisotrope Bande] | |
| biol. A-band [dark staining of a sarcomere] | A-Band {n} [der Bereich zwischen zwei I-Bändern] | |
| anat.biol. A-fibers [Am.] | A-Fasern {pl} [auch: A-Nervenfasern] | |
| geol. A-horizon | Auslaugungshorizont {m} | |
| geol. A-horizon | oberer Bodenhorizont {m} | |
| materialMedTech. A-image [ultrasound] | A-Bild {n} [Ultraschall] | |
| MedTech. A-mode [amplitude modulation] | A-Mode {m} [Sonographie] | |
| A-scan | A-Bild {n} | |
| ungeprüft biochem.biol. A-site [aminoacyl site] | A-Stelle {f} [Aminoacyl-Stelle] | |
| A-tent [wedge tent] | A-Zelt {n} [Keilzelt, Wedge-Zelt] | |
| audio A-weighting | A-Bewertung {f} [auch entsprechend: B-Bewertung, C-Bewertung, D-Bewertung] | |
| market. A/B testing | A/B-Test {m} | |
| biochem. acetylcoenzyme A <acetyl-CoA> [acetyl coenzyme A] [C23H38N7O17P3S] | Acetyl-Coenzym A {n} <Acetyl-CoA> | |
| relig. Augustinians <O.S.A.> | Augustiner {pl} <OSA> | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Rautenflecksalmler {m} | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Schwarzbandsalmler {m} | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'A&E' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- a
- ein
'ne [ugs.] [eine]
'nen [ugs.] [einen]
'n [ugs.] [ein, einen]
a [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen]
- a {indefinite article} [masculine direct object]
- einen
- a {indefinite article} [masculine / neuter indirect object]
- einem
- atto- {prefix} <a> [10 ^ -18]
- Atto- <a>unit
- alongside {adv} <A/S>
- längsseitignaut.
- a'thing {pron} [Scot.]
- alles
- A-one {adj} [coll.]
- erstklassig
- anteroposterior {adj} <AP, a.p.> [from front to back]
- anteroposterior <AP, a.p.>med.MedTech.
- a {indefinite article} [feminine indirect object]
- einer
- a'where {adv} [Scot.] [allwhere]
- überall
- A-weighted {adj}
- A-gewichtet [Rauschabstand]audioelectr.
- posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front]
- posteroanterior <PA, p.a.>med.MedTech.
posterior-anterior <PA, p.a.>MedTech.
- A 1 {adj} [Br.]
- T1 [Bundeswehr]mil.
T1 gemustert ["militärisch tauglich", Bundeswehr]mil.
- a'body {pron} [Scot.] [allbody]
- jedermann
- preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.>
- präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.>med.pharm.
- A+ [grade] [Am.] [Aus.]
- hervorragend [Zensur 1+]educ.
- a {prep} [per]
- je [+Akk.] [pro]
pro [je]
- A [grade] [Am.] [Aus.]
- sehr gut [Schulnote]educ.
- A 1 {adj} [Br.]
- (voll) tauglichmil.
- A involves B.
- Bei A geht es auch um B.
Bei A handelt es sich auch um B.
- A pleasure.
- Es ist mir ein Vergnügen.
- a- {prefix} [not ..., un-] [e.g. achromatic, ahistorical, apolitical, atypical]
- a- [un-] [z. B. achromatisch, ahistorisch, apolitisch, atypisch]
- A-OK! [coll.] [Am.]
- Alles bestens!
- coll'arco {adv} <c.a.>
- coll'arco <c.a.>mus.
- preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal]
- vor dem Essen [nachgestellt] <v.d.E., ac, AC, a.c.>med.pharm.
vor der / einer Mahlzeit [nachgestellt] <ac, AC. a.c.>med.pharm.
- year <a, y, yr>
- Jahr {n} <a, y>unit
- account <acct., a/c>
- Konto {n} <Kto.>acc.fin.
- A level [Br.]
- Abitur {n}educ.
- ampere <A>
- Ampere {n} <A>electr.unit
- answer <A>
- Antwort {f} <Antw.>
- acre <a.> [4840 square yards]
- [43560 Quadratfuß, 4047 qm]unit
Acker {m} [veraltet, Flächenmaß, ca. 4047 m²]agr.unit
- A levels {pl} [Br.]
- Abitur {n}educ.
- A/F [across flats]
- Schlüsselweite {f}engin.
- A-pillar
- A-Säule {f}automot.
- amp <A> [short for: ampere]
- Ampere {n} <A>electr.unit
- exhibit A [fig.] [best example]
- Paradebeispiel {n}
- A-Road [Br.]
- Bundesstraße {f}traffic
- autopilot <A/P>
- Autopilot {m}aviat.
- A sample [doping]
- A-Probe {f}drugssports
- A-levels [Br.]
- [Abschlüsse in der Kollegstufe]educ.
- grade A
- Güteklasse A {f}comm.
- A major <A>
- A-Dur {n} <A>mus.
- A (grade)
- Eins {f} [Schulnote]educ.
Einser {m} [österr., sonst regional: Schulnote]educ.
- A-bomb
- Atombombe {f}nucl.weapons
- A flat <A♭>
- As {n} <A♭>mus.
- adenine <A, Ade> [C5H5N5]
- Adenin {n} <A, Ade>biochem.
- adenosine <A, Ado> [C10H13N5O4]
- Adenosin {n} <A, Ado>chem.
- [main 'A' level subject] [Br.]
- Leistungsfach {n}educ.
- A language
- A-Sprache {f} [Muttersprache des Übersetzers]ling.
- A sharp <A♯>
- Ais {n} <A♯>mus.
- A-game [Am.] [coll.]
- Spitzenspiel {f}
- A-lister [coll.]
