21 Übersetzungen
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- A Beautiful Mind - Genie und Wahnsinn = A Beautiful Mind [Ron Howard]
- Geständnisse – Confessions of a Dangerous Mind = Confessions of a Dangerous Mind [George Clooney]
- Beautiful = Beautiful [Sally Field]
- Beautiful Joe = Beautiful Joe [Stephen Metcalfe]
- Mind-Map {f} = mind map
- Beautiful Creatures = Beautiful Creatures [Bill Eagles]
- Beautiful Girls = Beautiful Girls [Ted Demme]
- Mind-Set {n} {m} [Rsv.] [Jargon] = mindset [also: mind-set]
- Theory {f} of Mind <ToM> = theory of mind <ToM>
- Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises {pl} <T.A.A.F.> = French Southern and Antarctic Lands
- am angegebenen Ort <a. a. O.> = loco citato <loc. cit.>
- am angeführten Ort <a. a. O.> = at the place already cited <loc. cit.> [loco citato]
- A-priori-a-posteriori-Unterscheidung {f} = a priori-a posteriori distinction
- a-Moll {n} <a, Am> = A minor <a, Am>
- andere Ansicht {f} <a. A.> = different interpretation
- a conto <a c.> = on account [payment]
- andere Auffassung {f} <a. A.> = different interpretation
- Ribonuclease A {f} <RNase A> = ribonuclease A <RNase A>
- a vista <a v.> = at sight
- a cappella <a c.> = a capella
- a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² > = a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² >
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