| born {adj} {past-p} <b.> | geboren <geb.> 2866 | |
| educ. B [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | gut [Schulnote] 40 | |
| A involves B. | Bei A geht es auch um B. | |
| A involves B. | Bei A handelt es sich auch um B. | |
| B faces A. | B steht A gegenüber. | |
Verben |
| to B.S. [sl.] | Scheiße erzählen [vulg.] | |
Substantive |
| chem. boron <B> | Bor {n} <B> 109 | |
| comp.unit byte <B> | Byte {n} <B> 88 | |
| automot. B-pillar | B-Säule {f} 69 | |
| traffic B-road [Br.] | Landstraße {f} 47 | |
| B.O. [coll.] [body odor] | Körpergeruch {m} 43 | |
| comm.econ. B-stock | B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware] 34 | |
| filmtech. B-roll | 24 [Material von den Dreharbeiten zur Verwendung für u. a. Schnittbilder] | |
| plan B | Plan B {m} 19 | |
| drugssports B sample [doping] | B-Probe {f} 16 | |
| mus. B flat <B♭> | B {n} [Ton] 13 | |
| mus. B sharp <B#> | His {n} 12 | |
| biol. B cell | B-Zelle {f} 9 | |
| comp. B-tree | B-Baum {m} 8 | |
| comm. grade B | Güteklasse B {f} 8 | |
| mus. B | H {n} [Ton] 6 | |
| mus. B-side | B-Seite {f} 6 | |
| biochem.tech. A-B process | AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren] | |
| market. A/B testing | A/B-Test {m} | |
| pharm. amphotericin B | Amphotericin B {n} | |
| biochem. apolipoprotein B <ApoB> | Apolipoprotein B {n} <ApoB> | |
| ling.print b [letter] | b {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print B [letter] | B {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| mus. b [musical note] | h {n} [Ton] | |
| biol. B cells | B-Zellen {pl} | |
| mus. B major <B> | H-Dur {n} <H> | |
| phys. B meson | B-Meson {n} | |
| mus. B minor <b, Bm> | h-Moll {n} <h, Hm> | |
| mus. B string | H-Saite {f} | |
| med. B symptoms | B-Symptome {pl} | |
| med. B symptoms {pl} | B-Symptomatik {f} | |
| sports B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches] | B-Elf {f} | |
| biochem. B vitamins | B-Vitamine {pl} | |
| biochem. B vitamins {pl} | Vitamin {n} B [Vitamingruppe] | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Rautenflecksalmler {m} | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Schwarzbandsalmler {m} | |
| telecom. B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet] | Verzweigerkasten {m} | |
| dance B-boy | Breakdancer {m} | |
| phys. B-factory | B-Fabrik {f} | |
| dance B-girl | Breakdancerin {f} | |
| B-girl [Am.] | Animierdame {f} | |
| B-girl [Am.] | Animiermädchen {n} [ugs.] | |
| geol. B-horizon | B-Horizont {m} | |
| B-lister [coll.] | B-Promi {m} [ugs.] | |
| MedTech. B-mode [brightness modulation] | B-Mode {m} [Sonographie] | |
| film B-movie | B-Movie {n} | |
| film B-movie | zweitklassiger Film {m} | |
| film B-picture | zweitklassiger Film {m} | |
| cloth. B.V.D.s | Männer-Unterwäsche {f} [nach Bradley, Voorhees & Day] | |
| phys.unit barn <b> | Barn {n} <b> | |
| phys.unit barye <Ba, ba, b> [dated] [unit of preassure] | Barye {n} <Ba, ba, b> [veraltet] [Einheit des Drucks] | |
| unit bel <B> | Bel {n} <B> | |
| phys. bottomness <B> | Bottomness {f} | |
| geogr. Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.] | Bournemouth {n} | |
| libr.publ. Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica] | Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica] | |
| relig. Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.> | Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam> | |
| biochem. glycophorin B <GPB> | Glycophorin B {n} <GPB> | |
| biol. influenzavirus B | Influenzavirus B {n} | |
| archaeo.ling. Linear B | Linear B {f} [auch {n}] | |
