Übersetzung für '
B pillar' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a B-pillar | B-pillars |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| automot. B-pillar | B-Säule {f} 69 | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.] | chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL> | |
| educ. Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.> | Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE> | |
| travel bed and breakfast house <B&B> | Gästehaus {n} | |
| med. B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL> | B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL> | |
| travelTrVocab. bed-and-breakfast <B&B> | Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B> | |
| phys. bottom quark <b quark, b> | Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b> | |
| bed and breakfast <B&B> | Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück | |
| bed and breakfast <B&B> | Frühstückspension {f} | |
| bed-and-breakfast <B&B> | Frühstückspension {f} | |
| black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W> | schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w> | |
| econ.pol. Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI> | Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)] | |
| mus. B minor <b, Bm> | h-Moll {n} <h, Hm> | |
| mus. rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| math. a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² > | a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² > | |
| MedTech.photo. base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog] | Grundschleier {m} | |
| bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment> | Hotel garni {n} | |
| photo. base plus fog <B+F, b&f> | Grundschleier {m} | |
| math. d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) > | d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) > | |
| mus. B sharp <B#> | His {n} 12 | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'B pillar' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- B-pillar
- B-Säule {f}automot.
- B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]
- chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>med.
- Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.>
- Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>educ.
- bed and breakfast house <B&B>
- Gästehaus {n}travel
- B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>
- B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>med.
- bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
- Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>travelTrVocab.
Frühstückspension {f}
- bottom quark <b quark, b>
- Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b>phys.
- bed and breakfast <B&B>
- Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
Frühstückspension {f}
- black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>
- schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
- Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>
- Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]econ.pol.
- B minor <b, Bm>
- h-Moll {n} <h, Hm>mus.
- rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
- Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
- a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² >
- a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² >math.
- base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]
- Grundschleier {m}MedTech.photo.
- bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment>
- Hotel garni {n}
- base plus fog <B+F, b&f>
- Grundschleier {m}photo.
- d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
- d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >math.
- B sharp <B#>
- His {n}mus.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Marquis and Monterey were given an exterior update, adopting a "pillared hardtop" roofline (frameless door glass supported by a thin B-pillar).
- Similarly, several cars with one or two small rear doors for rear seat passenger egress and no B-pillar have been marketed as "quad coupes". For example, the 2003 Saturn Ion and 2003 Mazda RX-8.
- The "Mini-Camper" was a weatherproof covering that fitted over the roof section from the B-pillar back to the rear bumper that was easy to set up.
- The new car had blank panels in place of the windows behind the B-pillar, thus making a van.
- The 2CV-based delivery vans introduced in the spring of 1951 differed from the sedan from the B-pillar onwards by having a box-like, spacious cargo area that could be loaded through two gullwing doors at the rear.
- In addition, the lower corners of the door apertures had welded-in curved gussets, and the doors had secondary alignment wedges at the B-pillar.
- ... head hitting B-pillar on the rebound), especially in offset crashes such as the IIHS's small overlap crash test.
- The combination of front-hinged front doors and rear-hinged rear doors allows for a design without the B-pillar, creating a large opening for entering and exiting the vehicle.
- All Stags were four-seater convertible coupés, but for structural rigidity – and to meet proposed American rollover standards of the time – the Stag required a B-pillar "roll bar" hoop connected to the windscreen frame by a T-bar.
- Based on the top of the range Princess 2200 HLS, stretched at the B-pillar to allow more room for the rear compartment, the front door remained unchanged, making the car look oddly proportioned from the side.
- The earliest of the 1968 models were available only as 2-door pillared coupes (with a B-pillar or "post" between the front and rear windows), but later in the model year, a 2-door "hardtop" model (sans pillar) was offered.
- Adjustable pedals were optional in 1976, the last year the Bonneville was offered as a pillarless 4-door hardtop; all subsequent Bonnevilles would have a thick B-pillar and metal-framed door glass.
- The Dodge Husky is different from the Iranian Paykan pickup model; it has a thicker B-pillar and retains the saloon's character lines along the side panels.
- In place of the popular hardtop roofline, the Crown Victoria was fitted with a B-pillared roofline.
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