 Übersetzung für 'B-Meson' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a B meson | B mesons
B meson
B-Meson {n}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'B-Meson' von Englisch nach Deutsch

B meson
B-Meson {n}phys.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • For the remainder of his time as a physicist, as the Director General at KEK, he oversaw successful the K2K experiment and the Belle B-meson "factory".
  • It is the first experiment that observed the mixing of the B mesons into its antiparticle, the anti-B meson (in 1987).
  • The official citation states, "For leadership in the BABAR and Belle experiments, which established the violation of CP symmetry in B meson decay, and furthered our understanding of quark mixing and quantum chromodynamics".
  • A sort of "prototype" or "precursor" B-factory was the HERA-B experiment at DESY that was planned to study B-meson physics in the 1990–2000s, before the actual B-factories were constructed/operational.
  • The Tevatron CDF experiment observed evidence of FCNC in the decay of the strange B-meson to phi mesons in 2005.

  • Experiments making precise measurements of B mesons (mesons containing b-quarks) also try to identify the particular initial B meson within the jet.
  • Since the energy of the electrons and positrons is asymmetric, the B meson pairs are created with a Lorentz boost βγ of 0.425, allowing measurements of the B meson decay times via the distance from the (known) collision point.
  • In 1987 the ARGUS detector of the DORIS storage ring was the first place where the conversion of a B-meson into its antiparticle, the anti-B-meson was observed.
  • He coauthored two papers on CP violations in B meson decays with A.
  • Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics for the invention of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.

  • BaBar focuses on the study of CP violation in the B meson system.
  • This phenomenon suggests that in the early universe, particles such as the B-meson decay into a visible Standard Model baryon as well as a dark antibaryon that is invisible to current observation techniques.
  • Neutral B meson oscillations (or [...] – [...] oscillations) are one of the manifestations of the neutral particle oscillation, a fundamental prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics.
  • In particle physics, B mesons are mesons composed of a bottom antiquark and either an up (...), down (...), strange (...) or charm quark (...).
  • With the advent of the high luminosity BaBar and Belle experiments, CLEO could no longer make competitive measurements of most of the properties of the B mesons.

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