| chem. molality <b, m> | Molalität {f} <b, m> | |
| chem. rhodamine B | Rhodamin B {n} | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| chem. Zyklon B [hydrogen cyanide] | Zyklon B {n} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| A and B interact. | A und B wirken aufeinander (ein). | |
| A and B interact. | A und B beeinflussen sich gegenseitig. | |
| archi. A fronted by B | A, dem B vorgesetzt ist | |
| B for Benjamin [Br.] | B wie Berta | |
| mil. B for Bravo [NATO phonetic alphabet] | B wie Bravo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| electr. B-type encoded {adj} | B-kodiert | |
| Internettelecom. b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages] | weil | |
| nota bene {adv} <N.B.> [Am.] | notabene [geh.] <NB> | |
| sb. learnt A from B [esp. Br.] | jd. entnahm AAkk. BDat. [auch: jd. entnahm BDat. AAkk.] | |
| sb. mistook A for B | jd. hielt A irrtümlich für B | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B] | BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen | |
| educ. to get a B | eine Zwei bekommen | |
| educ. to get a B | die Note 2 bekommen | |
| educ. to get a B | eine Zwei / 2 kriegen [ugs.] | |
| to match A with B [adjust] | AAkk. BDat. anpassen | |
| to match A with B [adjust] | AAkk. an BAkk. anpassen | |
| to prefer A to B | A (gegenüber) B vorziehen | |
| to stick A over B | B mit A überkleben | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (certified) B corporation [Am.] [private certification] | [Unternehmen, das sich verpflichtet hat, bestimmte ökolog. und soziale Standards zu erfüllen] | |
| A-not-B error | A-non-B-Suchfehler {m} | |
| A-not-B error | A-nicht-B-Suchfehler {m} | |
| psych. A-not-B error | A-nicht-B-Fehler {m} | |
| econ. B (class) items [ABC analysis] | B-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse] | |
| mus. B double flat <Bbb> | Heses {n} | |
| mus. B double flat <Bbb> | Bes {n} [selten, richtig: Heses] | |
| mus. B double sharp <Bx> | Hisis {n} | |
| mus. B flat major | B-Dur {n} | |
| mus. B flat minor | b-Moll {n} | |
| mus. B sharp major | His-Dur {n} | |
| mus. B sharp minor | his-Moll {n} | |
| b-boying [breakdance] | B-Boying {n} [Breakdance] | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'B♭' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- born {adj} {past-p} <b.>
- geboren <geb.>
- B [grade] [Am.] [Aus.]
- gut [Schulnote]educ.
- A involves B.
- Bei A geht es auch um B.
Bei A handelt es sich auch um B.
- B faces A.
- B steht A gegenüber.
- to B.S. [sl.]
- Scheiße erzählen [vulg.]
- boron <B>
- Bor {n} <B>chem.
- byte <B>
- Byte {n} <B>comp.unit
- B-pillar
- B-Säule {f}automot.
- B-road [Br.]
- Landstraße {f}traffic
- B.O. [coll.] [body odor]
- Körpergeruch {m}
- B-stock
- B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware]comm.econ.
- B-roll
- [Material von den Dreharbeiten zur Verwendung für u. a. Schnittbilder]filmtech.
- plan B
- Plan B {m}
- B sample [doping]
- B-Probe {f}drugssports
- B flat <B♭>
- B {n} [Ton]mus.
- B sharp <B#>
- His {n}mus.
- B cell
- B-Zelle {f}biol.
- B-tree
- B-Baum {m}comp.
- grade B
- Güteklasse B {f}comm.
- B
- H {n} [Ton]mus.
- B-side
- B-Seite {f}mus.
- A-B process
- AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren]biochem.tech.
- A/B testing
- A/B-Test {m}market.
- amphotericin B
- Amphotericin B {n}pharm.
- apolipoprotein B <ApoB>
- Apolipoprotein B {n} <ApoB>biochem.
- b [letter]
- b {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- B [letter]
- B {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- b [musical note]
- h {n} [Ton]mus.
- B cells
- B-Zellen {pl}biol.
