 Übersetzung für 'A4-Format' von Englisch nach Deutsch
A4 format
A4-Format {n}
in A4 (format{adv}
im Format DIN A4
in an A4 format {adv}
im A4-Format
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Übersetzung für 'A4-Format' von Englisch nach Deutsch

A4 format
A4-Format {n}printunit

in A4 (format) {adv}
im Format DIN A4unit

in an A4 format {adv}
im A4-Formatunit
  • A4-Format {n} = A4 format
  • im A4-Format = in an A4 format
  • im Format DIN A4 = in A4 (format)
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Issues are typically 24 pages in A4 format, with numerous pictures and illustrations.
  • "Dentistry Magazine" was originally known as "Dentistry Monthly" and was printed in A4 format.
  • After issue #60 the format changed to the larger A4 format of 96 pages in 1985, then back to the A5 in a black bordered format in 1993 which persisted until publication ceased.
  • These have been digitised in A4 format, and are PDF documents so that readers can download and print them for further study.
  • The newspaper was printed by a printing press in Svalbard until 1996, which explains the paper's A4 format.

  • Due to the graphic, erotic nature of the book, this work of Moebius has not been published in the US in the 1990s by the "usual suspects", but rather by outlier NBM Publishing under its "Eurotica" imprint, as a European A4 format padded hardcover in dust jacket book.
  • For issue 90 (December 2009), the magazine reverted to an A4 format, this time with 64 pages and including a section called Colum in which subscribers could sell their own items.
  • Originally the magazine was produced in A4 format later issues were A5.
  • It was originally printed in A4 format and reproduced cheaply giving it something of the feel of the original 2000 AD comic as it appeared in the 70s and early 80s.
  • In 1995 they changed the paper to A4 format.

  • Between 2006 and 2008 the newspaper had to be distributed by volunteers. For this reason, the newspaper switched to A4 format, so it would be easier to put into bags and envelopes.
  • Peter Marlowe in London invented models composites in 1965, then printed on paper to A4 format.
  • It would involve combining "Light Railways" and "Light Railway News" into a new bi-monthly "Light Railways" magazine, in A4 format and with ample use of colour.
  • In February 2010, Yell UK announced the first major redesign in forty years of the traditional Yellow Pages directories into a smaller compact size rather than the traditional A4 format.
  • The special thing about the larger (DIN A4 format) successor models B213x (1999) was the touch-sensitive 10.4" TFT screen and the input pen.

  • The Sparky Pull out section was continued until the change to the A4 format.
  • The travel guide series in DIN A4 format, published as [...] , dealt with travel destinations in Germany and around the world.
  • "Buffalo Castle" is a gamebook first published by Flying Buffalo in 1976 (...). Using the "Tunnels & Trolls" role-playing system, "Buffalo Castle" consists of 150 paragraphs in A4 format.
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