| bad {adj} | schlecht 32767 | |
| big {adj} | groß 32767 | |
| black {adj} | schwarz 32767 | |
| blue {adj} | blau 32767 | |
| bright {adj} | hell 32767 | |
| brown {adj} | braun 32767 | |
| Bye! [coll.] | Tschüss! [ugs.] 32767 | |
| busy {adj} [with a lot to do] | beschäftigt 7189 | |
| because {conj} | weil 6903 | |
| besides {adv} | außerdem 6792 | |
| likely {adj} [Br. adv.] [only with intensifier] | wahrscheinlich 6597 | |
| beyond {adv} {prep} | jenseits [+Gen.] 6179 | |
| boring {adj} | langweilig 5980 | |
| below {adv} | darunter 5946 | |
| dull {adj} [boring] | langweilig 5401 | |
| bleak {adj} | trostlos 5193 | |
| brave {adj} | mutig 5166 | |
| briefly {adv} | kurz 5002 | |
| behind {prep} | 4911 hinter [+Dat. (Ortsangabe); +Akk. (Richtungsangabe)] | |
| barely {adv} | kaum 4742 | |
| brief {adj} | kurz 4230 | |
| blunt {adj} [e.g. knife, pencil] | stumpf [z. B. Messer, Bleistift] 4195 | |
| by {prep} | von 4085 | |
| bald {adj} [head, tree, also literary] | kahl 4011 | |
| broad {adj} | breit 3854 | |
| bold {adj} [impudent] | frech [unverfroren, unverschämt] 3765 | |
| sb. bought | jd. kaufte 3671 | |
| Rubbish! [esp. Br.] | Unsinn! 3610 | |
| just {adv} [exactly, at the moment or very recently, barely] | gerade [genau, genau jetzt bzw kürzlich, knapp] 3595 | |
| beautiful {adj} | schön 3579 | |
| benign {adj} | harmlos 3568 | |
| blanket {adj} | pauschal 3534 | |
| before {conj} | bevor 3508 | |
| bloody {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.] | verflucht 3272 | |
| bland {adj} | fade 3241 | |
| grey {adj} [esp. Br.] | grau 3230 | |
| biased {adj} | voreingenommen 3220 | |
| both {pron} | beide 3095 | |
| behind {adv} | hinterher [örtlich] 3062 | |
| bold {adj} [act, adventure, claim, project, etc.] | kühn [Tat, Abenteuer, Behauptung, Projekt etc.] 2985 | |
| benevolent {adj} | gütig 2983 | |
| wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police] | gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei] 2983 | |
| basically {adv} | grundsätzlich 2939 | |
| but {conj} | aber 2901 | |
| materialmineral. brittle {adj} | spröde 2899 | |
| beside {prep} | neben 2895 | |
| born {adj} {past-p} <b.> | geboren <geb.> 2868 | |
| blatant {adj} | offensichtlich 2816 | |
| tired {adj} [boring, stale] | langweilig 2797 | |
| below {prep} | unter 2740 | |
| bored {adj} {past-p} | gelangweilt 2737 | |
| engaged {adj} {past-p} [busy] | beschäftigt 2718 | |
| before {prep} | vor [räumlich, zeitlich] 2709 | |
| beyond {prep} [outside] | außerhalb [+Gen.] 2676 | |
| buried {adj} {past-p} | beerdigt 2638 | |
| favourable {adj} [Br.] | günstig 2532 | |
| whilst {conj} [Br.] | während 2527 | |
| brazen {adj} | frech [dreist, unverschämt] 2464 | |
| brisk {adj} | lebhaft 2446 | |
| tough {adj} [competition, behaviour] | hart [knallhart] 2445 | |
| beneficial {adj} | vorteilhaft 2441 | |
| print bold {adj} | fett [Überschrift, Schlagzeilen etc.] 2393 | |
| ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | veraltet 2336 | |
| blurred {adj} | unscharf 2293 | |
| beneath {adv} | darunter 2265 | |
| light {adj} [bright] | hell 2167 | |
| brave {adj} | tapfer 2106 | |
| marvellous {adj} [Br.] | wunderbar 2070 | |
| obnoxious {adj} [person, behavior] | unausstehlich 2069 | |
| bewildered {adj} | fassungslos 2052 | |
| by {prep} [near / beside] | bei [+Dat.] 2047 | |
| gastr. breaded {adj} {past-p} | paniert 2045 | |
| bumpy {adj} [road, path, etc.] [also fig.] | holprig [Straße, Weg etc.] [auch fig.] 2045 | |
| dodgy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [person, area, business] | zwielichtig 2045 | |
| jobs redundant {adj} [esp. Br.] [out of work] | arbeitslos 2042 | |
| buoyant {adj} | lebhaft 2011 | |
| broke {adj} [coll.] | pleite [ugs.] [nur prädikativ] 1992 | |
| pattern {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, detection] | Muster- [z. B. Buch, Erkennung] 1955 | |
| beforehand {adv} | vorher 1946 | |
| got {past-p} [Br.] | bekommen 1938 | |
| blurred {adj} {past-p} | verschwommen 1905 | |
| cosy {adj} [Br.] | gemütlich 1899 | |
| brittle {adj} | brüchig 1890 | |
| between {prep} <bet.> | zwischen <zw.> 1882 | |
| benevolent {adj} | wohlwollend 1841 | |
| gastr. boneless {adj} | entbeint 1825 | |
| belligerent {adj} | angriffslustig 1822 | |
| meteo. windy {adj} [accompanied by wind] | windig 1811 | |
| blank {adj} [empty] | leer 1791 | |
| boastful {adj} | überheblich 1791 | |
| mean {adj} [esp. Br.] [miserly] | geizig 1791 | |
| briefly {adv} | flüchtig 1782 | |
| stricken {adj} [by disease, grief etc.] | angeschlagen [gesundheitlich, psychisch] 1763 | |
| basic {adj} | grundlegend 1760 | |
| basic {adj} [accommodation, food etc.] | einfach [Unterkunft, Essen etc.] 1760 | |
| audacious {adj} [bold] | kühn 1759 | |
| since {conj} [because] | da [weil] 1727 | |
| bossy {adj} [pej.] | rechthaberisch [pej.] 1696 | |
| besieged {adj} {past-p} | belagert 1652 | |
| skilful {adj} [Br.] | geschickt 1633 | |
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Übersetzung für 'B*A*P*S' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- bad {adj}
- schlecht
- big {adj}
- groß
- black {adj}
- schwarz
- blue {adj}
- blau
- bright {adj}
- hell
- brown {adj}
- braun
- Bye! [coll.]