- B major <B>
- H-Dur {n} <H>mus.
- B meson
- B-Meson {n}phys.
- B minor <b, Bm>
- h-Moll {n} <h, Hm>mus.
- B string
- H-Saite {f}mus.
- B symptoms
- B-Symptome {pl}med.
- B symptoms {pl}
- B-Symptomatik {f}med.
- B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches]
- B-Elf {f}sports
- B vitamins
- B-Vitamine {pl}biochem.
- B vitamins {pl}
- Vitamin {n} B [Vitamingruppe]biochem.
- B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus]
- Rautenflecksalmler {m}fishT
Schwarzbandsalmler {m}fishT
- B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet]
- Verzweigerkasten {m}telecom.
- B-boy
- Breakdancer {m}dance
- B-factory
- B-Fabrik {f}phys.
- B-girl
- Breakdancerin {f}dance
- B-girl [Am.]
- Animierdame {f}
Animiermädchen {n} [ugs.]
- B-horizon
- B-Horizont {m}geol.
- B-lister [coll.]
- B-Promi {m} [ugs.]
- B-mode [brightness modulation]
- B-Mode {m} [Sonographie]MedTech.
- B-movie
- B-Movie {n}film
zweitklassiger Film {m}film
- B-picture
- zweitklassiger Film {m}film
- B.V.D.s
- Männer-Unterwäsche {f} [nach Bradley, Voorhees & Day]cloth.
- barn <b>
- Barn {n} <b>phys.unit
- barye <Ba, ba, b> [dated] [unit of preassure]
- Barye {n} <Ba, ba, b> [veraltet] [Einheit des Drucks]phys.unit
- bel <B>
- Bel {n} <B>unit
- bottomness <B>
- Bottomness {f}phys.
- Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.]
- Bournemouth {n}geogr.
- Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica]
- Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica]libr.publ.
- Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.>
- Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam>relig.
- glycophorin B <GPB>
- Glycophorin B {n} <GPB>biochem.
- influenzavirus B
- Influenzavirus B {n}biol.
- Linear B
- Linear B {f} [auch {n}]archaeo.ling.
- molality <b, m>
- Molalität {f} <b, m>chem.
- rhodamine B
- Rhodamin B {n}chem.
- rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
- Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
- Zyklon B [hydrogen cyanide]
- Zyklon B {n}chem.
- A and B interact.
- A und B wirken aufeinander (ein).
A und B beeinflussen sich gegenseitig.
- A fronted by B
- A, dem B vorgesetzt istarchi.
- B for Benjamin [Br.]
- B wie Berta
- B for Bravo [NATO phonetic alphabet]
- B wie Bravo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]mil.
- B-type encoded {adj}
- B-kodiertelectr.
- b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages]
- weilInternettelecom.
- nota bene {adv} <N.B.> [Am.]
- notabene [geh.] <NB>
- sb. learnt A from B [esp. Br.]
- jd. entnahm AAkk. BDat. [auch: jd. entnahm BDat. AAkk.]
- sb. mistook A for B
- jd. hielt A irrtümlich für B
- to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B]
- BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen
- to get a B
- eine Zwei bekommeneduc.
die Note 2 bekommeneduc.
eine Zwei / 2 kriegen [ugs.]educ.
- to match A with B [adjust]
- AAkk. BDat. anpassen
AAkk. an BAkk. anpassen
- to prefer A to B
- A (gegenüber) B vorziehen
- to stick A over B
- B mit A überkleben
- (certified) B corporation [Am.] [private certification]
- [Unternehmen, das sich verpflichtet hat, bestimmte ökolog. und soziale Standards zu erfüllen]
- A-not-B error
- A-non-B-Suchfehler {m}
A-nicht-B-Suchfehler {m}
A-nicht-B-Fehler {m}psych.
- B (class) items [ABC analysis]
- B-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse]econ.
- B double flat <Bbb>
- Heses {n}mus.
Bes {n} [selten, richtig: Heses]mus.
- B double sharp <Bx>
- Hisis {n}mus.
- B flat major
- B-Dur {n}mus.
