Übersetzung für '
BFG' von Englisch nach Deutsch
2 Übersetzungen
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- Recurring weapons of the series also make a return, including the super shotgun and BFG 9000.
- January 5, 2009, BFG Technologies launched its desktop computer line called Phobos that features a touch panel LCD with performance control, BFG Tech graphic cards, liquid cooling solutions from CoolIT and Intel processors.
- The British Army of the Rhine was renamed British Forces Germany (BFG) in 1994.
- British Forces Germany (BFG) is the name for British Armed Forces service personnel and civilians based in Germany.
- On 30 June 2016, "The BFG Game" based on the movie "The BFG" directed by Steven Spielberg and the book 'The BFG' written by Roald Dahl made its debut for mobile devices, introduced by Reliance Games.
- However, pursuant to the project's merger with repoze.bfg since November 2010, newer versions of Pylons are actually different from the original Pylons 1.0.
- As with the other four Grand Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the GL BFG is autonomous in matters of internal order and ritual.
- is directly from the blast furnace gas (BFG). It is possible to use carbon capture technology on the BFG before the BFG goes on to be used for heat exchange processes within the plant.
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