- A-Promi {m} [ugs.]
- alanine <Ala, A> [C3H7NO2]
- Alanin {n} <Ala, A>biochem.
- are <a> [100 m²]
- Are {f} <a> [schweiz.] [100 m²]unit
Ar {n} [auch {m}, österr. nur {n}] <a> [100 m²]unit
- A levels {pl} [Br.] [GCS A]
- Maturität {f} [schweiz.]educ.
- A string
- A-Saite {f}mus.
- Linear A
- Linear A {f} [auch {n}]archaeo.ling.
- A-horizon
- A-Horizont {m}geol.
Auslaugungshorizont {m}geol.
oberer Bodenhorizont {m}geol.
- A [letter, musical note]
- A {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]ling.mus.print
- a [letter, musical note]
- a {n} [Buchstabe, musikal. Ton]ling.mus.print
- A chromosomes
- A-Chromosomen {pl}biol.
- A clarinet [pitched in key of "A"]
- A-Klarinette {f}mus.
- A international [football / soccer]
- A-Länderspiel {n} [Fußball]sports
- A minor <a, Am>
- a-Moll {n} <a, Am>mus.
- A road [Br.]
- Überlandstraße {f} [Fernstraße]traffic
- A share
- A-Aktie {f}stocks
- A-A line [Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line]
- A-A-Linie {f} [oder: AA-Linie] [Astrachan-Archangelsk-Linie]hist.mil.
- A-arm [Am.]
- Trapezlenker {m}
Dreieckslenker {m}
Dreiecksquerlenker {m}
- A-B process
- AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren]biochem.tech.
- A-band [anisotropic band]
- A-Bande {f} [anisotrope Bande]biol.
- A-band [dark staining of a sarcomere]
- A-Band {n} [der Bereich zwischen zwei I-Bändern]biol.
- A-fibers [Am.]
- A-Fasern {pl} [auch: A-Nervenfasern]anat.biol.
- A-image [ultrasound]
- A-Bild {n} [Ultraschall]materialMedTech.
- A-mode [amplitude modulation]
- A-Mode {m} [Sonographie]MedTech.
- A-scan
- A-Bild {n}
- A-site [aminoacyl site]
- ungeprüft A-Stelle {f} [Aminoacyl-Stelle]biochem.biol.
- A-tent [wedge tent]
- A-Zelt {n} [Keilzelt, Wedge-Zelt]
- A-weighting
- A-Bewertung {f} [auch entsprechend: B-Bewertung, C-Bewertung, D-Bewertung]audio
- A/B testing
- A/B-Test {m}market.
- acetylcoenzyme A <acetyl-CoA> [acetyl coenzyme A] [C23H38N7O17P3S]
- Acetyl-Coenzym A {n} <Acetyl-CoA>biochem.
- Augustinians <O.S.A.>
- Augustiner {pl} <OSA>relig.
- B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus]
- Rautenflecksalmler {m}fishT
Schwarzbandsalmler {m}fishT
- Jahr {n} <a, y> = year <a, y, yr>
- Ampere {n} <A> = ampere <A>
- A-Säule {f} = A-pillar
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The locomotives of classes E.551, E.552 and E.554 were all developments of E.550. Some E.550s units were later transformed into snow-sweepers.
- The ocellated piculet's song is "a high-pitched, rapid, falling trill: "tree'e'e'e'e'e'e".
- Used by Soundgarden (E-E-e-e-e'-e') on the song "Mind Riot", and by Lou Reed in the Velvet Underground.
- The village contains six traditional quarters, each with its own prominent family: Cooyɓe-e-Kuñ'njooɓe, Jalluɓe-e-Gaajooɓe, Jooɓɓe-e-Barooɓe, Salsalɓe-e-Mbaayɓe and Sinc'cu-e-Caareen.
- Brooker placed "E. leucophloia" in Section "Brevidoliae" with "E. rupestris", "E. kenneallyi", "E. umbrawarrensis", "E. confluens", "E. brevifolia" and "E. ordiana".
- Bboongdol-E and Bboongsoon-E were dropped to reduce animation costs. Recently, Bboongsoon-E returned. In one episode, Bboongsoon-E and Bboonbboong-E got married.
- The larvae feed on "Euphorbia" species, including "E. spinosa", "E. pinea", "E. cyparissias", "E. virgata" and "E. platyphyllos". The species overwinters in the larval stage.
- 1) For all "e" in "E", we define "Ee": = {"i" ∈ "E" : "i" ≤ "e"} which is a principal ideal of "E".
- The camera is compatible with existing BLM-1 batteries used in the E-1, E-3, E-300, E-30, E-500 and E-510.
- The chromosome number of "E. fulgens" has been determined by two separate investigators as 2"n" = 24 This number differs from "E. puniceoluteum" (with 52), "E. secundum" (with 28—80), "E. cinnabarinum" (with 240), "E. radicans" (with 40—64), and "E. ibaguense" (with 70).
- Unicode encoded 5 pairs of precomposed characters (Ề / ề, Ể / ể, Ễ / ễ, Ế / ế, Ệ / ệ) for the five tones of ê in Vietnamese. Two pairs of the five (Ế / ế and Ề / ề) can also be used as the second and fourth tones of ê in Pinyin. The first and third tones of ê in Pinyin have to be represented by combining diacritical marks, like ê̄ (ê&#772;) and ê̌ (ê&#780;).
- Boomsma described and published 12 species and subspecies as well as making two new combinations. Selected species include; "E. mannensis", "E. sparsa", "E. yumbarrana", "E. eremicola", "E. yalatensis". "E. flindersii" , "E. calcareana" and "E. wyolensis".
- 2000 “Penda e Argjendtë”. Për përkthimin e librit “Armët e fshehta”, Julio Cortazar; Ministria e Kulturës.
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