 Übersetzung für 'BME' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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biomedical engineering <BME>
Biomedizintechnik {f} <BMT>
biomedical engineering <BME>
Mediziningenieurwesen {n} <BME>
benign myoclonic epilepsy <BME>
benigne myoklonische Epilepsie {f}
bone marrow edema [Am.] <BME>
Knochenmarködem {n} <KMÖ>
bone marrow edema [Am.] <BME>
Knochenmarksödem {n} <KMÖ>
Bachelor of Music Education <BME>
Bachelor {m} of Music Education [Bakkalaureus der Musikerziehung]
6 Übersetzungen
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  • Mediziningenieurwesen {n} <BME> = biomedical engineering <BME>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • BME owns the stocks exchanges of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Bilbao as well as Latibex, the only international market for Latin American securities, and the company Openfinance, a provider of technology in the wealth management industry.
  • On 13 March 1854 the Bergisch-Märkische Railway Company (German: "Bergisch-Märkische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft", BME) took over the operation of the route.
  • This network included BME police staff members throughout the UK, and soon after its formation, members of the network resolved that a national association of BME police staff members should be formed, with the motto: "One voice, strength in unity".
  • The BME monitors health-related station systems and Crew Health Care Systems (CHeCS) equipment.
  • Delight Delight Reduplication allowed the .bme format to be played, most significantly allowing the 7 line format similar to the KONAMI Beatmania IIDX series to be played.

  • Given a reasonable prior knowledge function, BME will yield a state strictly within the n-dimensional Bloch sphere.
  • Biomedical engineering (BME) or medical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g., diagnostic or therapeutic).
  • To solve this drawback, Pauplin proposed to replace OLS with a new particular branch length estimation model, known as Balanced Minimum Evolution (BME).
  • The BME Growth is a sub-market of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME), the Spanish company that deals with the organizational aspects of the Spanish stock exchanges and financial markets, which includes the stock exchanges in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia.
  • On 26 October 1860, the first section was opened from Witten BME to Bochum BME (at one time called "Bochum Sud" station).

  • Neighbor joining may be viewed as a greedy heuristic for the Balanced Minimum Evolution (BME) criterion.
  • At age 14 Morales started his first business and named it BME which stood for Bob Morales Enterprises.
  • sch.bme.hu [...]. From there on, since early 1998, it was in the hands of Ádám Hegyi, who has been the maintainer ever since.
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