 Übersetzung für 'B-Mode' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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B-mode [brightness modulation]
B-Mode {m} [Sonographie]
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Übersetzung für 'B-Mode' von Englisch nach Deutsch

B-mode [brightness modulation]
B-Mode {m} [Sonographie]MedTech.
  • B-Mode {m} [Sonographie] = B-mode [brightness modulation]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Most imaging techniques are operating in B-mode.
  • The poor lateral resolution in the B-mode image also results in poor lateral resolution in flow estimation.
  • An example is Porto's multi-application transport card, called Andante, that uses a chip in contact and contactless (ISO/IEC 14443 type B) mode.
  • Some systems may even use an A/B box, a device that connects multiple sets of devices to the same system, with users switching between them by flipping between the A or B mode.
  • These techniques are known as Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) In addition, treatment outcomes can be estimated in real time through visual inspection of hyperechoic changes in standard B-mode images.

  • Isochoic in ultrasound means that two structures have the same echogenicity in 2D mode (B-mode).
  • CMB exhibits 2 components of polarization: B-mode (divergence-free like magnetic field) and E-mode (curl-free gradient-only like electric field) polarization.
  • The aim of the experiment was to measure the B-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background between multipoles of 20 and 1000 down to a sensitivity limited by the foreground contamination due to lensing.
  • If "B"-mode polarization from gravitational waves can be measured, it would provide direct evidence supporting cosmic inflation and could eliminate or support various inflation models based on the level detected.
  • Soft tissue edema and nodal matting on B-mode imaging suggests tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis or previous radiation therapy.

  • Additional ground-based instruments such as the South Pole Telescope in Antarctica and the proposed Clover Project, Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the QUIET telescope in Chile will provide additional data not available from satellite observations, possibly including the B-mode polarization.
  • In 1962, after about two years of work, Joseph Holmes, William Wright, and Ralph Meyerdirk developed the first compound contact B-mode scanner.
  • The BICEP2 experiment detected what was initially thought to be primordial B-mode polarization caused by gravitational waves in the early universe.
  • Voxels can contain multiple scalar values, essentially vector (tensor) data; in the case of ultrasound scans with B-mode and Doppler data, density, and volumetric flow rate are captured as separate channels of data relating to the same voxel positions.
  • The second type of B-modes was discovered in 2013 using the South Pole Telescope with help from the Herschel Space Observatory.

  • In particular, high precision measurements of the so-called "B-modes" of the polarization of the background radiation could provide evidence of the gravitational radiation produced by inflation, and could also show whether the energy scale of inflation predicted by the simplest models ([...] ~ [...] GeV) is correct.
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