Übersetzung für '
Am I right' von Englisch nach Deutsch
29 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- On March 12, 2021, "The Marfa Tapes" track "Tin Man" was released, followed by the release of "Am I Right or Amarillo" on March 26, 2021.
- "Am I Right?" is a song by English synth-pop duo Erasure, released in November 1991 in Europe and Canada as the third single from their fifth studio album, "Chorus" (1991).
- ..Am I right or wrong in saying that this woman is one of the most extraordinary personalities that you or I have ever met?
- Her follow-up show "Am I Right Ladies?!" has had a UK tour, received critical acclaim and five star reviews.
- Ward tweeted on 13 July 2013: "Am I wrong or are am I right?
- Am I right or Am-I-rilla?
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