 Übersetzung für 'Abacá' von Englisch nach Deutsch
abaca [Musa textilis]
Abaka {m}
abacá [Musa textilis]
Abacá {f}
abacá [Musa textilis]
Manilahanf {m}
abaca fiber [Am.] [Musa textilis]
Manilahanf {m}
abaca fibre [Br.] [Musa textilis]
Manilahanf {m}
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • West manufactured bags from manila paper made of Manila hemp, also known as abacá from the Philippines.
  • Various crops were also introduced from the Philippines, including coconuts, the Ataulfo and Manilita mangoes, abacá, rice, and bananas.
  • The main sources of income for the residents of Libagon are copra, abacá, agriculture, and fishing.
  • Prior to the Pacific War there was a small Japanese settlement in Davao at the south of Mindanao Island which worked with Japanese private companies to cultivate abacá for Manila hemp.
  • Unlike cotton and some other natural fibres like cotton Abacá plants require no pesticides, herbicides or irrigation.

  • Abacá is a major crop in Manalog and handicrafts involving weaving abacá fibers is a major livelihood among the villagers. Manalog is the only major abacá producer in Northern Mindanao.
  • Rice, corn, abacá and coconuts grew in abundance.
  • In addition to the native abacá fiber, they were also made from piña fiber, acquired from pineapples introduced by the Spanish.
  • Abaca slippers are made from dried abacá plants and leaves, as well as sometimes from dried pineapple plant leaves.
  • The polymer version, first issued in April 2022 features the Philippine eagle on its obverse side while its reverse side has similar design elements with the cotton-abacá version.

  • The rest of the community, including the men, are able to participate in the production of T'nalak by carefully selecting, stripping, and sun-drying the abacá fibers to be used.
  • Abacá rope is very durable, flexible and resistant to salt water damage, allowing its use in hawsers, ship's lines and fishing nets.
  • Davao Oriental is the top coconut and "copra" (dried coconut meat) producer in the Philippines. It also is a major producer of abacá, and exports crude oil and copra pellets.
  • Manila hemp is a type of fiber obtained from the leaves of the abacá.
  • Sisal is the main leaf fibre used; others are: abacá and henequen.

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