 Übersetzung für 'B boy' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Breakdancer {m}
2 Wörter
boy friend <B/F>fester Freund {m}
B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]
chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>
Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.>
Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>
bed and breakfast house <B&B>
Gästehaus {n}
B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>
B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>
bed and breakfast <B&B>Frühstückspension {f}
bed and breakfast <B&B>Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>Frühstückspension {f}
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>
bottom quark <b quark, b>
Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b>
black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>
Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]
B minor <b, Bm>
h-Moll {n} <h, Hm>
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]
Grundschleier {m}
a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² >
a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² >
base plus fog <B+F, b&f>
Grundschleier {m}
bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment>Hotel garni {n}
d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >
B sharp <B#>
His {n}
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'B boy' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Breakdancer {m}dance

boy friend <B/F>
fester Freund {m}

B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]
chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>med.
Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.>
Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>educ.
bed and breakfast house <B&B>
Gästehaus {n}travel
B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>
B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>med.
bed and breakfast <B&B>
Frühstückspension {f}

Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
Frühstückspension {f}

Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>travelTrVocab.
bottom quark <b quark, b>
Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b>phys.
black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>
schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>
Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]econ.pol.
B minor <b, Bm>
h-Moll {n} <h, Hm>mus.
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.

Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]
Grundschleier {m}MedTech.photo.
a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² >
a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² >math.
base plus fog <B+F, b&f>
Grundschleier {m}photo.
bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment>
Hotel garni {n}
d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >math.
B sharp <B#>
His {n}mus.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • One was for Campbell's Soup in which a cartoon of a B-boy bear beatboxes.
  • ", Kazarian joined B-Boy as his mystery tag team partner against the World Champion Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky.
  • Their song "B-Boy Document '99" was featured in the popular "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2" video game.
  • The group has also been heavily involved in the graffiti and b-boy scene in Oslo.
  • Encouraged to record, one of his "Weekend Album Projects" was the first Boogie Down Productions LP on B-Boy Records with Scott La Rock and KRS-One.

  • In 2021, she portrayed the character Aunt Ruth in the Jussie Smollett movie "B-Boy Blues", Smollett's adaptation of the novel series written by James Earl Hardy.
  • Like POC, Black Noise's live act includes MCs, DJs and b-boy performances.
  • "Criminal Minded" is the debut studio album by hip-hop group Boogie Down Productions, released on March 3, 1987 by B-Boy Records.
  • The debut single, "B-Boy Stance", was followed by "Crabbuckit", "Man I Used to Be", and "The Love Song", each accompanied by a music video.
  • The dancing festival is the essence of the events from B-boy to traditional dances from India, Africa, Australia, Ukraine.

  • Morgan Hamm was the first person to officially introduce the B-Boy maneuver Airflare to gymnastics.
  • The competition spawned the 2007 documentary "Planet B-Boy" as well as a 2013 eponymously named feature film "Battle of the Year", both directed by Benson Lee.
  • Crazy Legs has hosted b-boy contests, appearances at live events, and staging of Rock Steady Crew Anniversaries.
  • Around 1983 with electro booming and early hip hop, breakdancing and b-boy culture making its way from the US, he left dance college to immerse himself in electronic music production.
  • All the tracks were recorded in Matt Dike's living room in Los Angeles, with the exception of the "Hello Brooklyn" and "A Year and a Day" from the "B-Boy Bouillabaisse" suite; "A Year and a Day" was recorded in Yauch's apartment building in Koreatown, Los Angeles.

  • De'Mario Monte Thornton (born June 13, 1985), known as Raz-B, is an American singer and actor, who was a founding member of R&B boy band B2K.
  • The Melbourne hip hop group 1200 Techniques was formed in 1997 by "old-school" 1980s B-boy/aerosol artist DJ Peril (founding member of Melbourne hip hop crew Island Boys).The group consisted of DJ Peril on production, turntables, and percussion; his brother Kem(Kemstar) on guitar; and N'fa on vocals.
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