- B flat minor
- b-Moll {n}mus.
- B sharp major
- His-Dur {n}mus.
- B sharp minor
- his-Moll {n}mus.
- b-boying [breakdance]
- B-Boying {n} [Breakdance]
- Bor {n} <B> = boron <B>
- Byte {n} <B> = byte <B>
- B-Säule {f} = B-pillar
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The larvae feed on "Betula" species, including "B. verrucosa", "B. pubescens", "B. nana" and "B. pendula".
- Several federal highways cross the rural district of Goslar. These include the B 4, B 6, B 6n, B 82, B 241, B 242 and B 498.
- Two subspecies are recognized: "B. b. baska" (Gray, 1831) and "B. b. ranongensis" (Nutaphand, 1979).
- Since the 1980s, the most popular tunings among kokles players for 11-stringed kokles are G-A-C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C (GA) and G-A-C-D-E-F-G-A-B♭-C (GA-b♭).
- The college has undergraduate courses B.B.A., B.Sc., B.A. and B.Com. It also has B.C.A.
- A similar arrangement, but without separate traction motors for each axle, would be a B′B′B′ arrangement as UIC, indistinguishably B-B-B in AAR.
- The couple has five children: Maria-Olympia (b. 1996), Constantine-Alexios (b. 1998), Achileas-Andreas (b. 2000), Odysseas-Kimon (b. 2004), and Aristidis-Stavros (b. 2008).
- "(B+B-B+B)+(B+B-B+B)" means there are 2 units, each with 4 trucks in a B+B-B+B wheel arrangement. An example was the Virginian Railway's EL-2B electric locomotives.
- Some botanists divide "B. maritima" into five species, with "B. californica", "B. fruticosa", "B. spinosa" and "B. vermiculatus" split off, but this interpretation is not widely followed.
- The genus "Belinurus" is composed by the species "B. trilobitoides" (the type species), "B. lacoei", "B. silesiacus", "B. sustai" and the dubious species "B. iswariensis", "B. kiltorcanensis". "B. metschensis" and "B. stepanovi".
- Other larger and smaller variants include the B.Delta25, B.Delta43, B.Delta64, B.Delta82 and B.Delta210.
- This enzyme is present in many Bacillus species, including B. subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. megaterium, B. mesentericus, B. cereus and B. stearothermophilus.
- Banu Humaydah trace their origin to Humaydah b. al-Harith b. Awf b. Amr b. Sa'd b. Thailbh b. Kinanah b. Bariq . They lived in Bareq with the other Bariq tribes, Al-Musa ibn Ali, Al- Isb'ai and Al-Jabali.
- The species is closely related to "B. cestriflora", "B. stachyoides", "B. tubiflora", and "B. hatschbachii".
- Five reviewers for IndieWire gave the film grades of B+, B-, B+, B, and B. The review aggregator Metacritic score is 63/100, based on 12 reviews.
- The federal roads B 2, B 6, B 87, B 181 and B 184 lead through the city area.
- In 1950 Mäkinen married Raili Kymäläisen. They had five children: Arja (b. 1951), Pirjo (b. 1952), Reijo (b. 1954), Marjo (b. 1960) and Merja (b. 1961).
- Ismāʿīl b. ʿAlī b. Maḥmūd b. Muḥammad b. ʿUmar b. Shāhanshāh b. Ayyūb b. Shādī b. Marwān (...), better known as Abū al-Fidāʾ or Abulfeda ([...]; November 1273 [...] 27 October 1331), was a Mamluk-era geographer, historian, Ayyubid prince and local governor of Hama.
- There is a hierarchy that can be expressed by two branches and its nested order: "B"3 ⊂ "B"2 ⊂ "B"; "B"1 ⊂ "B".
- Consider A, B and C to be "n"/"b"-by-"n"/"b" matrices of "b"-by-"b" sub-blocks where b is called the block size; assume three "b"-by-"b" blocks fit in fast memory.
- Presently it offers undergraduate programmes in B.Sc., B.A., B.B.A., B.Com. & B.Ed. and the medium of instruction is English.
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