- Tschüss! [ugs.]
- busy {adj} [with a lot to do]
- beschäftigt
- because {conj}
- weil
- besides {adv}
- außerdem
- likely {adj} [Br. adv.] [only with intensifier]
- wahrscheinlich
- beyond {adv} {prep}
- jenseits [+Gen.]
- boring {adj}
- langweilig
- below {adv}
- darunter
- dull {adj} [boring]
- langweilig
- bleak {adj}
- trostlos
- brave {adj}
- mutig
- briefly {adv}
- kurz
- behind {prep}
- hinter [+Dat. (Ortsangabe); +Akk. (Richtungsangabe)]
- barely {adv}
- kaum
- brief {adj}
- kurz
- blunt {adj} [e.g. knife, pencil]
- stumpf [z. B. Messer, Bleistift]
- by {prep}
- von
- bald {adj} [head, tree, also literary]
- kahl
- broad {adj}
- breit
- bold {adj} [impudent]
- frech [unverfroren, unverschämt]
- sb. bought
- jd. kaufte
- Rubbish! [esp. Br.]
- Unsinn!
- just {adv} [exactly, at the moment or very recently, barely]
- gerade [genau, genau jetzt bzw kürzlich, knapp]
- beautiful {adj}
- schön
- benign {adj}
- harmlos
- blanket {adj}
- pauschal
- before {conj}
- bevor
- bloody {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.]
- verflucht
- bland {adj}
- fade
- grey {adj} [esp. Br.]
- grau
- biased {adj}
- voreingenommen
- both {pron}
- beide
- behind {adv}
- hinterher [örtlich]
- bold {adj} [act, adventure, claim, project, etc.]
- kühn [Tat, Abenteuer, Behauptung, Projekt etc.]
- benevolent {adj}
- gütig
- wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police]
- gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei]
- basically {adv}
- grundsätzlich
- but {conj}
- aber
- brittle {adj}
- sprödematerialmineral.
- beside {prep}
- neben
- born {adj} {past-p} <b.>
- geboren <geb.>
- blatant {adj}
- offensichtlich
- tired {adj} [boring, stale]
- langweilig
- below {prep}
- unter
- bored {adj} {past-p}
- gelangweilt
- engaged {adj} {past-p} [busy]
- beschäftigt
- before {prep}
- vor [räumlich, zeitlich]
- beyond {prep} [outside]
- außerhalb [+Gen.]
- buried {adj} {past-p}
- beerdigt
- favourable {adj} [Br.]
- günstig
- whilst {conj} [Br.]
- während
- brazen {adj}
- frech [dreist, unverschämt]
- brisk {adj}
- lebhaft
- tough {adj} [competition, behaviour]
- hart [knallhart]
- beneficial {adj}
- vorteilhaft
- bold {adj}
- fett [Überschrift, Schlagzeilen etc.]print
- obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]
- veraltetling.
- blurred {adj}
- unscharf
- beneath {adv}
- darunter
- light {adj} [bright]
- hell
- marvellous {adj} [Br.]
- wunderbar
- obnoxious {adj} [person, behavior]
- unausstehlich
- bewildered {adj}
- fassungslos
- by {prep} [near / beside]
- bei [+Dat.]
- breaded {adj} {past-p}
- paniertgastr.
- bumpy {adj} [road, path, etc.] [also fig.]
- holprig [Straße, Weg etc.] [auch fig.]
- dodgy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [person, area, business]
- zwielichtig
- redundant {adj} [esp. Br.] [out of work]
- arbeitslosjobs
- buoyant {adj}
- lebhaft
- broke {adj} [coll.]
- pleite [ugs.] [nur prädikativ]
- pattern {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, detection]
- Muster- [z. B. Buch, Erkennung]
- beforehand {adv}
- vorher
- got {past-p} [Br.]
- bekommen
- blurred {adj} {past-p}
- verschwommen
- cosy {adj} [Br.]
- gemütlich
- between {prep} <bet.>
- zwischen <zw.>
- boneless {adj}
- entbeintgastr.
- belligerent {adj}
- angriffslustig
- windy {adj} [accompanied by wind]
- windigmeteo.
- blank {adj} [empty]
- leer
- boastful {adj}
- überheblich
- mean {adj} [esp. Br.] [miserly]
- geizig
- stricken {adj} [by disease, grief etc.]
- angeschlagen [gesundheitlich, psychisch]
- basic {adj}
- grundlegend
- basic {adj} [accommodation, food etc.]
- einfach [Unterkunft, Essen etc.]
- audacious {adj} [bold]
- kühn
- since {conj} [because]
- da [weil]
- bossy {adj} [pej.]
- rechthaberisch [pej.]
- besieged {adj} {past-p}
- belagert
- skilful {adj} [Br.]
- geschickt
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